shamsudheen / Google-TTS-Library-For-iOS

The Google TTS For iOS will provide the capability to write Text-To-Speech iOS applications using Google TTS services.
36 stars 8 forks source link

smarter text splitting #1

Open mluu510 opened 11 years ago

mluu510 commented 11 years ago

Currently, this library splits the text exactly at the 100 character mark to comply with Google TTS character limit. I think it's better if it cuts off at the last whitespace near the 100 character mark. I would love to contribute but you closed the source. Thanks for your work!

jmarizgit commented 10 years ago

Supporting this request... also would be nice to have this project open sourced

bagusflyer commented 10 years ago

No source code?

shamsudheen commented 10 years ago

I will fix it on tomorrow :)