shenoudab / devise_traceable

Tracing Devise Model
MIT License
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Getting uninitialized constant UserTracing #1

Open rubytastic opened 13 years ago

rubytastic commented 13 years ago

I followed instructions but getting Getting uninitialized constant UserTracing on rails 3 with devise latest no other devise plugins installed. This error happens on signout and signin

mmack commented 13 years ago

I have the same Problem...

rahult commented 13 years ago

Same problem here.

rahult commented 13 years ago

I solved the problem by creating the UserTracing model

class UserTracing < ActiveRecord::Base
cheolhom commented 13 years ago

is this not being supported anymore ?

brink commented 13 years ago

This gem is not fully implemented. You still need to add the UserTracing model and, depending on your needs, associate it with your user model.

Also, the generated migration doesn't create the IP address column, so you'll need to fix that, too.

schneider-th commented 12 years ago

@brink : How did you implement the IP tracing? A short code example would be really appreciated. Thanks!

brink commented 12 years ago

I'm sorry I don't have access to that code any longer -- it was at my previous job in a repo I no longer have access to. Sorry!

What I remember was that I had to create the ip address column manually and i think create the usertracing model and add the association mappings