If you make a p or n-type MOSFET and edit it so that "Show Bulk", "Simulate Body Diode", and "Body Terminal" are on, then disable "Show Bulk", it will give a matrix error and break in the way described below.
Turning off "Simulate Body Diode" will also give a matrix error.
Also, with all options off, turning on "Show Bulk" will give a matrix error.
In the first case, (disabling "Show Bulk",) The node labeled "B" does not move when the MOSFET is moved. After you edit the circuit, hitting undo and exporting a link/text no longer loads the circuit properly, showing a white screen. Whether you edit the circuit or not, if you do not press undo before exporting, you can still load the circuit, but are unable to edit it.
If you make a p or n-type MOSFET and edit it so that "Show Bulk", "Simulate Body Diode", and "Body Terminal" are on, then disable "Show Bulk", it will give a matrix error and break in the way described below. Turning off "Simulate Body Diode" will also give a matrix error. Also, with all options off, turning on "Show Bulk" will give a matrix error.
In the first case, (disabling "Show Bulk",) The node labeled "B" does not move when the MOSFET is moved. After you edit the circuit, hitting undo and exporting a link/text no longer loads the circuit properly, showing a white screen. Whether you edit the circuit or not, if you do not press undo before exporting, you can still load the circuit, but are unable to edit it. Working:
Breaking with undo:
Breaking without undo: