This is the project of the one and only p2-slackbots and our project is called Cooler Math Games!
Main idea: Our website is the go-to place for gamers. All kinds of stuff relating to gaming, we got it! We implement information pages for gamers (or non-gamers) to look at to learn, and we also have real games for users to play. Come to this website for real time information, games you can play directly on the website, and redirection to real games. Have fun! The games will be pulled in from an API, as well as personally customed by us.
Group members: Justin, Rohan, Shekar, Abhijay, Kian
Group members' replit profiles: Justin Shekar
Review Ticket w/ Tangibles:
People | Role | Progress |
Abhijay | Scrum Master | Added to the main games page, template created for the review page |
Justin | Deployment Manager | Got MVC finished, set up team's Github Pages and Jekyll |
Kian | Design Manager | Worked on extra credit arraylist code, got MVC finished |
Rohan | Technical Officer | Worked on database again, got MySQL to work on backend |
Shekar | Github Admin | Added game to playable games, updated home page and jekyll pages |
Review Ticket w/ Tangibles:
People | Role | Progress |
Abhijay | Scrum Master | Fixed about us pages, updated scrum board |
Justin | Deployment Manager | Worked on localohost errors with NginX, finished about us page |
Kian | Design Manager | Worked on Hackathon, used javascript to make navbar better |
Rohan | Technical Officer | Worked on database, installed MySQL on the repo |
Shekar | Github Admin | Updated wiki guide, added frq pages to the navbar |
Review Ticket w/ Tangibles:
People | Role | Progress |
Abhijay | Scrum Master | Assigned more issues and got everyone to work. Worked on individual and overall about page and got the frontend done for that. |
Justin | Deployment Manager | Finished deployment and the website is up and running now. |
Kian | Design Manager | Made more frontend and worked on unit 2 frq and finished that stuff. |
Rohan | Technical Officer | Worked on the database and got started on the process for that. |
Shekar | Github Admin | Completed the github wiki and worked on the part where he worked on the insights and showed those off. |
Release Day Policies Our policy is that everyone has to complete their assigned task and completed it before 6:00 pm on the due date. This will allow us to complete everything and make sure there are no problems within.
Try to focus on completing the project at least a day before so that we can complete any other problems before the due date.
People | Role | Progress |
Abhijay | Scrum Master | Worked on more management processes and assigned everyone roles. Got issues and scrumboard up to date and past winter break. Also worked on FRQ and individual page. |
Justin | Deployment Manager | Made more progress within the deployment, but is still not finished. However, it is almost done. |
Kian | Design Manager | Worked on the CSS with the entire group (Abhijay, Justin, Rohan, Shekar) and made changes and added things to our CSS homepage. Also worked on the wire frame and worked with team to list technicals. He also created the database and the user input for the about page. |
Rohan | Technical Officer | Helped teach everyone how the FRQ works and worked on the databases. |
Shekar | Github Admin | Worked on the github creating the things like scrum board and try to continue with the Github administrations. Also worked with the rest of the group to do things. |
People | Role | Progress |
Abhijay | Scrum Master | Started getting the plans together and managed the team. Gave roles to everyone and gave some ideas that we could do.) |
Justin | Deployment Manager | made a lot of progress with the deployment. He is at the last steps on the deployment and is about to set up the website. He also created deployment wiki. |
Kian | Design Manager | Worked on the CSS with the entire group (Abhijay, Justin, Rohan, Shekar) and made changes and added things to our CSS homepage. Also worked on the wire frame and worked with team to list technicals. |
Rohan | Technical Officer | Started working with databases and is making progress learning about CRUD and trying to incorporate it with Java and into the project. |
Shekar | Github Admin | Worked on the github creating the things like scrum board and try to continue with the Github administrations. |