shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
The Unlicense
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Change the Button IDs #146

Closed Kniggebogge closed 1 year ago

Kniggebogge commented 1 year ago

And again,

is there a way to change the button IDs?

I need to create many Buttons. All of them should just add a number (to the title) and disappear again. Therefor I created a "Buttons" Note with all my buttons in it. But the way over the button maker would be sooo cumbersome. Instead I would like to copy&paste the button code (like:

name 1044BF
type prepend text
action #1044BF
remove true

) and just change the name, action and ID by search and replace (all the same name).


Kniggebogge commented 1 year ago

I am so sorry!! The ID should be the ^button-1045 under the button block! Or?

I tried it but it didn't worked. But it seems, I just was "too fast!" ... I need to wait at least some seconds, that Obsidian change the block ID :D.