shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
The Unlicense
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Text appears and disappears using "templater true" #184

Closed Snens1573 closed 5 months ago

Snens1573 commented 1 year ago

Whenever i use a button with templater true, it inserts the text and it immediately disappears.

Same issue as here and here

Obsidian: Version 1.3.5 Buttons: Version 0.4.19

Snens1573 commented 12 months ago

I found a workaround from another post which works, but it requires to create a new temmplate note for every button


name templater true workaround
type prepend template
action Template Testing
CedricShang commented 10 months ago

Same here, I've checked the console but there is no log.

my button:

name addWorkoutRecords
type append template
action Workout Record Template
templater true
color blue

Now I cope around by clicking the button and then Ctrl-Z to get the content back.

CedricShang commented 10 months ago

another workaroud: After just deteting the "templater true",somehow my templater style time still get transcribed into readable datetime, enough for me. But still, why?

parties commented 10 months ago

I wonder if this issue is from an update to the templater library that hasn't been accounted for in Buttons 🤔

shabegom commented 5 months ago

should be fixed. reopen if still an issue.

lightheaded commented 5 months ago

Superb, thank you so much!