shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
The Unlicense
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Simple append text just disappears #153

Closed holroy closed 5 months ago

holroy commented 1 year ago

The following simple button make the text appear for a split second before removed again:

name Javascript
type append text
action Javascript-text
templater true


I'm using Obsidian 1.0.3 (, Templater 1.16.0) , and Buttons 0.4.19.  If I remove the `templater true` line, it adds the text, but I would like to actually use templater stuff in the added text. 

Have I done something strange, or is this a bug?
xeor commented 1 year ago

This happens for me as well when using templater=true

holroy commented 1 year ago

And now that workaround doesn't work either. It replaces all the text in my note with the output of the template.

johnpearman commented 1 year ago

having trouble with this also

johnpearman commented 1 year ago

type append template instead of type append text works i think