shenoudab / devise_traceable

Tracing Devise Model
MIT License
26 stars 22 forks source link

= devise_traceable

It adds support to devise[] for tracing.

== Installation

All gems are on gemcutter, so you need to add gemcutter to your sources if you haven’t yet:

sudo gem sources -a

Install devise_traceable gem, it should install dependencies (such as devise and warden):

sudo gem install devise_traceable

Configure devise_traceable inside your app (and warden and devise if you weren't using them):

gem 'warden' gem 'devise' gem 'devise_traceable'

== Usage

rails g devise_traceable User

in User Model add :traceable as follow

class User < ActiveRecord::Base devise :database_authenticatable, ..... , :traceable end

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2010 mobiThought. See LICENSE for details.