sherlock-audit / 2023-06-real-wagmi-judging

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Issue H-1: Wrong calculation of tickCumulatives due to hardcoded pool fees


Found by

Bauchibred, OxZ00mer, ast3ros, bitsurfer, crimson-rat-reach, duc, josephdara, mahdiRostami, n1punp, n33k, shogoki, stopthecap


Wrong calculation of tickCumulatives due to hardcoded pool fees

Vulnerability Detail

Real Wagmi is using a hardcoded 500 fee to calculate the amountOut to check for slippage and revert if it was to high, or got less funds back than expected.


There are several problems with the hardcoding of the 500 as the fee.

Specially as they are deploying in so many secondary chains like Kava, this will be a big problem pretty much in every transaction over there.

If any of those scenarios is given, tickCumulatives will be incorrectly calculated and it will set an incorrect slippage return.


Incorrect slippage calculation will increase the risk of rebalanceAll() rebalance getting rekt.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Consider allowing the fees as an input and consider not even picking low TVL pools with no transations



There are pools that are support not only 500 fee tiers

because the impact result in Incorrect slippage calculation

the severity is still high


fixed , quotePoolAddress can be changed


While the fix allows to change the address of the pool, it is not the best fix possible. The best would either store the pools in a mapping with their fees as a key, or pass directly the address as a parameter.

Issue H-2: No slippage protection when withdrawing and providing liquidity in rebalanceAll


Found by

ast3ros, n33k


When rebalanceAll is called, the liquidity is first withdrawn from the pools and then deposited to new positions. However, there is no slippage protection for these operations.

Vulnerability Detail

In the rebalanceAll function, it first withdraws all liquidity from the pools and deposits all liquidity to new positions.

    _withdraw(_totalSupply, _totalSupply);

    _deposit(reserve0, reserve1, _totalSupply, slots);

However, there are no parameters for amount0Min and amount1Min, which are used to prevent slippage. These parameters should be checked to create slippage protections.

Actually, they are implemented in the deposit and withdraw functions, but just not in the rebalanceAll function.


The withdraw and provide liquidity operations in rebalanceAll are exposed to high slippage and could result in a loss for LPs of multipool.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Implement slippage protection in rebalanceAll as suggested to avoid loss to the protocol.



FIXED. The _checkPriceDeviation function checks deviations from the weighted average price for each pool before _withdraw & _deposit


slippage is also checked during exchange

Issue H-3: Usage of slot0 is extremely easy to manipulate


Found by

BugBusters, Jaraxxus, ash, bitsurfer, kutugu, ni8mare, rogue-lion-0619, sashik_eth, shealtielanz, stopthecap, toshii, tsvetanovv


Usage of slot0 is extremely easy to manipulate

Vulnerability Detail

Real Wagmi is using slot0 to calculate several variables in their codebase:

slot0 is the most recent data point and is therefore extremely easy to manipulate.

Multipool directly uses the token values returned by getAmountsForLiquidity

 (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = LiquidityAmounts.getAmountsForLiquidity(

to calculate the reserves.

 reserve0 += amount0;
 reserve1 += amount1;

Which they are used to calculate the lpAmount to mint from the pool. This allows a malicious user to manipulate the amount of the minted by a user.


Pool lp value can be manipulated and cause other users to receive less lp tokens.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


To make any calculation use a TWAP instead of slot0.




Usage of slot0 is correct in this context. Using anything else as a price source would misrepresent current token liquidity in UniV3 pools and break the calculations used during minting (and could actually result in the user receiving more or less shares than due).

The possibility of price manipulation is correctly mitigated by slippage parameters in the deposit function



Usage of slot0 is correct in this context. Using anything else as a price source would misrepresent current token liquidity in UniV3 pools and break the calculations used during minting (and could actually result in the user receiving more or less shares than due).

The possibility of price manipulation is correctly mitigated by slippage parameters in the deposit function

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You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


FIXED. The _checkPriceDeviation function checks deviations from the weighted average price for each pool




Result: High Has duplicates Although in general, the slot0 manipulation issue may need further discussion on its validity,severity and practicality of the issue, currently keeping this issue as a valid high based on historical decisions.

