sherlock-audit / 2023-06-real-wagmi-judging

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karanctf - _withdrawfee can be avoided by setting deviationBP as 0 #141

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



_withdrawfee can be avoided by setting deviationBP as 0


Deposit and withdraws fee in all cases can be avoided by setting deviationBP as 0 In deposit and withdraw funciton in Dispatcher.sol deviationBP is send as an argument which can be set to 0.

Vulnerability Detail

function deposit(uint256 pid, uint256 amount, uint256 deviationBP) external checkPid(pid) {// @audit why letting user set deviationbp as it can be set to 0 


No fee will be paid causing loss for protocol

Code Snippet In withdrawFee function

uint256 amount0OutMin = (reserve0 * lpAmount * deviationBP) /
            (_totalSupply * MAX_DEVIATION);
        uint256 amount1OutMin = (reserve1 * lpAmount * deviationBP) /
            (_totalSupply * MAX_DEVIATION);

Tool used

Manual Review


Prevent deviationBP to be set by user.

ctf-sec commented 1 year ago

I agree this finding is invalid after a second look

    function _withdrawFee(
        PoolInfo memory pool,
        uint256 lpAmount,
        uint256 reserve0,
        uint256 reserve1,
        uint256 _totalSupply,
        uint256 deviationBP
    ) private {
        uint256 amount0OutMin = (reserve0 * lpAmount * deviationBP) /
            (_totalSupply * MAX_DEVIATION);
        uint256 amount1OutMin = (reserve1 * lpAmount * deviationBP) /
            (_totalSupply * MAX_DEVIATION);
        (uint256 withdrawnAmount0, uint256 withdrawnAmount1) = IMultipool(pool.multipool).withdraw(
        _pay(pool.token0, address(this), msg.sender, withdrawnAmount0);
        _pay(pool.token1, address(this), msg.sender, withdrawnAmount1);

deviationBP offer a slippage protection because amount0OutMin and amount1OutMin derives from the parameter deviationBP, if the setting deviationBP to 0, that means user decline the slippage protection