shaimaeid / laravel-api-assets

Laravel Api custom classes and main API controllers
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Welcome to the Laravel Custom Classes Repository! This repository contains a collection of custom classes that I've created while working on various Laravel projects. These classes are designed to provide additional functionality, utilities, and enhancements to Laravel applications.

Table of Contents


In the course of developing Laravel applications, I often encountered scenarios where I needed specific functionalities not readily available in Laravel's core features or existing packages. To address these needs, I created custom classes tailored to solve particular problems or streamline common tasks.

This repository serves as a central location to store and share these custom classes with the Laravel community. Whether you're looking for solutions to similar challenges or seeking inspiration for your own custom implementations, I hope you find these classes useful.


To use the custom classes in your Laravel project, you can simply copy the desired class files into your project's directory structure and import them into your code as needed. Alternatively, you can include this repository as a Git submodule in your project for easier integration and updates.

Please refer to the individual class files for usage instructions, documentation, and examples. Feel free to modify and adapt the classes to suit your specific requirements.

List of Custom Classes

Below is a brief overview of the custom classes included in this repository:

Each class file may include additional documentation, usage examples, and comments to aid in understanding and integration.


Contributions to this repository are welcome! If you have created custom classes that you believe would be valuable to other Laravel developers, feel free to submit a pull request. Please ensure that your classes adhere to best practices, are well-documented, and include appropriate tests if applicable.

If you encounter any issues, have suggestions for improvements, or would like to request new custom classes, please open an issue on GitHub.


This repository is open-source and available under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the custom classes included herein, subject to the terms and conditions of the license.

Happy coding!