Does not check if the key exists when iterate over the map
Does not check if the key exists when iterate over the map
Vulnerability Detail
In file synth_palette_weight.go
func (p SynthPalette) Clone() SynthPalette {
inferenceByWorker := make(map[Worker]*emissionstypes.Inference, len(p.InferenceByWorker))
for k, v := range p.InferenceByWorker {
inferenceCopy := *v
inferenceByWorker[k] = &inferenceCopy
forecastByWorker := make(map[Worker]*emissionstypes.Forecast, len(p.ForecastByWorker))
for k, v := range p.ForecastByWorker {
forecastCopy := *v
forecastByWorker[k] = &forecastCopy
forecastImpliedInferenceByWorker := make(map[Worker]*emissionstypes.Inference, len(p.ForecastImpliedInferenceByWorker))
for k, v := range p.ForecastImpliedInferenceByWorker {
inferenceCopy := *v
forecastImpliedInferenceByWorker[k] = &inferenceCopy
infererRegrets := make(map[Worker]*StatefulRegret, len(p.InfererRegrets))
for k, v := range p.InfererRegrets {
regretCopy := *v
infererRegrets[k] = ®retCopy
forecasterRegrets := make(map[Worker]*StatefulRegret, len(p.ForecasterRegrets))
for k, v := range p.ForecasterRegrets {
regretCopy := *v
forecasterRegrets[k] = ®retCopy
infererWeights := make(map[Worker]Weight)
forecasterWeights := make(map[Worker]Weight)
if p.InferersNewStatus != InferersAllNewExceptOne {
// Calculate the weights from the normalized regrets
for address, worker := range p.InfererRegrets {
// If there is more than one not-new inferer, calculate the weight for the ones that are not new
var infererWeight = alloraMath.ZeroDec()
if !worker.noPriorRegret {
infererWeight, err = CalcWeightFromNormalizedRegret(normalizedInfererRegrets[address], maxRegret, p.PNorm, p.CNorm)
if err != nil {
return RegretInformedWeights{}, errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Error calculating inferer weight")
@ infererWeights[address] = infererWeight
the code does not check if the key exists, and try to read and set value directly, which leads to panic and incorrect data.
the code does not check if the key exists, and try to read and set value directly, which leads to panic and incorrect data.
Does not check if the key exists when iterate over the map
Does not check if the key exists when iterate over the map
Vulnerability Detail
In file synth_palette_weight.go
the code does not check if the key exists, and try to read and set value directly, which leads to panic and incorrect data.
the code does not check if the key exists, and try to read and set value directly, which leads to panic and incorrect data.
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
check if the key exists, if not exists, either init the value or continue the loop.