shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
The Unlicense
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Button will not remove after click #28

Closed ryadaj closed 3 years ago

ryadaj commented 3 years ago

This plugin is amazing! Thank you so much.

Just having trouble getting the button to remove after clicking. Here is the snippet:

name Monday Checklist
type prepend template
action Template Monday Checklist
remove true

It inserts the template but doesn't remove, it just moves to the bottom of the template.

Sorry if there is an obvious solution—I'm not a tech savvy person haha.

Thanks for all your hard work!

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ryadaj commented 3 years ago

Feel free to roll this into the Double Button issue as I'm also following that hoping to remove two buttons once I can wrap my head around it

shabegom commented 3 years ago

I've just pushed an update that might fix this error. Please update to 0.3.8 and confirm. Thanks!

ryadaj commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your speed! Now when I click a button, only one is removed and then there are code blocks at the bottom

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ryadaj commented 3 years ago

Actually I added a space between the IDs and the next block and now it works perfectly. Thanks so much for this!! :)

raddevon commented 2 years ago

I'm still having this problem on version 0.4.11. I have this template:

start-time: 2021-07-17T10:34:33.278-07:00
medium: Skype

Cmd-E to edit this call log

<!-- Leave everything below this line alone -->

name End Call
type line(3) template
action call end time
templater true
color red
remove true

The button renders properly. Clicking the button inserts the template and processes the templater commands. The button is not removed though. It flashes as though it's being removed and re-added, but I'm not clear why.

Is this related, or should I open a new issue?