shaoguangcheng / faceFrontalization

Align a face in profile to front view
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Face Frontalization

To align a face in profile to front view. This system is an implemetation of paper "Effective Face Frontalization in Unconstrained Images".

Tal Hassner, Shai Harel, Eran Paz, Roee Enbar"


frontalization [queryImage] [facialPointsFile] [3DModelFile]

(A demo : ./frontalization image.png ../data/facialFeaturePoint.yml ../3DModel/model3D.yml Before running the code, you should modify the "refU.txt" path in 3DModel/model3D.yml according to your settings. Otherwise, you will see "line: 73, file: ../frontalUtil.cpp, message: open /home/cheng/workshop/github/faceFrontalization/3DModel/refU.txt error")


frontalization : program name
query image : input image
facialPointsFile : facial feature points detected by SDM
3DModelFile : predefined 3D model (already provided)


The left one is input image and the right one is output. p1 p2


"Effective Face Frontalization in Unconstrained Images" by Tal Hassner, Shai Harel, Eran Paz, Roee Enbar