shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
The Unlicense
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[Bug] Multiple Buttons Results in Wrong Button Being Run #44

Closed SlRvb closed 3 years ago

SlRvb commented 3 years ago

It seems like if I have multiple buttons on one page it puts the wrong template on the new note and puts it in the wrong folder. I tried it both with and without templater scripts and got the same result.



shabegom commented 3 years ago

First of all, excellent use of buttons I'm proud.

Secondly, ohhh noooo that's not good! I will try to recreate and fix.

Out of pure curiosity, if you add a button block-id below each of those buttons, does the problem get solved?

SlRvb commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, no it didn't. It still seems to only run the Workout Log button for some reason.

...Which I now see that it was using the wrong template, so I think the only issue is which button it decides to run when there are multiple.

shabegom commented 3 years ago

wow, this was a really dumb error on my part. I've fixed it and am cutting a release now!

shabegom commented 3 years ago

@SlRvb did the 0.4.8 release fix this? If yes, wanna close the issue?

SlRvb commented 3 years ago

Finally had a chance to test it out and it works now, thanks!