shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
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Add default folder and prompt for name settings #204

Closed unxok closed 5 months ago

unxok commented 5 months ago

My Issue

I wanted to be able to create notes at the click of a button and have them be from specific template into a specific folder and prompt for a name of the new note.

The workaround as is

There were a couple options to try and achieve this with the plugin as is:

  1. Put the folder name in the name of the file for the button.
    • This worked but I would have to go and still manually rename the file.
  2. Create a Templater script in a note, have the button 'append' it (disappears when triggered) and that script is what will actually do the prompting of a name and creating the file in a specific folder
    • This was annoying because I had to create a separate 'template command' file for each template to change the default folder location.

My Fork

With my fork I added two settings, one for setting a default folder to place the files in and another to choose to prompt for a name on clicking the button and it works! So I am happy with this fork of mine, but it would be cool if you were interesting in merging this to the main branch but idk.


I probably should have added in for the default folder setting to search the vault and suggest folders to be able to choose from. Also, pressing enter in the name prompt should submit without having to click the button (or tab enter works too).

But I whipped this up in a couple hours and I am tired and hungry, so maybe I will make that update tomorrow :)

unxok commented 5 months ago

Addresses #69

unxok commented 4 months ago

Oh wow thanks for the merge!

I still intend to go back and make the changes I mentioned before. I am on vacation this week so I am hoping to do that soon!