sharpie7 / circuitjs1

Electronic Circuit Simulator in the Browser
GNU General Public License v2.0
2.23k stars 619 forks source link



CircuitJS1 is an electronic circuit simulator that runs in the browser. It was originally written by Paul Falstad as a Java Applet. It was adapted by Iain Sharp to run in the browser using GWT.

For a hosted version of the application see:

Thanks to: Edward Calver for 15 new components and other improvements; Rodrigo Hausen for file import/export and many other UI improvements; J. Mike Rollins for the Zener diode code; Julius Schmidt for the spark gap code and some examples; Dustin Soodak for help with the user interface improvements; Jacob Calvert for the T Flip Flop; Ben Hayden for scope spectrum; Thomas Reitinger, Krystian Sławiński, Usevalad Khatkevich, Lucio Sciamanna, Mauro Hemerly Gazzani, J. Miguel Silva, and Franck Viard for translations; Andre Adrian for improved emitter coupled oscillator; Felthry for many examples; Colin Howell for code improvements. LZString (c) 2013 pieroxy.

Building the web application

The tools you will need to build the project are:

Install "Eclipse for Java developers" from here. To add the GWT plugin for Eclipse follow the instructions here.

This repository is a project folder for your Eclipse project space. Once you have a local copy you can then build and run in development mode or build for deployment. Running in super development mode is done by clicking on the "run" icon on the toolbar and choosing from the "Development Mode" tab which appears. Building for deployment is done by selecting the project root node and using the GWT button on the Eclipse taskbar and choosing "GWT Compile Project...".

GWT will build its output in to the "war" directory. In the "war" directory the file "iframe.html" is loaded as an iFrame in to the spare space at the bottom of the right hand pannel. It can be used for branding etc.

Deployment of the web application

The link for the full-page version of the application is now: http://<your host>/<your path>/circuitjs1.html (you can rename the "circuitjs1.html" file if you want too though you should also update "shortrelay.php" if you do).

Just for reference the files should look like this

-+ Directory containing the front page (eg "circuitjs")
  +- circuitjs.html - full page version of application
  +- iframe.html - see notes above
  +- shortrelay.php - see notes above
  ++ circuitjs1 (directory)
   +- various files built by GWT
   +- circuits (directory, containing example circuits)
   +- setuplist.txt (index in to example circuit directory)


You can link to the full page version of the application using the link shown above.

If you want to embed the application in another page then use an iframe with the src being the full-page version.

You can add query parameters to link to change the applications startup behaviour. The following are supported:

.../circuitjs.html?cct=<string> // Load the circuit from the URL (like the # in the Java version)
.../circuitjs.html?ctz=<string> // Load the circuit from compressed data in the URL
.../circuitjs.html?startCircuit=<filename> // Loads the circuit named "filename" from the "Circuits" directory
.../circuitjs.html?startCircuitLink=<URL> // Loads the circuit from the specified URL. CURRENTLY THE URL MUST BE A DROPBOX SHARED FILE OR ANOTHER URL THAT SUPPORTS CORS ACCESS FROM THE CLIENT
.../circuitjs.html?euroResistors=true // Set to true to force "Euro" style resistors. If not specified the resistor style will be based on the user's browser's language preferences
.../circuitjs.html?usResistors=true // Set to true to force "US" style resistors. If not specified the resistor style will be based on the user's browser's language preferences
.../circuitjs.html?running=<true|false> // Start the app without the simulation running, default true
.../circuitjs.html?hideSidebar=<true|false> // Hide the sidebar, default false
.../circuitjs.html?hideMenu=<true|false> // Hide the menu, default false
.../circuitjs.html?editable=<true|false> // Allow circuit editing, default true
.../circuitjs.html?positiveColor=%2300ff00 // change positive voltage color (rrggbb)
.../circuitjs.html?negativeColor=%23ff0000 // change negative voltage color

Building an Electron application

The Electron project allows web applications to be distributed as local executables for a variety of platforms. This repository contains the additional files needed to build circuitJS1 as an Electron application.

The general approach to building an Electron application for a particular platform is documented here. The following instructions apply this approach to circuit JS.

To build the Electron application:

Known limitations of the Electron application:

Thanks to @Immortalin for the initial work in applying Electron to CircuitJS1.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.