sheimi / SGit

A Git client for Android.
GNU General Public License v3.0
358 stars 113 forks source link

A Git client for Android.

This project is no longer being maintained. Further development on this app is now being done in the MGit project. Please submit all PRs and issues there.


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Build Status

Supported Features

Android app on Google Play Android app on F-Droid

Quick start

Clone a remote repository

  1. Click on the + icon to add a new repository.
  2. Enter remote URL (see URL format below).
  3. Enter local repository name - note that this is not a path since SGit stores all repositories in the same directory on the mobile device.
  4. Username - username to use to clone the remote repo.
  5. Password - password to use to clone the remote repo.
  6. Click the Clone button.
  7. If all the credentials are correct, SGit will download the repository (all branches) to your device.

Create a local repository

  1. Click on the + icon to add a new repository.
  2. Click on Init Local to create a local repository.
  3. Enter the name for this repository when prompted.
  4. A local repo will be created.

URL format



To Do List




If you want to help improve this project, contributions are very welcome.

Fork from this repo: sheimi/SGit, create a new branch, commit your changes and then send a pull request against the master branch of this repo.