shayzweig / InterpoNet

A brain inspired neural network for optical flow dense interpolation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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InterpoNet - A brain inspired neural network for optical flow dense interpolation

==================================================== This is an initial commit implementing InterpoNet, A brain inspired neural network for optical flow dense interpolation by Shay Zweig and Lior Wolf from Tel Aviv University (link)

InterpoNet achieved state-of-the-art results in November 2016 on the MPI-Sintel and KITTI2012 Optical Flow benchmarks.

The code was developed on Ubuntu 14.04, using Tensorflow. You can see the performance it achieved on the KITTI2012 and MPI-Sintel optical flow scoreboards.

For now only the code for inference is uploaded, we will upload the training code soon.

Installation Instructions

  1. Create a python (2.7) virtualenv, by typing: virtualenv --no-site-packages env
  2. activate the virtualenv, by typing source env/bin/activate
  3. Clone this repository by typing: git clone
  4. Install all following python packages (using pip install) : numpy (tested version: 1.11.2), scikit-image (tested version: 0.12.3). (other dependencies such as cython might be required)
  5. install tensorflow according to the instructions in their website . We only tested our program using tensorflow 0.10.0, and 0.11.0, it should work for versions >0.10.0
  6. Make sure to configure tensorflow to your needs (GPU usage preferred, you will need specific versions of cuda and cudnn for that)
  7. Install the variational inference program:
    1. Libraries libpng, libm and liblapack are required.
    2. from the root folder of Interponet, type: cd SrcVariational
    3. type: make - the comilation should run without errors.

Test your installation by running the following command from the root folder of InterpoNet: python example/frame_0001.png example/frame_0002.png example/frame_0001.dat example/frame_0001.txt example/frame_0001.flo --ba_matches_filename=example/frame_0001_BA.txt --sintel
No errors should be displayed

The program was only tested under a 64-bit Linux distribution with tensorflow version 0.10 . We do not give any support for compilation issues or other OS.

The InterpoNet Input

The input to the algorithm is divided into three components:

  1. The two images in the image pair they must have the same shape and they are only used for the variational energy minimization.

  2. A matching file produced by a matching algorithm. The format of the matching file should be as follows: A text file, each match should be preseted in a different row which should include the source and target coordinates seperated with spaces: x1 y1 x2 y2

Any additional information in the row (such as match score) is discarded.

To compute the matches - you can use any matching algorithm. The best results we obtained were on [FlowFields] (

  1. Edges file produced by SED. The edges should be calculated using the SED algorithm. You can download the code from these links.


To run the InterpoNet pipeline, use the following syntax:
python <img1_filename> <img2_filename> <edges_filename> <matches_filename> <out_filename> [optional --model_filename model_filename] [optional --ba_matches_filename ba_matches_filename] [optional --img_width img_width] [optional --img_height img_height] [optional --downscale downscale] [optional --sintel]

Example use: python example/frame_0001.png example/frame_0002.png example/frame_0001.dat example/frame_0001.txt example/frame_0001.flo --ba_matches_filename=example/frame_0001_BA.txt --sintel

Command Line Arguments



The InterpoNet Output

The output flow file is in the same format as the flow maps in the MPI-Sintel dataset. The provided function: load_flow_file in loads the file into an h x w x 2 matrix.

Supported models:


InterpoNet was built with the help of the following great software pieces: