shamsudheen / Google-TTS-Library-For-iOS

The Google TTS For iOS will provide the capability to write Text-To-Speech iOS applications using Google TTS services.
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Google TTS For iOS will provide the capability to write Text-To-Speech iOS applications using Google TTS services.

Library Features:

  1. No limitation for characters where Google TTS only limited to 100 characters.
  2. This is English only for now.Spanish and Arabic are coming soon.

How To use:

1.Clone git repository or download a ZIP archive (and unzip).

2.Find the downloaded files , add libGoogle_TTS_ByShamsu_Universal.a & Google_TTS_BySham.h into your project.

3.Import "Google_TTS_BySham.h" in to your class file. #import "Google_TTS_BySham.h"

4.Add AVFoundation.framework in to your project.

5.Build your Project.

Sample Code:

@property (nonatomic,strong)Google_TTS_BySham *google_TTS_BySham;

 self.google_TTS_BySham = [[Google_TTS_BySham alloc] init];
 [self.google_TTS_BySham speak:@"This is a text to speech sample application By Sham"];