keccak123, hyh
_debtToMint() will return 0
decimals amounts and sqthToSell
in depositAuction() will be insignificant, leading to ignoring the market orders used and depositing auction to be void as no external funding will be brought in.
feeAdjustment = _calcFeeAdjustment()
is (squeethEthPrice * feeRate) / 10000
and have 18
wSqueethToMint = (_amount * debt) / (collateral + (debt * feeAdjustment))
will have 36
decimals in numerator and the same 36
in denominator, yielding 0
decimals figure. That figure is sqthToSell
, so no market buying orders will be ever filled.
depositAuction() will malfunction all the time, either reverting or producing less WETH and less CRAB than desired, i.e. there will be no deposit auction as market order part is needed to bring in the liquidity to be distributed.
Setting the severity to be high as this is system malfunction with material impact and no prerequisites.
feeAdjustment is treated as if it has no decimals:
* @dev calculates wSqueeth minted when amount is deposited
* @param _amount to deposit into crab
function _debtToMint(uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) {
uint256 feeAdjustment = _calcFeeAdjustment();
(,, uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = ICrabStrategyV2(crab).getVaultDetails();
uint256 wSqueethToMint = (_amount * debt) / (collateral + (debt * feeAdjustment));
return wSqueethToMint;
while it has 18 decimals:
function _calcFeeAdjustment() internal view returns (uint256) {
uint256 feeRate = IController(sqthController).feeRate();
if (feeRate == 0) return 0;
uint256 squeethEthPrice = IOracle(oracle).getTwap(ethSqueethPool, sqth, weth, sqthTwapPeriod, true);
return (squeethEthPrice * feeRate) / 10000;
As sqthToSell
to be insignificant, there will be no Squeeth selling at all:
function depositAuction(DepositAuctionParams calldata _p) external onlyOwner {
_checkOTCPrice(_p.clearingPrice, false);
* step 1: get eth from mm
* step 2: get eth from deposit usdc
* step 3: crab deposit
* step 4: flash deposit
* step 5: send sqth to mms
* step 6: send crab to depositors
uint256 initCrabBalance = IERC20(crab).balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 initEthBalance = address(this).balance;
uint256 sqthToSell = _debtToMint(_p.totalDeposit);
This renders sqth buying orders block void, i.e. it will be always _p.orders[0].quantity >= remainingToSell
uint256 sqthToSell = _debtToMint(_p.totalDeposit);
// step 1 get all the eth in
uint256 remainingToSell = sqthToSell;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _p.orders.length; i++) {
require(_p.orders[i].isBuying, "auction order not buying sqth");
require(_p.orders[i].price >= _p.clearingPrice, "buy order price less than clearing");
if (_p.orders[i].quantity >= remainingToSell) {
_p.orders[i].trader, address(this), (remainingToSell * _p.clearingPrice) / 1e18
remainingToSell = 0;
} else {
_p.orders[i].trader, address(this), (_p.orders[i].quantity * _p.clearingPrice) / 1e18
remainingToSell -= _p.orders[i].quantity;
require(remainingToSell == 0, "not enough buy orders for sqth");
Manual Review
Consider adding decimals treatment, for example:
* @dev calculates wSqueeth minted when amount is deposited
* @param _amount to deposit into crab
function _debtToMint(uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) {
uint256 feeAdjustment = _calcFeeAdjustment();
(,, uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = ICrabStrategyV2(crab).getVaultDetails();
- uint256 wSqueethToMint = (_amount * debt) / (collateral + (debt * feeAdjustment));
+ uint256 wSqueethToMint = (_amount * debt) / (collateral + (debt * feeAdjustment) / 1e18);
return wSqueethToMint;
Nice find. Fix lgtm.
joestakey, bin2chen, hyh, libratus, KingNFT, Zarf, yixxas, cccz
An attacker can permanently block the auctions by using a blocked address to fail USDC transfers, which are now required for the auction to proceed.
Say Bob knows that one of his addresses is blocked by USDC. He has/can obtain CRAB, which he can transfer to this address.
As withdraw queue requires each transfer call to be successful, this will permanently freezes the functionality, i.e. all future auctions will be blocked.
Knowing that, Bob will block the auctions when it's beneficial to him the most.
netAtPrice() and withdrawAuction() will be blocked as long as Bob's withdrawal is queued. There is no way for the owner to manually alter this state.
