A server status block (or widget) for Xenforo which shows the status of your Minecraft servers as well as a player list.
I am no longer activly developing this add-on. It was last updated at the beginning of 2014 and has been tested to work with XenForo 1.2.0 but may work in later versions too.
It used to be available as a paid add-on in the XenForo community but due to a lack of time and other commitments it is now here, open sourced under the MIT license. Feel free to fork, update and rerelease the add-on or do anything else with the code as long as you include the license and the copyright notice. It would be cool if you let me know too :).
I like to keep all the code in one place but in reality XenForo requires you to have it in multiple places. The directory structure in this repository follows where the code should be in XenForo's layout; so to work with it in a development installation I create symlinks between the two.
The code does have comments and follows the structure that most XenForo addons but it was one of my early coding projects; so if you need some clarification on anything in the code feel free to send a PM to me (shadrxninga) on XenForo and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.