shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
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Create note if button links to not created yet note #216

Closed machado-t closed 4 months ago

machado-t commented 4 months ago

Is it possible for a button that links to a not created yet note, to create it? Purpose is a button in daily note that links to tomorrow's note:

name Day after
type link
action obsidian://open?vault=ObsidianVault&file=Daily%20Notes%2F2024%2F02-February%2F2024-02-23-Fri
color blue
shabegom commented 4 months ago

You could do this with a Templater template that checks if the note exists and if it doesn't creates it.

You might also get this to work using the advanced-uri plugin.

machado-t commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your input. I'm not sure how to do this with any of those plugins. If anyone has a similar setup please do show.

shabegom commented 4 months ago

Please ask these types of questions in the Obsidian members discord. You can ask in the #templater channel for a Templater specific solution or #plugin-general for other options.

machado-t commented 3 months ago

Meta bind buttons can do this