As auction timing can have material impact on the beneficiaries, the inability to perform netting and withdraw auction will lead to losses for them as Bob will choose the moment to execute the attack to benefit himself at the expense of the participants.
Setting the severity to be high as this is permanent freeze of the core functionality fully controllable by the attacker only.
netAtPrice() will be reverting at Bob's withdrawal:
// process withdraws and send usdc
i = withdrawsIndex;
while (crabQuantity > 0) {
Receipt memory withdraw = withdraws[i];
if (withdraw.amount == 0) {
if (withdraw.amount <= crabQuantity) {
crabQuantity = crabQuantity - withdraw.amount;
crabBalance[withdraw.sender] -= withdraw.amount;
amountToSend = (withdraw.amount * _price) / 1e18;
IERC20(usdc).transfer(withdraw.sender, amountToSend);
emit CrabWithdrawn(withdraw.sender, withdraw.amount, amountToSend, i);
delete withdraws[i];
} else {
withdraws[i].amount = withdraw.amount - crabQuantity;
crabBalance[withdraw.sender] -= crabQuantity;
amountToSend = (crabQuantity * _price) / 1e18;
IERC20(usdc).transfer(withdraw.sender, amountToSend);
emit CrabWithdrawn(withdraw.sender, withdraw.amount, amountToSend, i);
crabQuantity = 0;
withdrawsIndex = i;
withdrawAuction() similarly will fail on Bob's entry:
// step 5 pay all withdrawers and mark their withdraws as done
uint256 remainingWithdraws = _p.crabToWithdraw;
uint256 j = withdrawsIndex;
uint256 usdcAmount;
while (remainingWithdraws > 0) {
Receipt memory withdraw = withdraws[j];
if (withdraw.amount == 0) {
if (withdraw.amount <= remainingWithdraws) {
// full usage
remainingWithdraws -= withdraw.amount;
crabBalance[withdraw.sender] -= withdraw.amount;
// send proportional usdc
usdcAmount = (((withdraw.amount * 1e18) / _p.crabToWithdraw) * usdcReceived) / 1e18;
IERC20(usdc).transfer(withdraw.sender, usdcAmount);
emit CrabWithdrawn(withdraw.sender, withdraw.amount, usdcAmount, j);
delete withdraws[j];
} else {
withdraws[j].amount -= remainingWithdraws;
crabBalance[withdraw.sender] -= remainingWithdraws;
// send proportional usdc
usdcAmount = (((remainingWithdraws * 1e18) / _p.crabToWithdraw) * usdcReceived) / 1e18;
IERC20(usdc).transfer(withdraw.sender, usdcAmount);
emit CrabWithdrawn(withdraw.sender, remainingWithdraws, usdcAmount, j);
remainingWithdraws = 0;
withdrawsIndex = j;
netAtPrice() and withdrawAuction() unavailability and the whole withdrawal queue freeze will be permanent as withdrawsIndex
can be changed only in netAtPrice() and withdrawAuction(), i.e. there is no way to skip any entry, including Bob's.
I.e. only Bob can unstuck the system by removing the withdrawal:
* @notice withdraw Crab from queue
* @param _amount Crab amount to dequeue
function dequeueCrab(uint256 _amount) external {
require(!isAuctionLive, "auction is live");
crabBalance[msg.sender] = crabBalance[msg.sender] - _amount;
crabBalance[msg.sender] >= minCrabAmount || crabBalance[msg.sender] == 0,
"remaining amount smaller than minimum, consider removing full balance"
// deQueue crab from the last, last in first out
uint256 toRemove = _amount;
uint256 lastIndexP1 = userWithdrawsIndex[msg.sender].length;
for (uint256 i = lastIndexP1; i > 0; i--) {
Receipt storage r = withdraws[userWithdrawsIndex[msg.sender][i - 1]];
if (r.amount > toRemove) {
r.amount -= toRemove;
toRemove = 0;
} else {
toRemove -= r.amount;
delete withdraws[userWithdrawsIndex[msg.sender][i - 1]];
IERC20(crab).transfer(msg.sender, _amount);
emit CrabDeQueued(msg.sender, _amount, crabBalance[msg.sender]);
Manual Review
Consider trying to transfer and skipping if there is any malfunction, for example:
// process withdraws and send usdc
i = withdrawsIndex;
while (crabQuantity > 0) {
Receipt memory withdraw = withdraws[i];
if (withdraw.amount == 0) {
if (withdraw.amount <= crabQuantity) {
amountToSend = (withdraw.amount * _price) / 1e18;
- IERC20(usdc).transfer(withdraw.sender, amountToSend);
+ try IERC20(usdc).transfer(withdraw.sender, amountToSend) {
crabQuantity = crabQuantity - withdraw.amount;
crabBalance[withdraw.sender] -= withdraw.amount;
emit CrabWithdrawn(withdraw.sender, withdraw.amount, amountToSend, i);
delete withdraws[i];
+ } catch {
+ }
} else {
amountToSend = (crabQuantity * _price) / 1e18;
- IERC20(usdc).transfer(withdraw.sender, amountToSend);
+ try IERC20(usdc).transfer(withdraw.sender, amountToSend) {
withdraws[i].amount = withdraw.amount - crabQuantity;
crabBalance[withdraw.sender] -= crabQuantity;
emit CrabWithdrawn(withdraw.sender, withdraw.amount, amountToSend, i);
crabQuantity = 0;
+ } catch {
+ ++i;
+ }
withdrawsIndex = i;
This can be paired with introduction of the onlyOwner rescue function to handle the transfer manually, say for USDC ban case: auction operator transfers to self, swaps and return the funds to depositor in another form.
Notice that skipping the entry causes no harm for the withdrawer as dequeueCrab() can be run any time for it.
The owner can repay Crabv2 to users and delete the withdraw in case the auction functions fail because of a blacklisted USDC address.
this is almost what the fix does. Instead of sending the crabV2 back, the blacklisted user can claim it / dequeue it themselves. And since we reject/delete the withdraw the auction can be resubmitted with a lesser amount / the next withdraw amounts could be used
Ah yes indeed.
Fix accepted
indijanc, rotcivegaf, hyh, chainNue, rvierdiiev, Met, 0x52, KingNFT, Jeiwan, adriro, yixxas
When a user dequeues a withdraw or deposit it leaves a blank entry in the withdraw/deposit. This entry must be read from memory and skipped when processing the withdraws/deposits which uses gas for each blank entry. An adversary could exploit this to DOS the contract. By making a large number of these blank deposits they could make it impossible to process any auction.
while (_quantity > 0) {
Receipt memory deposit = deposits[i];
if (deposit.amount == 0) {
if (deposit.amount <= _quantity) {
// deposit amount is lesser than quantity use it fully
_quantity = _quantity - deposit.amount;
usdBalance[deposit.sender] -= deposit.amount;
amountToSend = (deposit.amount * 1e18) / _price;
IERC20(crab).transfer(deposit.sender, amountToSend);
emit USDCDeposited(deposit.sender, deposit.amount, amountToSend, i, 0);
delete deposits[i];
} else {
// deposit amount is greater than quantity; use it partially
deposits[i].amount = deposit.amount - _quantity;
usdBalance[deposit.sender] -= _quantity;
amountToSend = (_quantity * 1e18) / _price;
IERC20(crab).transfer(deposit.sender, amountToSend);
emit USDCDeposited(deposit.sender, _quantity, amountToSend, i, 0);
_quantity = 0;
The code above processes deposits in the order they are submitted. An adversary can exploit this by withdrawing/depositing a large number of times then dequeuing them to create a larger number of blank deposits. Since these are all zero, it creates a fill or kill scenario. Either all of them are skipped or none. If the adversary makes the list long enough then it will be impossible to fill without going over block gas limit.
Contract can be permanently DOS'd
Manual Review
Two potential solutions. The first would be to limit the number of deposits/withdraws that can be processed in a single netting. The second would be to allow the owner to manually skip withdraws/deposits by calling an function that increments depositsIndex and withdrawsIndex.
Allows the owner to set the withdrawsIndex
and depositIndex
and so to skip the queue index forward if there is some issue with the queue elements. At least this should allow the auction functions to continue to work.
FIx accepted
bin2chen, hyh, hansfriese, aviggiano, caventa, thec00n, indijanc, rotcivegaf, kaliberpoziomka, chainNue, John, adriro, Atarpara, cccz, __141345__, Haruxe, zimu, minhtrng, HonorLt, ctf_sec, imare, reassor, jonatascm
The checkOrder()
function performs verification of pre-signed orders. This function allows anyone to set the status of an order as used by storing the nonce contained in the order. Orders and their respective nonce can only be used once.
