sherifelkhiat / Xstudio-booking

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XBooking facilitates seamless integration with the Product functionality within your Bagisto system. It provides endpoints and methods to interact with and harness the capabilities of a comprehensive booking system, enabling smooth communication and utilization of booking-related features in your applications.

Requirements: Bagisto: v2.1.x Installation: To install the Booking Product Extension, follow these steps:

  1. Unzip the respective extension zip and then merge "packages/Webkul" folders into project root directory.
  2. Open the composer.json file and add the following line under the 'psr-4' section: "Webkul\Xbooking\": "packages/Webkul/Xbooking/src"
  3. In the config/app.php file, add the following line under the 'providers' section: Webkul\Xbooking\Providers\XbookingServiceProvider::class,
  4. Run the following commands to complete the setup: composer dump-autoload php artisan migrate After following these steps, the Booking Product Extension should be successfully installed and ready for use in your Bagisto v2.1.x project.