shawnyu5 / debate_dragon_2.0

A rewrite of debate dragon in go. Cuz typescript sucks...
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Debate dragon 2.0

A blazingly fast discord bot written in Go to burn your debate foes to the ground


/are-u-shawn-yu user:<user> - Recreates the following image by accusing the user they are Shawn Yu.


/caramel-bot-bitch user: <user> - calls a user a bitch.

/caramel-bot-compliment user:<user> - give a compliment to the user

/courseoutline course_code:<code> - get the course outline for a course by the course code

/dd text:<text> - generate a dragon drawing, with text imposed into the speech bubble

dragon drawing

emote name:<name> - send custom emotes

/insult user:<userName> anonymous: <true | false>: Send an insult to userName. anonymous determines if you'll be shown as the person that executed the command

/mock user:<user> - make fun of a user's last sent message anonymously. You will not be shown as the person that executed the slash command

/reddit - get a random post from r/seneca

/rmp profname: <name>: search for a professor by name from Seneca college. If more than 1 professor by that name at Seneca, a select menu will be displayed to prompt to select the prof to display the ratings of. Other wise, the prof's ratings will be displayed.

/snipe - get the last deleted message in a server

/stfu user:<user> length:<length> - for every message a user sends, the bot will ping the user telling them to stfu


The bot requires a config.json to set environment variables. Refer to config.example.jsonc for all values needed in config.json.

Note the actual config should be a json file. The config.example.jsonc is jsonc only to allow comments