The _useNonce()
function is called as called as part of the checkOrder()
function. It checks that the nonce of a trader has not already been used, marks the nonce as used and performs other order verification checks. Orders and their respective nonce are also checked by the same implementation as part of the auction functions withdrawAuction()
and depositAuction()
. An order that has been invalidated once can not be used anymore and by calling checkOrder()
any user can invalidate existing orders.
A malicious user could perform a grieving attack and invalidate any presigned orders by monitoring the mempool and front run any orders that are submitted to withdrawAuction()
and depositAuction()
and send them to checkOrder()
. One invalidated order can cause the auction functions to fail.
Manual Review
1.) Change the checkOrder()
and _checkOrder()
to a view function
2.) Remove _useNonce()
from _checkOrder()
3.) Use _useNonce()
and _checkOrder()
in withdrawAuction()
and depositAuction()
Fix lgtm.
Escalate for 10 USDC
I have two issues classfied to I think one of them ( is exactly about this issue
Please rejudge It is about submitting calls to checkorder()
to make orders from other market makers invalid.
Escalate for 10 USDC
I have two issues classfied to I think one of them ( is exactly about this issue
Please rejudge It is about submitting calls to
to make orders from other market makers invalid.
You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment. To change the amount you've staked on this escalation: Edit your comment (do not create a new comment).
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
Escalate for 10 USDC
The issue #132 I've submitted was classified to #60. I think it is this issue #6.
Please rejudge #132, since it is about function checkOrder(....)
marking nonces as used.
Escalate for 10 USDC The issue #132 I've submitted was classified to #60. I think it is this issue #6. Please rejudge #132, since it is about function
marking nonces as used.
You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment. To change the amount you've staked on this escalation: Edit your comment (do not create a new comment).
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
Escalation accepted
Escalation accepted
This issue's escalations have been accepted!
Contestants' payouts and scores will be updated according to the changes made on this issue.
CRYP70, yixxas, hyh
Formulas for usdcAmount
, portion.crab
, portion.eth
used in depositAuction() and withdrawAuction() for queued distributions perform division first, which lead to truncation and fund loss in the numerical corner cases.
depositAuction() and withdrawAuction() use the same approach for USDC and crab amount calculation. Let's focus on withdrawAuction(), there it is usdcAmount = (((withdraw.amount * 1e18) / _p.crabToWithdraw) * usdcReceived) / 1e18
When _p.crabToWithdraw
is big compared to withdraw.amount
, the ((withdraw.amount * 1e18) / _p.crabToWithdraw)
can become zero as result of integer division.
As an example there can be an ordinary user and a whale situation, for the user it can be withdraw.amount = 900
, while _p.crabToWithdraw = 1000e18
, usdcReceived = 2e18
, then usdcAmount = (((withdraw.amount * 1e18) / _p.crabToWithdraw) * usdcReceived) / 1e18 = 0
, while it should be usdcAmount = (withdraw.amount * usdcReceived) / _p.crabToWithdraw = (900 * 2e18) / 1000e18 = 1
When truncation occurs the corresponding depositor or withdrawer will experience the loss as less funds to be distributed to them.
Setting the severity to medium as this have material impact in a numerical corner cases only.
