shbn / memoryGame

Simple Memory Game using PHP and MySQL
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System Requirements

  1. Web server with PHP and MYSQL support.
  2. Web browser with JavaScript support.

Package Contents

  1. PHP files a. index.php - Index file for the application. b. form.php - Form handler which stores game scores to database. c. mysql.php - This file contains database connectivity settings.
  2. JavaScript file - script.js
  3. CSS - style.css
  4. SQL - memorygame.sql - MySQL table schema for storing scores.
  5. image folder - /img


  1. Unzip the zip folder and upload to a webserver directory. Follow same folder structure.

  2. Create a database and import/execute mysql schema file (memorygame.sql).

  3. Open mysql.php file and update the hostname, username and password declarations.

  4. Open index.php file in web browser using web server's hostname and corresponding URL.

  5. Start play and have fun :)


Developed by : Shibin Philip Email :