sheigl / static-blog-core

Static blogging software made with .NET Core
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Static Blog Core

Static blogging software made with .NET Core.


Create and maintain a blog using static html pages. This app will allow you to store all blog entries, site files, etc locally and publish changes or a full site to a remote server or folder. This removes the security risk of having a backend admin piece exposed to the outside world and improves speed of the site. The application maintains and rebuilds all site html / css.

Project Breakdown

Stand alone client to publish

  1. Web based (run locally or on a secure server not accessible to outside world)
  2. Click to publish single post or rebuild entire site
  3. Push post, publish site


  1. Templated html generation, possible using mustasch sharp
  2. Templated css
  3. Ability to change and create custom templates
  4. Change css frameworks

Menu System

  1. Ability to create and change the menu

Blogging Features

  1. Categories
  2. Tags
  3. Posts
  4. Comments? 3rd party js?

User management

  1. Users are handled offline, using the app locally when publishing
  2. How to handle remote publishing?
  3. No need for OAuth etc since offline