withdrawAuction() use usdcAmount = (((withdraw.amount * 1e18) / _p.crabToWithdraw) * usdcReceived) / 1e18
if (withdraw.amount <= remainingWithdraws) {
// full usage
remainingWithdraws -= withdraw.amount;
crabBalance[withdraw.sender] -= withdraw.amount;
// send proportional usdc
usdcAmount = (((withdraw.amount * 1e18) / _p.crabToWithdraw) * usdcReceived) / 1e18;
IERC20(usdc).transfer(withdraw.sender, usdcAmount);
emit CrabWithdrawn(withdraw.sender, withdraw.amount, usdcAmount, j);
delete withdraws[j];
} else {
withdraws[j].amount -= remainingWithdraws;
crabBalance[withdraw.sender] -= remainingWithdraws;
// send proportional usdc
usdcAmount = (((remainingWithdraws * 1e18) / _p.crabToWithdraw) * usdcReceived) / 1e18;
IERC20(usdc).transfer(withdraw.sender, usdcAmount);
emit CrabWithdrawn(withdraw.sender, remainingWithdraws, usdcAmount, j);
remainingWithdraws = 0;
depositAuction() use the same approach for portion.crab
and portion.eth
if (queuedAmount <= remainingDeposits) {
remainingDeposits = remainingDeposits - queuedAmount;
usdBalance[deposits[k].sender] -= queuedAmount;
portion.crab = (((queuedAmount * 1e18) / _p.depositsQueued) * to_send.crab) / 1e18;
IERC20(crab).transfer(deposits[k].sender, portion.crab);
portion.eth = (((queuedAmount * 1e18) / _p.depositsQueued) * to_send.eth) / 1e18;
if (portion.eth > 1e12) {
IWETH(weth).transfer(deposits[k].sender, portion.eth);
} else {
portion.eth = 0;
emit USDCDeposited(deposits[k].sender, queuedAmount, portion.crab, k, portion.eth);
delete deposits[k];
} else {
usdBalance[deposits[k].sender] -= remainingDeposits;
portion.crab = (((remainingDeposits * 1e18) / _p.depositsQueued) * to_send.crab) / 1e18;
IERC20(crab).transfer(deposits[k].sender, portion.crab);
portion.eth = (((remainingDeposits * 1e18) / _p.depositsQueued) * to_send.eth) / 1e18;
if (portion.eth > 1e12) {
IWETH(weth).transfer(deposits[k].sender, portion.eth);
} else {
portion.eth = 0;
emit USDCDeposited(deposits[k].sender, remainingDeposits, portion.crab, k, portion.eth);
deposits[k].amount -= remainingDeposits;
remainingDeposits = 0;
Manual Review
Consider performing multiplication first in all the case, for example for withdrawAuction():
if (withdraw.amount <= remainingWithdraws) {
// full usage
remainingWithdraws -= withdraw.amount;
crabBalance[withdraw.sender] -= withdraw.amount;
// send proportional usdc
- usdcAmount = (((withdraw.amount * 1e18) / _p.crabToWithdraw) * usdcReceived) / 1e18;
+ usdcAmount = (withdraw.amount * usdcReceived) / _p.crabToWithdraw;
IERC20(usdc).transfer(withdraw.sender, usdcAmount);
emit CrabWithdrawn(withdraw.sender, withdraw.amount, usdcAmount, j);
delete withdraws[j];
} else {
withdraws[j].amount -= remainingWithdraws;
crabBalance[withdraw.sender] -= remainingWithdraws;
// send proportional usdc
- usdcAmount = (((remainingWithdraws * 1e18) / _p.crabToWithdraw) * usdcReceived) / 1e18;
+ usdcAmount = (remainingWithdraws * usdcReceived) / _p.crabToWithdraw;
IERC20(usdc).transfer(withdraw.sender, usdcAmount);
emit CrabWithdrawn(withdraw.sender, remainingWithdraws, usdcAmount, j);
remainingWithdraws = 0;
and _p.crabToWithdraw
have 18 decimals here, usdcReceived
and resulting usdcAmount
have 6 decimals.
fix :
Fix lgtm.
I think this should be set to medium severity, as the author suggests.
indijanc, __141345__, Trumpero, reassor, Met, KingNFT, zapaz, csanuragjain, HonorLt
State variables userDepositIndex
and userWithdrawIndex
are growing indefinitely, this might lead to expensive transactions and effectively denial of service for the user when calling withdrawUSCD
and dequeueCrabs
functions that require iterations over the whole arrays.
The contract is using userDepositsIndex
and userWithdrawsIndex
to track deposits and withdraw for users. This helps with parsing state variables deposits
and withdraws
that contain data for all users. userDepositsIndex
is expanded by depositUSDC
function and the elements are deleted by withdrawUSDC
, however the delete is only setting data located at the given index to zero. This make all element re-parsed every time the function is called, making the user consuming more gas. The very same logic is present within the function queueCrabForWithdrawal
and dequeueCrabs
. The first one will make the userWithdrawsIndex
grow and the second will just zero-out the elements but keep parsing them every time the user call the function.
Denial of service/very expensive transactions for users of the protocol.
