shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
The Unlicense
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buttons dont't show up in Style Settings #158

Closed ltroj closed 5 months ago

ltroj commented 1 year ago suggests that the button style can be configured in the Style Settings plugin. However, no options appear there.

Also, the buttons use a different font than specified in Obsidian's Appearance/Theme Settings.

I use Obsidian 1.1.9 with the Minimal theme.

EDIT: After Reloading Style Settings plugin the Buttons Settings appeared.

Still the default button font doesn't match Obsidians default.

ShadowPaint-SP commented 9 months ago

I had the same issue. I am using the Sanctum theme which also has style settings. When i deactivate the style the button style settings appear.

BUT there is a fix for this problem. To access the Button style settings you just have to add a /*! as the first line in the style.css then it shows up like it should.

Hope this helps some people who use other Plugins/Themes which also use the style settings pllugin

shabegom commented 5 months ago

should be fixed