shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
The Unlicense
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Append mode adds an extra line #152

Closed tsbertalan closed 5 months ago

tsbertalan commented 1 year ago

When I have a button like

name fdsaf
type prepend template
action inbox processing
remove button-fdsaf


It inserts the specified template just above the fenced block, without any additional lines.

However, when I do

name fdsaf
type append template
action inbox processing
remove button-fdsaf


It puts a new blank line that's not in the template after the ^button-fdsaf line.

The template in question has no blank lines--the first character is a bullet and the last character is a period.

I suppose this could be a matter of preference, but I'm in favor of adding no new lines--those can be put in the template if desired.

ponbaton commented 1 year ago

Seconding this: there should be an option to disable the blank line insertion. Now it is impossible to make any kind of most recent item-first list without the button adding its own edits to the template