A Pokemon catching and (sorta) exploring CLI application.
Built for the corresponding Boot.dev course in an effort to learn the ins and outs of Golang by me.
Download a working version of go based on your system in the corresponding Go Lang Website.
Download an appropriate executable file from the Releases page. That's it.
Kinda self-explanatory, ain't it?
You're in the PokeText CLI. Remember to use the help
command if you're ever stuck
Easy peasy.
git clone https://github.com/shahank42/poketext.git
cd poketext
go build && ./poketext
This is for Loonix. Do the corresponding thing if you're on Windows or some other OS.
That's exactly what I asked myself before I started. Like everyone else, I dismissed the idea of creating a CLI Pokedex because, well, it seemed too easy and not "cool enough". But then I realized that despite how much I keep touting about Golang I didn't have any proper project written in it. Welp time to change that. I was gonna finish this seemingly easy project in one night.
It was more involved than I expected it to be. Not anything too difficult, but yeah definitely a good exercise of the brain.
Here are the things I learned along the way:
Overall it's nice, maybe I can keep on developing it and add a bunch of cool features if I get enough willpower and motivation.
Lol idk why anyone would, but sure any contributions are welcome.
Maybe you're also learning Golang and are diving into open-source contributions? Well then PokeText can act as a cool first repository, just imagine contributing to some stranger's project :-)