shbatm / MMM-OnScreenMenu

MagicMirror² utility module that provides a simple on screen menu for control
MIT License
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MMM-OnScreenMenu - Simple On-Screen Menu for controlling the MagicMirror²

This is a module for the MagicMirror².

The MMM-OnScreenMenu Module provides a small, customizable, material-style floating action button menu for controlling the MagicMirror².

View the live demo/mockup here:

Basic Functions:

  1. Control the power to the screen (On/Off/Toggle).
  2. Manage the Mirror (Shutdown/Reboot/Restart MM², Refresh/Minimize Window, Toggle Fullscreen mode, Open DevTools).
  3. Module Visibility (Show/Hide/Toggle).
  4. Send Notifications to Other Modules:
    • Switch Profiles in MMM-ProfileSwitcher
    • Perform other module functions from a button in the menu.

The menu is designed to be controllable from multiple devices:


Left: Touch Mode; Middle: Hidden/Mouseover Mode; Right: Demo


cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone
cd MMM-OnScreenMenu/
npm install

Using the module

To use this module, add the following configuration block to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

var config = {
    modules: [
            module: 'MMM-OnScreenMenu',
            position: 'bottom_right',
            /* Valid positions: 'top_right', 'top_left', 'bottom_right', 'bottom_left' */
            config: {
                touchMode: true,
                enableKeyboard: true,
                // ... see more options below

Configuration options

Option Description
menuName Optional - Set the name of the menu. Only needs to be changed if using multiple instances of the module.
Default: "MAIN".
touchMode Optional - Enable Touch Mode for the menu.
When enabled, the menu button will always be visible and all tooltips will be shown when the menu is open.
When disabled, the menu will only appear when hovered over, clicked, or opened with a menu key.
Default: true
enableKeyboard Optional - Enable basic keyboard control.
Menu can be controlled with the ContextMenu key (usually next to Right-Alt), Arrow Up/Down, and Enter.
Default: true

To customize keys: manually edit the setupMousetrap function in MMM-OnScreenMenu.js.
enableKeyBindings Optional - Enable integration with MMM-KeyBindings for bluetooth remote and better keyboard control. See KeyBindings Config below.
menuItems See Menu Items below.
pm2ProcessName The pm2 Process Name to control using STOP and RESTART menu items.
Default: "mm"

Menu Items

Default Menu:

To customize, add the whole block to the module config and customize.

menuItems: {
    monitorOff: { title: "Turn Off Monitor", icon: "television", source: "SERVER" },
    refresh: { title: "Refresh", icon: "recycle", source: "LOCAL" },
    restart: { title: "Restart MagicMirror", icon: "refresh", source: "ALL" },
    reboot: { title: "Reboot", icon: "spinner" },
    shutdown: { title: "Shutdown", icon: "power-off" }

Menu Item Configurations:

Option Description
title The title to show when hovered over.
icon The Font Awesome icon to use.
source Optional - When to show the menu item:
  •  "ALL" or omitted: on any instance of the MM²
  •  "SERVER": only the main MM² screen
  •  "LOCAL": only when viewing the mirror from a remote browser window.
name Module Menu Items Only - The module name to control
notification Notify Menu Items Only - The notification title to send.
payload Notify Menu Items Only - The notification payload to send.

Available Menu Items:

Calling actions from another module

Any valid menu item can be called from another module by sending a notification similar to the one below. Note: The item passed does NOT actually need to be in the menu's config; it just needs to be valid in the context listed above.

// Basic Action Item Notification
this.sendNotification('ONSCREENMENU_PROCESS_ACTION', 'menuItemName');
// Advanced Action Item Notification (e.g. module show/hide control, etc.), send payload as an object with the relevent details required.
//     Example 1: Toggle Clock Module via Notification
this.sendNotification('ONSCREENMENU_PROCESS_ACTION', { actionName:'moduleToggle1', name: 'clock'})
//     Example 2: Turn monitor off after a 60-second delay
this.sendNotification('ONSCREENMENU_PROCESS_ACTION', { actionName:'delayed1', action:'monitorOff', delay: 60000})

Sample Configuration (Default)

You can copy and paste the following into your config file modules section for a starting point.

    module: 'MMM-OnScreenMenu',
    position: 'bottom_right',
    /* Valid positions: 'top_right', 'top_left', 'bottom_right', 'bottom_left' */
    config: {
        touchMode: true,
        menuItems: {
            monitorOff: { title: "Turn Off Monitor", icon: "television", source: "SERVER" },
            restart: { title: "Restart MagicMirror", icon: "recycle", source: "ALL" },
            refresh: { title: "Refresh MagicMirror", icon: "refresh", source: "LOCAL" },
            reboot: { title: "Reboot", icon: "spinner", source: "ALL" },
            shutdown: { title: "Shutdown", icon: "power-off", source: "ALL" },
        enableKeyboard: true,

Controlling the Menu from another module

The menu can be controlled via notifications from another module, for instance buttons using the MMM-MPR121 module.

To toggle the menu open/closed:

this.sendNotification('ONSCREENMENU_TOGGLE_MENU', '') // Single Menu
this.sendNotification('ONSCREENMENU_TOGGLE_MENU', { menuName: "MAIN" }) // Multiple Menus

To select an item by it's position in the list, zero-based (e.g. 3rd down = 2):

this.sendNotification('ONSCREENMENU_BY_NUMBER', 1) // 2nd item, single menu
    { menuName:"MAIN",
      itemNumber: 1
    }) // 2nd item, multiple menus

To navigate up/down/select using notifications, set enableKeyBindings: true in your config (even if you are not using the KeyBindings module) and use the following notification format:

Notification: 'KEYPRESS'
Payload: *see section below for keynames (e.g. ArrowUp for up)*

KeyBindings Config

The default configuration for MMM-KeyBindings is below. This can be customized by adding to the normal module config.

        // MMM-KeyBindings Settings
        enableKeyBindings: false,
        keyBindingsMode: "OSM",
        keyBindings: {
            Up: "ArrowUp",
            Down: "ArrowDown",
            Select: "Enter",
            Close: "Return",
            Menu: "Menu"
        kbMultiInstance: true,
        keyBindingsTakeFocus: "Menu"

Development Path

This module is an ever-continuing work in progress, if you would like to request a feature or report a bug, please see the Issues.