shantytown / shanty

Meet Shanty, the project tool orchestrator.
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Shanty is a tool orchestrator. You can think of Shanty like make, but self-configuring, modular and useful for tasks that don't necessarily create files. It is designed to make it easy for you to build dependencies between projects, and execute tasks across this tree of relationships, regardless of what language or technology these projects use. The aim is consistency in the way you configure, manage, build, test and deploy your projects.

What Shanty Does

Lets say you have a project Service that builds an artifact. This project has a dependency on the artifact of another project called Core. We want to make a Docker container for the Service project.

In order to do this, you need to build the Core dependency, then build the Service project, and then build the Docker container.

Managing this in existing setups often requires cobbling together shell scripts, configuration files, and the build tools of your choice. Shanty is designed to manage these relationships for you, abstracting the tasks of building and linking these projects into plugins that get auto-triggered based on these relationships.

In this scenario, the relationship between Core, Service and the Docker container would be discovered, and builds would happen in order with the correct artifacts wired into where they need to be. Triggering this build would be as simple as shanty build, and the rest is taken care of for you.

 Using Shanty

 Getting Started

Firstly, you need to install Shanty, which is available as a gem from

gem install shanty

Then, inside the root of the project directory you want Shanty to manage, run the following to get started:

shanty init

This creates a .shanty.yml file, designating this folder as the root of the project tree.


Shanty will try to find projects automatically using any Shanty plugins you have installed. The core of Shanty comes with a few built-in plugins:

To add more plugins, simply create a Gemfile in the root of the Shanty tree and add the plugins you would like. The Bundler plugin wil

Built-In Tasks

Using Plugins

Writing Plugins

Per-Project Configuration


We welcome any contribution, whether big or small! Simply raise GitHub pull requests, and we'll collaborate with you! If you need ideas on what to work on, look at the list of GitHub issues or come and talk to us on our Gitter IM channel!