sharky5102 / fbmatrix

Framebuffer RGB matrix driver for Raspberry pi
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
10 stars 4 forks source link

FBMatrix: an RGB display library for Raspberry Pi 4


HUB75 demo on Adafruit 32x32 RGB matrix using Adafruit RGB matrix bonnet

Quick setup for HUB75 RGB matrices

Assuming 1/16 scan RGB matrix

This assumes a clean NOOBS install. It should be booting into X-Windows (not a command prompt) and networking should be configured and working.

  1. Make sure you can access your pi over the network via SSH. You will not be able to use the HDMI port together with FBMatrix (although I think it is possible, just haven't spent to time to find the right configuration). If you can't access your pi via ssh, you can set it up using

    sudo raspi-config

    then select "Interfacing Options" and then "SSH"

  2. You need to enable the DPI display output on your Raspberry pi, by adding the following to your /boot/config.txt:

    dpi_timings=4096 0 0 0 0 194 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 50000000 6
  3. Power off the pi, and attach the RGB bonnet and RGB display to the bonnet. Make sure the RGB matrix also has power.

  4. Boot the pi. While it boots, your LED matrix will start to display some junk. This is because it is interpreting the boot sequence output by DPI as a data signal. Just ignore it.

  5. Once the pi has booted, ssh to your pi, and run:

    pip3 install ffpyplayer pyrr numpy PyOpenGL
    git clone
    cd fbmatrix
    export DISPLAY=:0
    ./fbmplay some_video.mp4

Presto! You should see a beautiful rendering of your video on your RGB matrix, with sound playing from the audio jack.

If someone is interested, I think we should be able to run with HDMI enabled for your actual monitor, and the second "monitor" providing the DPI output. This would also fix the junk display output during boot.

Technical overview

FBMatrix works quite differently than other RGB driver libraries like the excellent rgbmatrix library. Instead of the CPU driving the GPIO pins in the correct order at the correct time, FBMatrix utilizes the DPI output driver of the video card on the Raspberry Pi4.

The DPI driver is normally used to send digital data to LCD screens. It does this by scanning the video memory left-to-right, top-to-bottom and outputting each R, G and B value for a pixel at the same time to GPIO4-27 (24 bits, 8 bits Red, 8 bits Green, 8 bits Blue) at a rate selected by the dot clock of the video card (anywhere between 1 and a few hundred Mhz). This means that we effectively have 24 controllable digital output streams. WS2811 need only one stream, and HUB75E needs 14 streams. So that's easily enough!

This library crafts a specially prepared framebuffer based on the desired output data, which sets the correct bits of the R, G and B channels of the framebuffer, so that the GPIO pins go HIGH at just the right moment. The beauty of this method is that the DPI driver will keep driving the output, even when the CPU is idle. This means that once the output has been written to the framebuffer, the connected RGB matrix or ws281x string will continue to show the frame until the framebuffer is cleared or otherwise updated.

Finally, the framebuffer crafting is performed by the GPU by using OpenGL GLSL shaders. The GPU is particularly useful because calculating the value of each pixel's R, G and B values is inherently parellelizable, plus OpenGL gives us some nice tools to do Gamma correction and supersampling easily.

HUB75(e) technical details

To use HUB75e, we use the following rendering method (assuming 1/16 scan RGB matrix):

Using WS281x output

FBMatrix also supports using WS281x "neopixel" LED strings. Currently, only a single output is supported. One way of physically connecting the LED string to your Pi is by using the RGB matrix bonnet, because it contains a 3.3v to 5.0v level shifter for all the output pins. In that case you simply connect one of the data pins of the 16-pin cable (for example, the R1 pin) to your data-in (Din) pin of the ws281x, and you'll have a working setup.

You can also try to connect one of the GPIO outputs directly (eg GPIO4), but that has 3.3v output levels so depending on your string, this may or may not work. My experience is that it works generally, but there is a lot of noise and flickering on the output if you don't have a level shifter.

Here is an example of running a video on a ws2811 string.

To use this, you can use the same configuration as for HUB75 (see above), except that the resolution used by DPI should be different. In this case, use the following configuration for timings:

dpi_timings=840 0 0 0 0 1024 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 60 0 27000000 6

Additionally, you will have to supply a "layout.json" file. This layout file simply lists the position in 3d space of each of your LEDs. In most cases, your layout will have the LEDs in a flat surface, so the z value (the third value of each pixel), will be 0.0. Example contents for a 3-pixel ws281x string:

  [ -1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
  [  0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
  [  1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]

As you can see, the values should be normalized to a (-1, 1) range. The file above defines 3 LEDs, the first on the left, then one in the middle, and then one on the right. Each pixel has an x, y and z parameter.

If you have a perfect matrix (for example, you have a ws281x matrix on a PCB), then you can use the script to generate a layout.json file:

./ --columns 64 --rows 16 > layout.json

To play a video, use the same procedure as for HUB75 to play a video, except add the --display parameter:

./fbmplay --display ws2811 video.mp4