sheerun / knex-migrate

Modern database migration toolkit for knex.js
MIT License
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knex migration

Knex Migrate

Unix CI Modern Node

Modern migration toolkit for knex.js



npm install --save knex-migrate

You should also install knex as it's a peer dependency of this package.


First, init project with knex init, and then:

  $ knex-migrate <command> [options]

  generate  Generate migration
  pending   Lists all pending migrations
  list      Lists all executed migrations
  up        Performs all pending migrations
  down      Rollbacks last migration
  rollback  Rollbacks last batch of migrations
  redo      Rollbacks last batch and performs all migrations

Options for "up" and "down":
  --to, -t    Migrate upto (downto) specific version
  --from, -f  Start migration from specific version
  --only, -o  Migrate only specific version
  --step, -s  Limit the number of migrations to apply

Global options:
  --cwd         Specify the working directory
  --knexfile    Specify the knexfile path ($cwd/knexfile.js)
  --migrations  Specify migrations path ($cwd/migrations)
  --env         Specify environment ($KNEX_ENV || $NODE_ENV || 'development')
  --raw         Disable transactions
  --verbose     Be more verbose

As a convenience, you can skip --to flag, and just provide migration name.

  $ knex-migrate up                    # migrate to the latest version
  $ knex-migrate up 20160905           # migrate to a specific version
  $ knex-migrate up --to 20160905      # the same as above
  $ knex-migrate up --only 201609085   # apply a single migration
  $ knex-migrate up --step             # apply only the next migration
  $ knex-migrate up --step 2           # apply only the next two migrations
  $ knex-migrate down --to 0           # rollback all migrations
  $ knex-migrate down                  # rollback single migration
  $ knex-migrate down --step 2         # rollback the previous two migrations
  $ knex-migrate rollback              # rollback previous "up"
  $ knex-migrate redo --verbose        # rollback and migrate everything
  $ knex-migrate generate create_users # generate migration creating users table

Programmatic API

import knexMigrate from 'knex-migrate'

// It has following signature:
// knexMigrate(command: String, flags: Object, progress: Function)

async function run() {
  // Action can be: migrate, revert. Migration is migration name. For example:
  // Doing migrate on 20170427093232_add_users
  // Doing revert on 20170427093232_add_users
  const log = ({ action, migration }) =>
    console.log('Doing ' + action + ' on ' + migration)

  await knexMigrate('up', { to: '20170727093232' }, log)
  await knexMigrate('down', { step: 2 }, log)
  await knexMigrate('down', { to: 0 }, log)
  await knexMigrate('up', {}, log)
  await knexMigrate('redo', {}, log)
  await knexMigrate('rollback', {}, log)
  await knexMigrate('redo', {}, log)
  await knexMigrate('down', { to: 0 }, log)


Thank you
