shamanDevel / quick-mlp

Fused Multi-layer-perceptrons in CUDA
MIT License
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QuickMLP: Fused Networks for Scene Representation Networks

This project contains fused CUDA kernels for evaluating scene representation networks using custom activation functions, various input encodings and flexible layer specifications.

It is the successor of fV-SRN (, my previous project; and adapts further idea from tiny-cuda-nn (, a concurrent development of such fused MLPs.


QuickMLP (this project) fV-SRN tiny-cuda-nn
full CUDA code generation and compilation during runtime partial CUDA runtime compilation static CUDA compilation
different sizes at every layer supported limited layer sizes, all must be identical flexible layer sizes, but all must be identical and limited to a pre-defined set
supports bias in the fully-connected layers supports bias no bias supported
fully-customizable and user-definable activation functions, can be different at every layer fixed set of activation functions fixed set of activation functions
supports fused training+inference only inference is fused supports fused training+inference
single kernel for input encoding + network evaluation single kernel for input encoding + network evaluation one kernel per input encoding, one kernel for the network

In other words, this project builds upon the runtime compilation idea of fV-SRN to provide fully fused kernels with maximal flexibility. The user can freely customize the network layer sizes and activation functions and arbitrarily plug them together. To support training as well, we adapt ideas of tiny-cuda-nn how the weight update and backpropagation can be realized.

Example network specification




Compilation + Project Structure


Don't forget to clone this repository with submodules (git clone --recurse-submodules). Or if you forgot to clone with submodules, you can initialize them afterwards with git submodule init & git submodule update.

C++ library

The C++ library is located in src_cpp/include and src_cpp/src.

To compile, include the root folder of QuickMLP as a subdirectory in CMake. Then, link against qmlp::qmlp-library.

Python / PyTorch bindings

Compile the PyTorch extension: Use!

  1. Activate your python environment, if desired (virtualenv or conda)
  2. Go to the root directory of QuickMLP.
  3. Call pip -e .
  4. Enjoy!

Note: right now, compilation is only possible in developer-mode, i.e. the files in this folder are directly used and not copied to the python installation. I haven't figured out yet how to copy the resource files (kernel sources) to the installation target in Ideas, issues, PRs are welcome!

API Documentation

The following documentation is written for the Python bindings, but it holds true for the C++ library as well. Just change the class names from snake_case to CamelCase and you'll have the associated C++ class / method.

Example json specification of the network and encoding:

    "num_inputs": 3,
    "num_outputs": 1,
    "activation_specification": [
    "encodings": [
            "id": "identity",
            "start_in": 0,
            "n_in": 3
    "network": [
            "n_out": 16,
            "bias": false,
            "activation": "relu"
            "n_out": 1,
            "bias": false,
            "activation": "relu"
    "options": {}  //<-- optional

TODO: json documentation for encoding+network

Compile Options

The compile options are key-value pairs in the options field of the network specification. The following options are available:






QuickMLP is shipped under the permissive MIT license.

Bug reports

If you find bugs in the library, feel free to open an issue. I will continue to use this library in future projects and therefore continue to improve and extend this library. Of course, pull requests are more than welcome.