shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
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When I make a new note from a template using a button, auto time-stamp syntax does not work. How can I fix it? #171

Closed MCSipahioglu closed 1 year ago

MCSipahioglu commented 1 year ago

I have a button in a dashboard document like this:

name New Essay Entry
type note(Essays/Insert Essay Name) template
action Essay Template

Inside the "Essay Template" this button creates a note from, I have a time stamp like: {{date}} {{time}} in the beginning of the template. However once the new note is created from this template using this button, I still see the string "{{date}} {{time}}" and not the date like "2023-04-01 00:00". How can I fix this? (When I insert a template from the command palette there are no problems but I want the button to insert the template as well)

MCSipahioglu commented 1 year ago

I have solved this issue by using a templater date <"D MMM YYYY")%> and turning the trigger templater at new file creation on. However as far as I'm concerned there is no solution using vanilla obsidian + buttons