This will be further discussed and with additional information, the rulebook will be updated accordingly


Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:

Issue H-4: Deposit transactions lose funds to front-running when multiple fee tiers are available


Found by



Deposit transactions lose funds to front-running when multiple fee tiers are available

Vulnerability Detail

The deposit transaction takes in minimum parameters for amount0 and amount1 of tokens that the user wishes to deposit, but no parameter for the minimum number of LP tokens the user expects to receive. A malicious actor can limit the number of LP tokens that the user receives in the following way:

A user Alice submits a transaction to deposit tokens into Multipool where (amount0Desired, amount0Min) > (amount1Desired, amount1Min)

A malicious actor Bob can front-run this transaction if there are multiple feeTiers:

This results in reserves being balanced accross feeTiers, and the amounts resulting from _optimizeAmounts are balanced as well:

So the minimum amounts checks pass and but results as less LP tokens minted, because even though the reserves are balanced, they are also overinflated due to the large swap, and the ratio:

becomes a lot smaller than before the large swap


The user loses funds as a result of maximum slippage.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Add extra parameters for the minimum number of LP tokens that the user expects, instead of just checking non-zero amount:




This should not be a duplicate of #180 but a unique high (see my escalation on #180 on why similar looking issues are invalid)



This should not be a duplicate of #180 but a unique high (see my escalation on #180 on why similar looking issues are invalid)

You've created a valid escalation!

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You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


the issue still talk about the missing slippage when depositing / minting

in fact, the recommendation in this report is the same as the issue 180

duplicate of #180


the issue still talk about the missing slippage when depositing / minting

in fact, the recommendation in this report is the same as the issue 180

duplicate of #180

Respectfully, the recommendation in this issue is absolutely different from the one in #180.

I summarized in my escalation on issue #180 why #180 should be invalid. Slippage protection works correctly unless multiple pools are involved


FIXED: We simplified the slip check and added the minimum acceptable amount of liquidity tokens to be minted.


Result: High Unique Considering this issue as a valid high since it opens a user to sandwiching and the funds at loss are unbounded.


Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:


I believe this issue should be a low/non-issue, since the attacker can't increase both reserve0 and reserve1 of the Multipool contract through this scenario. This is due to the slippage of the UniswapV3 pool during the attacker's swaps, when you try to increase token0, you need a greater amount of token1 value.

A malicious actor Bob can front-run this transaction if there are multiple feeTiers:

by first moving the price of feeTier1 to make tokenA very cheap (lots of tokenA in the pool) then moving the price of feeTier2 in opposite direction to make tokenB very cheap (lots of tokenB in the pool)

Therefore, the reserves will not be "overinflated". Also, since attacker can't increase both reserve0 and reserve1, the LP shares of the user will not become a lot smaller than before the large swap.

uint256 l0 = (amount0Desired * _totalSupply) / reserve0;
uint256 l1 = (amount1Desired * _totalSupply) / reserve1;
lpAmount = l0 < l1 ? l0 : l1;


I believe this issue should be a low/non-issue, since the attacker can't increase both reserve0 and reserve1 of the Multipool contract through this scenario. This is due to the slippage of the UniswapV3 pool during the attacker's swaps, when you try to increase token0, you need a greater amount of token1 value.

A malicious actor Bob can front-run this transaction if there are multiple feeTiers:

by first moving the price of feeTier1 to make tokenA very cheap (lots of tokenA in the pool) then moving the price of feeTier2 in opposite direction to make tokenB very cheap (lots of tokenB in the pool)

Therefore, the reserves will not be "overinflated". Also, since attacker can't increase both reserve0 and reserve1, the LP shares of the user will not become a lot smaller than before the large swap.

uint256 l0 = (amount0Desired * _totalSupply) / reserve0;
uint256 l1 = (amount1Desired * _totalSupply) / reserve1;
lpAmount = l0 < l1 ? l0 : l1;

The attacker can increase both reserves precisely because multiple underlying pools are available (multiple fee tiers), so the attacker adds more of token0 to one fee tier and more of token1 to the other fee tier. This was detailed in the scenario of the original submission.

