shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
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Remove button not working when using Templater system prompt #70

Closed insecurejezza closed 5 months ago

insecurejezza commented 2 years ago

When I use the template button to run a template using multiple tp.system.prompt commands the removal of the instructed buttons works on click but the buttons all reappear after the final prompt has been responded to. Below is the template I am using:

Did you achieve what you set out to do this session?

Did you get bogged down? Where?

Any takeaways or lessons?

Below is the button:

name End Session 
type append template
action Templ - WC Debrief
remove true
color purple


Thanks for the awesome plugin :)

Lx commented 2 years ago

Thank you @insecurejezza for making me aware of this Templater feature!

Pull request #117 has a bug fix that should make this work.