sharvil / atom-sequence-diagram

A sequence diagram generator for Atom.
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Sequence Diagrams

A simple, textual way to draw sequence diagrams in Atom. Write out the diagram in any buffer and press ctrl+s to see a live rendering.

sequence-diagram demo


# Lines starting with # are comments.
title: Secure food delivery

# We can optionally create aliases for participants so they have
# shorter names.
participant Bob as b

Alice->Bob: Authentication request

# Instead of referring to "Bob" we can use his alias, "b".
note right of b: Thinks about it
Bob->Alice: Authentication response
Alice-->Bob: optional negotiation
Bob-->Alice: negotiation response
note over Alice, Bob: Authentication complete

note left of Alice: Hungry...
Alice->>Bob: Food request
Bob->Bob: Procure food
Bob->>Alice: Food response
note over Alice, Bob: Transaction complete