shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
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Inline button doesn't support templater #215

Open Moyf opened 4 months ago

Moyf commented 4 months ago

I got a button like this:

name 📑打开晨间日记
type link
action obsidian://advanced-uri?filepath=<% await"M月D日") %>&openmode=tab
templater true


It would open the Daily Note by teamplater's function. And when pressing it, It works well.

But if I use inline-button(button-openMjNote ), it seems that the templater param doesn't work anymore: image

komiksam commented 4 months ago

Same problem here. Not only inline buttons, but any "type append template" button. I solved it installing release 0.4.19.

cacharbe commented 4 months ago

High probability related to #212