shamspias / customizable-gpt-chatbot

A dynamic, scalable AI chatbot built with Django REST framework, supporting custom training from PDFs, documents, websites, and YouTube videos. Leveraging OpenAI's GPT-3.5, Pinecone, FAISS, and Celery for seamless integration and performance.
367 stars 80 forks source link
artificial-intelligence autogpt chatbot conversational-ai data-preprocessing django django-rest-framework gpt-3 gpt-voice langchain langchain-python longchain machine-learning natural-language-processing nlp python voice-chat voice-recognition voice-to-text voice-transcription

Dynamic AI Chatbot with Custom Training Sources


This project is a dynamic AI chatbot that can be trained from various sources, such as PDFs, documents, websites, and YouTube videos. It uses a user system with social authentication through Google, and the Django REST framework for its backend. The chatbot leverages OpenAI's GPT-3.5 language model to conduct conversations and is designed for scalability and ease of use.



Major Libraries:

Future Scope

How to run

In linux and mac need to install 'sudo apt install python3-dev -y`

  1. Make sure that you have the development libraries for libcurl installed on your system. You can install them by running the following command: sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev gcc libssl-dev -y
  2. Make sure that you have the latest version of pip and setuptools installed by running the following command: pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
  3. pip install pycurl


The chatbot can be deployed on Heroku or AWS by following the standard procedures for Django deployment on these platforms.



Make sure that you have API key from OpenAI before running the project.

This is just a basic implementation of the project, you can always add more features and customization according to your requirement.
