shekohex / dead-simple-feedback-app

just a dead simple feedback application
MIT License
8 stars 4 forks source link
bulma expressjs feedback javascript nodejs

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A Dead Simple Feedback App


just a simple node-expressjs application with MongoDB as Database Engine for storing feedbacks

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Node JS and GIT installed


1 - frist of all you need to clone this repo

git clone
cd /dead-simple-feedback-app
npm install

2 - then you need to copy and rename .env-example file to .env and open it edit your database server and save the file

3 - after editing the .env file , open app.js and go to line 44

//deactivate this route after finish your setup
app.get('/setup', (req, res) => {
   let settings = new database.websiteSettings({
       settings: {
           title: 'Give Me a Feedback', //website title
           adminName: 'shekohex', // we will use this to login to dashboard
           passPhrase: 'password' // i think you know what is that :'D
       userData: {
           username: 'shadygkhalifa', //this just a username , you can use your twitter username
           name: 'Shady Khalifa', // hmmmm ?
           profilePic: '', // 400x400 
           headerPic: '',
           facebook: '',
           twitter: '',
           github: ''
       senderData: {
           name: 'Someone', // this will apper when someone send a message
           username: 'someone',
           profilePic: 'images/unknown.jpg'

4- at the end open your terminal or cmd and type

npm start

then open your browser and go to


you should get the resualt back as the settings you added above

5 - To login to Dashboard go to


and use your username and password that used while setting up

Why Pure Javascript?

i made this app as an example for any one who wana start NodeJS to get a good view about it, keeing things simple and readable is good for newbie

Built With


you are welcome with this project for contributing, just contact me


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details