The slippage during the first swap of the attacker does not matter, as a sandwicher always incurs heavy slippage during a sandwich and rebalances during back run


I know that an attacker can manipulate multiple pools with multiple fee tiers. However, when the attacker adds more token0 to the first fee tier, the token1 amount of the position in this UniswapV3 pool will decrease. Similarly, the token0 amount of the position in the second fee tier will decrease. Moreover, the decreased amounts hold more value than the increased amounts due to the slippage of the UniswapV3 pool.

For example:

  1. There are 2 positions in a 2 fee tier UniswapV3 pool. Initially, the first position (first fee tier) represents 1000 USDT-1000 USDC, and the second position (second fee tier) represents 2000 USDT-2000 USDC => Assuming that there is no fee, the initial reserves are 3000 USDT-3000 USDC.
  2. The attacker increases USDT in the first pool -> the first position will have 1500 USDT-499 USDC. The attacker increases USDC in the second pool -> the second position will have 1499 USDT-2500 USDC. => The new reserves will be 2999 USDT-2999 USDC (decreased).


The amounts of token0 and token1 in a position are calculated based on the current price and liquidity amount This mechanism is used in concentrated pools to prevent profiting from manipulating price then withdrawing position. If an attacker can increase the reserves without incurring any losses, as in the scenario described above, could anyone else do something similar and profit from their positions?


For example:

  1. There are 2 positions in a 2 fee tier UniswapV3 pool. Initially, the first position (first fee tier) represents 1000 USDT-1000 USDC, and the second position (second fee tier) represents 2000 USDT-2000 USDC => Assuming that there is no fee, the initial reserves are 3000 USDT-3000 USDC.
  2. The attacker increases USDT in the first pool -> the first position will have 1500 USDT-499 USDC. The attacker increases USDC in the second pool -> the second position will have 1499 USDT-2500 USDC. => The new reserves will be 2999 USDT-2999 USDC (decreased). We have protection for a similar scenario of price manipulation in you think it's not enough? It looks like this issue is invalid.

Issue H-5: The _estimateWithdrawalLp function might return a very large value, result in users losing significant incentives or being unable to withdraw from the Dispatcher contract


Found by

crimson-rat-reach, duc, qpzm


The _estimateWithdrawalLp function might return a very large value, result in users losing significant incentives or being unable to withdraw from the Dispatcher contract

Vulnerability Detail

In Dispatcher contract, _estimateWithdrawalLp function returns the value of shares amount based on the average of ratios amount0 / reserve0 and amount1 / reserve1.

function _estimateWithdrawalLp(
    uint256 reserve0,
    uint256 reserve1,
    uint256 _totalSupply,
    uint256 amount0,
    uint256 amount1
) private pure returns (uint256 shareAmount) {
    shareAmount =
        ((amount0 * _totalSupply) / reserve0 + (amount1 * _totalSupply) / reserve1) /

From Dispatcher.withdraw and Dispatcher.deposit function, amount0 and amount1 will be the accumulated fees of users

uint256 lpAmount;
    (uint256 fee0, uint256 fee1) = _calcFees(feesGrow, user);
    lpAmount = _estimateWithdrawalLp(reserve0, reserve1, _totalSupply, fee0, fee1);
user.shares -= lpAmount;
_withdrawFee(pool, lpAmount, reserve0, reserve1, _totalSupply, deviationBP);

However, it is important to note that the values of reserve0 and reserve1 can fluctuate significantly. This is because the positions of the Multipool in UniSwapV3 pools (concentrated) are unstable on-chain, and they can change substantially as the state of the pools changes. As a result, the _estimateWithdrawalLp function might return a large value even for a small fee amount. This could potentially lead to reverting due to underflow in the deposit function (in cases where lpAmount > user.shares), or it could result in withdrawing a larger amount of Multipool LP than initially expected.


  1. Total supply of Multipool is 1e18, and Alice has 1e16 (1%) LP amounts which deposited into Dispatcher contract.
  2. Alice accrued fees = 200 USDC and 100 USDT
  3. The reserves of Multipool are 100,000 USDC and 100,000 USDT, _estimateWithdrawalLp of Alice fees will be (0.2% + 0.1%) / 2 * totalSupply = 0.15% * totalSupply = 1.5e15 LP amounts
  4. However, in some cases, UniSwapV3 pools may experience fluctuations, reserves of Multipool are 10,000 USDC and 190,000 USDT, _estimateWithdrawalLp of Alice fees will be (2% + 0.052%) / 2 * totalSupply = 1.026% * totalSupply = 1.026e16 LP amounts This result is greater than LP amounts of Alice (1e16), leading to reverting by underflow in deposit/withdraw function of Dispatcher contract.


    Users may face 2 potential issues when interacting with the Dispatcher contract.

  5. They might be unable to deposit/withdraw
  6. Secondly, users could potentially lose significant incentives when depositing or withdrawing due to unexpected withdrawals of LP amounts for their fees.

    Code Snippet

    Tool used

    Manual review


Shouldn't use the average ratio for calculation in_estimateWithdrawalLp function



Think can change the severity to medium



I believe the severity of this issue is high. There is no reason for downgrading this issue to medium, since it has high impact and high likelihood. The state of the UniswapV3 pool always changes, which causes the reserves of the Multipool contract (Multipool.getReserve()) to fluctuate significantly. The reserves of the Multipool contract are accumulated from all token amounts of each position. (code snippet). It is a fact that if the tick range of a position is short, the token amounts of this position can change significantly by 1 swap, for example, from (1e21, 0) to (0, 1e21)! This is because the amounts of each position depend on the situation of the current sqrtP (square root of the price) of this pool within the tick range of this position. Therefore, using the average calculation for _estimateWithdrawalLp function always puts users at risk of significant loss.



I believe the severity of this issue is high. There is no reason for downgrading this issue to medium, since it has high impact and high likelihood. The state of the UniswapV3 pool always changes, which causes the reserves of the Multipool contract (Multipool.getReserve()) to fluctuate significantly. The reserves of the Multipool contract are accumulated from all token amounts of each position. (code snippet). It is a fact that if the tick range of a position is short, the token amounts of this position can change significantly by 1 swap, for example, from (1e21, 0) to (0, 1e21)! This is because the amounts of each position depend on the situation of the current sqrtP (square root of the price) of this pool within the tick range of this position. Therefore, using the average calculation for _estimateWithdrawalLp function always puts users at risk of significant loss.

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fixed and


Based on the impact

Users may face 2 potential issues when interacting with the Dispatcher contract.

They might be unable to deposit/withdraw Secondly, users could potentially lose significant incentives when depositing or withdrawing due to unexpected withdrawals of LP amounts for their fees.

All impact is medium except when user are not able to withdraw and withdraw revert in underflow,

I think a high severity is ok


@huuducsc This revert happens only when there is a massive fluctuation in the pool right? These seem to be temporary or extreme cases. I think this should be a medium.


@huuducsc This revert happens only when there is a massive fluctuation in the pool right? These seem to be temporary or extreme cases. I think this should be a medium.

Fluctuations in positions usually occur in an UniswapV3 pool, which utilizes a concentrated price mechanism. For example, if the price of ARB is currently 1.25 USDC, and the Multipool contract holds a position in the ARB-USDC pool with a price range of [1.245, 1.255], then the ratio of tokens (token0/token1) in this position is 1:1. However, if the price of ARB increases to 1.253, the ratio of tokens in this position changes to 2:8.


Result: High Has duplicates Agree with the above comments and the impact mentioned in its duplicates considering this a valid high as the price change can get user funds to be stuck forever.


Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:

Issue M-1: fee calculations


Found by

n1punp, tank


refer to this LOCs:, these LOCs don't allow underflow/overflow, but refering to which allows underflow/overflow. This will lead to some transactions will revert.

Vulnerability Detail



some user transactions will revert.

Code Snippet

            if (liquidity > 0) {
                    uint256 feeGrowthInside0X128Pending,
                    uint256 feeGrowthInside1X128Pending
                ) = _getFeeGrowthInside(
                pendingFee0 += uint128(
                        feeGrowthInside0X128Pending - feeGrowthInside0LastX128,
                pendingFee1 += uint128(
                        feeGrowthInside1X128Pending - feeGrowthInside1LastX128,

Tool used


add unchecked {} when calculate the pending fee




This issue is not a duplicate of #88, and it is an invalid issue. The above calculation is similar to UniswapV3's implementation for accruing fees, so it is correct. UniswapV3 doesn't allow overflowing/underflowing while updating the position, refer to this code snippet Additionally, the impact of this issue is low.



This issue is not a duplicate of #88, and it is an invalid issue. The above calculation is similar to UniswapV3's implementation for accruing fees, so it is correct. UniswapV3 doesn't allow overflowing/underflowing while updating the position, refer to this code snippet Additionally, the impact of this issue is low.

You've created a valid escalation!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


@huuducsc This is a valid issue (also dupe of #1 ) .

Your analysis is incorrect. UniswapV3 does allow overflowing / underflowing. The code snippet you're posting is for Solidity version < 0.8.0, which has not safe math by default


@huuducsc This is a valid issue (also dupe of #1 ) .

Your analysis is incorrect. UniswapV3 does allow overflowing / underflowing. The code snippet you're posting is for Solidity version < 0.8.0, which has not safe math by default


not a duplicate of #88, seperate valid medium based on the comments;

the Uniswap code use compiler version before 0.8.0 so the overflow / underflow is implicitly allowed

but in the current real wagmi codebase use compiler version 0.8.18 and does not allow overflow / underflow

based on the issue 573 discussion, the implicit overflow is needed to correctly calculated the fee.

so a valid issue

as for whether the severity is medium or low

I think the situation above is not a uncommon case, so recommend severity is medium

unless there are further comments from both side!


@huuducsc Do you agree with the above comments?


@n1punp Do you have any comments on this?


It's as Jeiwan's commented -- the subtraction should expect underflow (so this will be an issue for solidity >= 0.8.x), so this is a valid issue.

@n1punp Jeiwan/uniswapv3-book#45 (comment) Do you have any comments on this?


@n1punp Thanks for clarifying. Yes, that makes sense.
Sorry if I'm missing something. I don't see reverting during a deposit as a major issue. but the revert during withdrawal can be a problem. Do you have a valid example with numbers for the possibility?

Or is this example applicable in this case?


@hrishibhat Not sure about the specific case where user can deposit but cannot withdraw. It may require very precise calculations to find it out, which could not be worth the time (since allowing underflow should be the answer anyways), but having the core functionality unavailable should give this issue a valid Medium at least. I'm fine with it being valid Medium (as in #1 ).

(if anyone can somehow prove that it can deposit but cannot withdraw, then it could be a valid High).


Result: Medium Has duplicates Considering this a valid medium based on the above comments


Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:

Issue M-2: The fees are incorrectly updated in the _deposit and _withdraw functions, which allows the attacker to break the protocol fees


Found by



In _deposit and _withdraw function of Multipool contract, fee0 and fee1 are calculated from the accrued fee amounts to update feeGrowth of contract and send the protocol fee to the owner. However, these calculations are incorrect and do not align with the collected fees from the positions. It allows attacker break the protocol fees.

Vulnerability Detail

In function withdraw, all accrued fees from Uniswap V3 pool will be collected (tokensOwed0After and tokensOwed1After). However, fee0 and fee1 are updated by tokensOwed0After - tokensOwed0Before and tokensOwed1After - tokensOwed1Before.

(, , , uint128 tokensOwed0Before, uint128 tokensOwed1Before) = IUniswapV3Pool(

    address(this), //recipient

(, , , uint128 tokensOwed0After, uint128 tokensOwed1After) = IUniswapV3Pool(

fee0 += tokensOwed0After - tokensOwed0Before;
fee1 += tokensOwed1After - tokensOwed1Before;


It is incorrect because in cases where tokensOwed0Before > 0 or tokensOwed1Before > 0, fee0 and fee1 end up being smaller than the collected fees. Consequently, when _upFeesGrowth is executed, it will send smaller protocol fees than expected.

Therefore, an attacker can exploit this vulnerability and undermine the protocol fees by minting minuscule amounts to all positions within the Multipool contract. This is possible since anyone can mint for any positions in UniSwapV3 pools (the owner of position is recipient). This causes the fees of each position to be accrued beforehand, resulting in tokensOwed0Before and tokensOwed1Before becoming close to tokensOwed0After and tokensOwed1After. Then the majority of protocol fees will be lost (solvent in the reserve).


  1. Attacker mints minuscule amounts to all positions within the Multipool contract to accrue fees for these positions.
  2. The attacker then calls the earn() function to collect and update fees. In this scenario, tokensOwed0Before and tokensOwed1Before become equal to tokensOwed0After and tokensOwed1After (withdrawing 0 liquidity). As a result, fee0 and fee1 become 0, leading to the loss of these protocol fees.

Similar to _deposit function.


Protocol will lose its fees.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual review


fee0 and fee1 in _deposit and _withdraw function should be equal to the collected fee amounts (tokensOwed0After and tokensOwed1After)




This issue pertains to the incorrect updating of fees, resulting in a significant loss of the protocol fee. The explanation is clear enough if you have knowledge about UniswapV3. Here are my detailed explanations:

  1. The fee from the UniswapV3 pool is accumulated into the data of a position when that position is updated (by adding liquidity or removing liquidity ...). This allows anyone to mint minuscule amounts for the positions of Multipool to accrue the fee for them into position data.
  2. In the function _withdraw of the Multipool contract, tokensOwed0Before and tokensOwed1Before are the current collectible amounts of this position (the current accrued fee). amount0 and amount1 are the amount from burning liquidity. Therefore, (tokensOwed0After - amount0) - tokensOwed0Before is only equal to the fee from the burn call (which is very small) and doesn't include the accrued fee mentioned above. However, the contract has collected all the collectible amounts of each position, which means the accrued fee has been collected but is not accumulated in fee0 and fee1.

    (, , , uint128 tokensOwed0Before, uint128 tokensOwed1Before) = IUniswapV3Pool(
    (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = IUniswapV3Pool(position.poolAddress).burn(
    withdrawnAmount0 += amount0;
    withdrawnAmount1 += amount1;
    (, , , uint128 tokensOwed0After, uint128 tokensOwed1After) = IUniswapV3Pool(
    fee0 += (tokensOwed0After - amount0) - tokensOwed0Before;
    fee1 += (tokensOwed1After - amount1) - tokensOwed1Before;
  3. The _withdraw function will trigger _upFeesGrowth function with incorrect fee0 and fee1. They don't include the accrued fee of this position before. This will result in the protocol losing a significant protocol fee.



This issue pertains to the incorrect updating of fees, resulting in a significant loss of the protocol fee. The explanation is clear enough if you have knowledge about UniswapV3. Here are my detailed explanations:

  1. The fee from the UniswapV3 pool is accumulated into the data of a position when that position is updated (by adding liquidity or removing liquidity ...). This allows anyone to mint minuscule amounts for the positions of Multipool to accrue the fee for them into position data.
  2. In the function _withdraw of the Multipool contract, tokensOwed0Before and tokensOwed1Before are the current collectible amounts of this position (the current accrued fee). amount0 and amount1 are the amount from burning liquidity. Therefore, (tokensOwed0After - amount0) - tokensOwed0Before is only equal to the fee from the burn call (which is very small) and doesn't include the accrued fee mentioned above. However, the contract has collected all the collectible amounts of each position, which means the accrued fee has been collected but is not accumulated in fee0 and fee1.

    (, , , uint128 tokensOwed0Before, uint128 tokensOwed1Before) = IUniswapV3Pool(
    (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = IUniswapV3Pool(position.poolAddress).burn(
    withdrawnAmount0 += amount0;
    withdrawnAmount1 += amount1;
    (, , , uint128 tokensOwed0After, uint128 tokensOwed1After) = IUniswapV3Pool(
    fee0 += (tokensOwed0After - amount0) - tokensOwed0Before;
    fee1 += (tokensOwed1After - amount1) - tokensOwed1Before;
  3. The _withdraw function will trigger _upFeesGrowth function with incorrect fee0 and fee1. They don't include the accrued fee of this position before. This will result in the protocol losing a significant protocol fee.

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You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


This seems like a medium, recommend bring sponsor for review


@huuducsc Sponsor comment:

It doesn't make sense and does not matter what small position the user will mint. The Uniswap positions are common for all users. The Uniswap positions are owned by the multipool and fees will be collected on the entire liquidity of the multitool for each withdrawal or deposit.


@huuducsc Sponsor comment:

It doesn't make sense and does not matter what small position the user will mint. The Uniswap positions are common for all users. The Uniswap positions are owned by the multipool and fees will be collected on the entire liquidity of the multitool for each withdrawal or deposit.

I agree that fees will be collected on the entire liquidity of the multitool for each withdrawal or deposit, but it is not related to this issue. This issue is about the protocol fee, which is derived from the total fees collected from Multipool's positions, and it may be compromised. The protocol fee is only charged in the _deposit and _withdraw functions. If the fees from Multipool's positions were to be collected without using _deposit and _withdraw (for example, by adding a small amount of liquidity directly), the protocol fee would not increase during the next _deposit or _withdraw action. As a result, an attacker would be able to manipulate the protocol fee by front-running these functions.




Result: Medium Unique Considering this issue a valid medium


Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:


Fixed by deleting the subtraction of tokensOwed0Before and accounting for the collected fee amounts

Issue M-3: Possible precision loss in _checkpositionsRange function


Found by

0xdice91, BugBusters, ash, ginlee, josephdara, lil.eth, shealtielanz, tsvetanovv, twcctop


The _checkpositionsRange function contains a potential precision loss issue. The problem arises from the expression ((_range / 2) % _tickSpacing != 0).

Vulnerability Detail

The vulnerability lies in the calculation of (_range / 2) % _tickSpacing. The code assumes that _range and _tickSpacing are both int24 variables, representing signed 24-bit integers. However, when _range is 9 and _tickSpacing is, for example, 3, the division operation (_range / 2) will truncate the fractional part, resulting in 4 instead of 4.5. Subsequently, the modulo operation (4 % _tickSpacing) will evaluate to 1. This can lead to incorrect comparisons and unexpected behavior.


It can potentially lead to incorrect validation and can also affect the correctness of the positions range check, potentially allowing invalid positions to be considered valid

Code Snippet

function _checkpositionsRange(
        int24 _range,
        int24 _tickSpacing,
        int24 tickSpacingOffset
    ) private pure {
            (_range > _tickSpacing) &&
                (_range % _tickSpacing == 0) &&
                (((_range / 2) % _tickSpacing != 0) || tickSpacingOffset != 0),

Tool used

Manual Review




Seems like a valid medium to me. Reference from tickSpacing:





This link seems wrong, it does not bring me to a PR, please check

Issue M-4: The deposit - withdraw - trade transaction lack of expiration timestamp check (DeadLine check)


Found by

Avci, Phantasmagoria, kutugu, sashik_eth, shealtielanz


The deposit - withdraw - trade transaction lack of expiration timestamp check (DeadLine check)

Vulnerability Detail

the protocol missing the DEADLINE check at all in logic.

this is actually how uniswap implemented the Deadline, this protocol also need deadline check like this logic

// **** ADD LIQUIDITY ****
function _addLiquidity(
    address tokenA,
    address tokenB,
    uint amountADesired,
    uint amountBDesired,
    uint amountAMin,
    uint amountBMin
) internal virtual returns (uint amountA, uint amountB) {
    // create the pair if it doesn't exist yet
    if (IUniswapV2Factory(factory).getPair(tokenA, tokenB) == address(0)) {
        IUniswapV2Factory(factory).createPair(tokenA, tokenB);
    (uint reserveA, uint reserveB) = UniswapV2Library.getReserves(factory, tokenA, tokenB);
    if (reserveA == 0 && reserveB == 0) {
        (amountA, amountB) = (amountADesired, amountBDesired);
    } else {
        uint amountBOptimal = UniswapV2Library.quote(amountADesired, reserveA, reserveB);
        if (amountBOptimal <= amountBDesired) {
            require(amountBOptimal >= amountBMin, 'UniswapV2Router: INSUFFICIENT_B_AMOUNT');
            (amountA, amountB) = (amountADesired, amountBOptimal);
        } else {
            uint amountAOptimal = UniswapV2Library.quote(amountBDesired, reserveB, reserveA);
            assert(amountAOptimal <= amountADesired);
            require(amountAOptimal >= amountAMin, 'UniswapV2Router: INSUFFICIENT_A_AMOUNT');
            (amountA, amountB) = (amountAOptimal, amountBDesired);

function addLiquidity(
    address tokenA,
    address tokenB,
    uint amountADesired,
    uint amountBDesired,
    uint amountAMin,
    uint amountBMin,
    address to,
    uint deadline
) external virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (uint amountA, uint amountB, uint liquidity) {
    (amountA, amountB) = _addLiquidity(tokenA, tokenB, amountADesired, amountBDesired, amountAMin, amountBMin);
    address pair = UniswapV2Library.pairFor(factory, tokenA, tokenB);
    TransferHelper.safeTransferFrom(tokenA, msg.sender, pair, amountA);
    TransferHelper.safeTransferFrom(tokenB, msg.sender, pair, amountB);
    liquidity = IUniswapV2Pair(pair).mint(to);

the point is the deadline check

modifier ensure(uint deadline) {
    require(deadline >= block.timestamp, 'UniswapV2Router: EXPIRED');

The deadline check ensure that the transaction can be executed on time and the expired transaction revert.


The transaction can be pending in mempool for a long and the trading activity is very time senstive. Without deadline check, the trade transaction can be executed in a long time after the user submit the transaction, at that time, the trade can be done in a sub-optimal price, which harms user's position.

The deadline check ensure that the transaction can be executed on time and the expired transaction revert.

Code Snippet

 function _deposit(
        uint256 amount0Desired,
        uint256 amount1Desired,
        uint256 _totalSupply,
        Slot0Data[] memory slots
    ) private {
        uint128 liquidity;
        uint256 fee0;
        uint256 fee1;
        uint256 posNum = multiPosition.length;
        PositionInfo memory position;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < posNum; ) {
            position = multiPosition[i];

            liquidity = _calcLiquidityAmountToDeposit(
            if (liquidity > 0) {
                (, , , uint128 tokensOwed0Before, uint128 tokensOwed1Before) = IUniswapV3Pool(

                    address(this), //recipient

                (, , , uint128 tokensOwed0After, uint128 tokensOwed1After) = IUniswapV3Pool(

                fee0 += tokensOwed0After - tokensOwed0Before;
                fee1 += tokensOwed1After - tokensOwed1Before;

            unchecked {

Tool used

Manual Review




Seems like the sponsor mark as medium and dispute #163

116 is a duplicate of #102 as well,

I understand the sponsor is mainly concerning with rebalance action.

Recommend still leave this issue as a medium


Agree to keep a med here


Our team does not consider such a check necessary and allows for a delay in deposit and withdrawals subject to the conditions of slippage protection.The deadline check will be included in swapData if needed