Manual Review
It is recommended to remove elements from the arrays userDepositsIndex
using pop()
function when deleting deposits. This should be easy to implement since the iteration starts from last item and goes down until first element.
Deivitto, dipp, Jeiwan, thec00n
Users can deposit USDC and Crabv2 tokens at any time, but there are limitations around withdrawals. Users could have permanently locked up their funds if specific owner actions are not triggered.
The owner can call toggleAuctionLive()
and prevent any withdrawals from occurring. User withdrawals are only enabled again when the owner calls withdrawAuction()
or depositAuction()
. If the owner loses their key or becomes malicious and never calls these functions, then the users have no way of withdrawing their funds.
Users could get their funds locked up in the Netting
contract without a way to withdraw them again.
Manual Review
Lock up times are necessary for the system to work but users should always be able to withdraw their funds eventually without any dependecy of the owner. When users deposit tokens, a meaningful expiry timestamp should be set by the contract. Before the expiry deposits are locked and the funds can be used during auctions. After expiry deposits are skipped and users can withdraw them at any time.
It covers at least the case where the key or signing powers are lost. Owner could still push out the turnOffAuctionLive()
time threshold by calling toggleAuctionLive()
twice just before the auction can be turned off by users. Just saying ...
alternate fix:
Comment for report: thec00n accepts the alternate fix.
Escalate for 2 USDC.
"If the owner loses their key or becomes malicious and never calls these functions, then the users have no way of withdrawing their funds."
When reviewing contracts we are advised not to report admin overprivileged issues as per official guidelines:
Usually, such issues are acknowledged but closed, e.g.
Escalate for 2 USDC.
"If the owner loses their key or becomes malicious and never calls these functions, then the users have no way of withdrawing their funds."
When reviewing contracts we are advised not to report admin overprivileged issues as per official guidelines:
Usually, such issues are acknowledged but closed, e.g.
You've created a valid escalation for 2 USDC!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment. To change the amount you've staked on this escalation: Edit your comment (do not create a new comment).
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
Escalation rejected
The readme in this contest mentions the admin to be "restricted to specific actions", which changes the rules for this case, implying that the admin should not have access to or be able to influence actions like user withdrawals, which in this case it does.
Escalation rejected
The readme in this contest mentions the admin to be "restricted to specific actions", which changes the rules for this case, implying that the admin should not have access to or be able to influence actions like user withdrawals, which in this case it does.
This issue's escalations have been rejected!
Watsons who escalated this issue will have their escalation amount deducted from their next payout.
and depositAuction
to failSource:
indijanc, Haruxe, seyni, zimu, Jeiwan, thec00n
The owner must ensure that all orders are valid before submitting an auction, as a single order failure can revert an entire auction. The current implementation allows a market maker to invalidate their order by front-running an auction transaction, causing the auction to fail. Other ways to cause the auction functions to fail are listed below.
A market maker can invalidate their order when withdrawAuction()
and depositAuction()
is submitted from the owner by:
or by calling checkOrder()
and setting the nonce of orders as used (see
contract or transferring required tokens from the trading account so that the transfer fails. Large user withdrawals could also occur right before the auction is submitted which could could cause the auction functions to fail.
A malicious market maker or user could perform a griefing attack and repeatedly cause auctions to fail.
Manual Review
should not fail when the nonce has been used. Instead, return a flag with the status of the nonce update. Orders that already have used nonces should be skipped from processing in withdrawAuction()
and depositAuction()
contract is authorized to successfully perform the transfer from a related order. Insufficient permissions or funds from users that sign orders should also be skipped. isAuctionLive
is set to true for withdrawAuction()
and depositAuction()
so withdrawals can not occur during auctions. sanandnarayan
So , before calling the auction function we actually check if the market makers have adequate approval and balance. if a market maker cancels approval or reduces balance or cancels nonce. Then we remove that order and resubmit the auction
So , before calling the auction function we actually check if the market makers have adequate approval and balance. if a market maker cancels approval or reduces balance or cancels nonce. Then we remove that order and resubmit the auction transaction
Yes but it might lead to failed transactions. It's better to check anything that could fail onchain and then skip the order if it's not valid.
I also think that this issue should be medium not high.
Agree regarding the technicality. Practically, market makers / auction participants don't grieve , so we are okay with current implementation. I acknowledge the issue