shagabutdinov / sublime-snippet-caller

Snippet system on top of default sublime snippets
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Sublime SnippetCaller plugin

Snippet system on top of default sublime snippets. That glorious plugin provides invaluable features if you use snippets much.

Please refer section "Right way to use snippets" if you are not snippet user yet.




This plugin is part of sublime-enhanced plugin set. You can install sublime-enhanced and this plugin will be installed automatically.

If you would like to install this package separately check "Installing packages separately" section of sublime-enhanced package.


This plugin will not works with multicursors properly: all work will be done only for the first cursor and then reused for others; it works like this because sublime's snippet system does not provide way to specify different snippet values for different cursors and workaround requires complete rewriting of sublime's internal snippet system.

This plugin does not work with completions popup (ctrl+space), because sublime does not provide API to catch snippet expansion from completions popup and there is no way to see which completion currently selected in list.

This plugin does not support variable regexps (e.g. ${foo/a/b/ig}). Only plain variables supported (e.g. $foo or $bar).



Snippets should have ".sublime-snippet-enhanced" or ".sublime-snippet" extension in order to work with this plugin. All default snippets should work without changes.

Snippet is xml-file somewhere in packages path. Xml file keys description:

Example snippet (php yii):

  <?= Html::encode(${1:$indented_selection}) ?>
    <scope>text.html(?!.*source)</scope> <!-- allow only in html but not in source code -->
        // file name should contain .php at the end; does not allow snippet to
        // be executed in .erb and other similar files that have html code
        {"key": "filename", "operator": "regex_contains", "operand": "\\.php(\\.\\w+)?$"},

        // 'yii' should be listed in settings.frameworks (defined in project settings)
        {"key": "settings.frameworks", "operator": "regex_contains", "operand": "'yii'"},
        // ensure "use yii\\helpers\\Html;" is in beginning of file
          "command": "create_keyword",
          "args": {"keyword_type": "php.use", "keyword": "yii\\helpers\\Html"},

Example class snippet (ruby):

  class $class

    <tabTrigger>C</tabTrigger> <!-- note that "C" is in capital case -->
  {'class': view.file_name() and __import__('re').sub(r'^.*/(.*)\.\w+$', '\\1', view.file_name()).title() or ''}

Extremely helpful for debugging print-snippet (php):


Right way to use snippets

Snippets it is one of the most powerful instruments of developer that reduce plain typing drastically and allows developer to concentrate on solving current task but not typing.

I think most of people are using snippets in wrong way. It is common to type a "while" than hit "tab" and receive "while($1) { $2 }". There is no profit to type whole "while" even if it makes snippet unambiguous. If you use "while" enough often, the right way to run snippet will be to type "w" then hit "tab". And there is real profit will begin.

If you'll look over your code you'll find that some words are appears everywhere and there is no reason to type it everywhere again and again manually. Let's your editor to care about typing non-unique content (or common tasks automation). Man should care about what he has to tell editor to do but not doing editor's job instead of it. Along with sublime-autocompletion plugin typing can be reduced to typing unique content of program. Non-unique content can be done by editor.

Snippets should be easy to use but not necessary unambiguous. It is like shorthand of journalists for developers. You type two characters and receive thirty. Or receive some valuable execution like inserting most probable name of class or doing some useful job. When used over time snippets became used automatically so there is no discomfort with strange tab triggers.

It's shame that even snippets systems creators puts large unusable tab triggers to example snippets.

So my advise: map your snippets to 1-3 characters of tab-trigger and make it intellectual. I'll try to help you to do it by providing useful stuff like "last_assigned_variable".


Description Keyboard shortcut
Insert snippet or goto next field tab
Show snippet caller panel ctrl+\


For "last assigned variable" snippet variable: