shedaniel / RoughlyEnoughItems

Clean and Configurable. Your recipe viewer mod for 1.13+.
319 stars 61 forks source link

Cant look for specific items in REI (Roughly Enough Items) search bar only for mods #1596

Open MrTr0picalK opened 4 months ago

MrTr0picalK commented 4 months ago

What happened?

I am playing "Create: Astral" Modpack but for some reason I am unable to search for the item I am looking for. I have to look for the mod itself and then look for the item there is getting annoying so I would like to know if someone can help me with it. I haven't change any setting in game except for the key binds. Mods Search Single item search

What mod loaders are you seeing the problem on?


What do you think this bug is of?

Relevant log output

    "basics": {
        "favorites": [
            "{id:\"ftblibrary:toggle.gamemode\",json:'{\"group\":\"ftblibrary:cheat\",\"icon\":[\"ftblibrary:icons/blue_button\",\"ftblibrary:textures/icons/toggle_gamemode.png\"],\"x\":100,\"click\":\"command:/ftblibrary gamemode\",\"hide_with_nei\":true,\"requires_op\":true}',type:\"ftblibrary:sidebar_button\"}",
            "{id:\"ftblibrary:toggle.rain\",json:'{\"group\":\"ftblibrary:cheat\",\"icon\":[\"ftblibrary:icons/blue_button\",\"ftblibrary:textures/icons/toggle_rain.png\"],\"x\":110,\"click\":\"command:/ftblibrary rain\",\"config\":true,\"hide_with_nei\":true,\"requires_op\":true}',type:\"ftblibrary:sidebar_button\"}",
        "hiddenFavorites": [
        "displayHistory": [],
        // Declares whether cheating mode is on.
        "cheating": false,
        "favoritesEnabled": true,
        "keyBindings": {
            "recipeKeybind": {
                "keyCode": "key.keyboard.r",
                "modifier": 0
            "usageKeybind": {
                "keyCode": "key.keyboard.u",
                "modifier": 0
            "hideKeybind": {
                "keyCode": "key.keyboard.o",
                "modifier": 2
            "previousPageKeybind": {
                "keyCode": "key.keyboard.unknown",
                "modifier": 0
            "nextPageKeybind": {
                "keyCode": "key.keyboard.unknown",
                "modifier": 0
            "focusSearchFieldKeybind": {
                "keyCode": "key.keyboard.unknown",
                "modifier": 0
            "copyRecipeIdentifierKeybind": {
                "keyCode": "key.mouse.middle",
                "modifier": 0
            "favoriteKeybind": {
                "keyCode": "key.keyboard.f",
                "modifier": 0
            "exportImageKeybind": {
                "keyCode": "key.keyboard.f8",
                "modifier": 0
            "previousScreenKeybind": {
                "keyCode": "key.keyboard.backspace",
                "modifier": 0
        // Declares whether REI is visible.
        "overlayVisible": true,
        "cheatingStyle": "GRAB",
        "motion": {
            "favoritesAnimation": false
    "advanced": {
        "filtering": {
            "shouldFilterDisplays": true,
            "filteringRules": [

Anything else?

No response

By submitting this issue, I have included the necessary logs by pasting the contents into the correct location or attaching the file as an upload.

By submitting this issue, I have confirmed my REI and REI's dependencies are up to date.