shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
The Unlicense
455 stars 47 forks source link

Please add a LICENSE file #166

Closed joshua-mcintosh closed 5 months ago

joshua-mcintosh commented 1 year ago


I work at a company that is particular about the code employees download and use, particularly with respect to some of the more virulent FOSS licenses (its policies are identical to In some cases employees are disallowed from downloading the software in any form to avoid even the suspicion of misuse or worse, tainting it's products with said code on accident.

I've found this plugin somewhat interesting, having been exposed to it initially in a zip'd vault alongside other resources, and may be interested in using it at work. It would be useful to me and IMO generally if the project adopted and committed a LICENSE file to describe how the project would like to set terms on use of the software and source code, as this would help me (and similarly interested folks) know how we should treat the code.

(note that I'm not speaking on behalf of my employer nor offering any advice for, or against, any particular license or position here other than making it explicit; you shouldn't pick based on what may benefit me, but by what is right for the project :-) if I can't use it at work, I'll find a way forward!)