sherlock-audit / 2024-06-allora-judging

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Issue H-1: forecast-implied inferences can be set to any value due to ForecastElements is not filtered by duplicate.


Found by



forecast-implied inferences can be set to any value due to ForecastElements is not filtered by duplicate.

Vulnerability Detail

The function InsertBulkWorkerPayload doesn't have any authentication. There is no validation for duplicates inside the input variable workerDataBundle.InferenceForecastsBundle.Forecast.ForecastElements

            for _, el := range forecast.ForecastElements {
                if _, ok := acceptedInferersOfBatch[el.Inferer]; ok {
                    acceptedForecastElements = append(acceptedForecastElements, el)

            // Discard if empty
            if len(acceptedForecastElements) == 0 {


.ForecastElements is being used inside CalcForecastImpliedInferences to calculate forecast-implied inference value.


forecastValue can be set to any value due to duplication

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Filter out duplicates inside workerDataBundle.InferenceForecastsBundle.Forecast.ForecastElements inside verifyAndInsertForecastsFromTopForecasters before saving via ms.k.InsertForecasts(



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

forecastValue can be set to any value due to duplication


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue H-2: Not appropriate Inferences will be used when calculating the forecast


Found by



Not appropriate Inferences will be used when calculating the forecast due to not saving filtered results

Vulnerability Detail

Current variable acceptedInferersOfBatch doesn't do anything due to acceptedForecastElements is not being saved. It should filter out accepted Inferers according to the comment and a function logic otherwise all inferences will be used when calculating forecast

func verifyAndInsertForecastsFromTopForecasters(
    ctx context.Context,
    ms msgServer,
    topicId uint64,
    nonce types.Nonce,
    workerDataBundle []*types.WorkerDataBundle,
    // Inferers in the current batch, assumed to have passed VerifyAndInsertInferencesFromTopInferers() filters
    acceptedInferersOfBatch map[string]bool,
    maxTopWorkersToReward uint64,
) error {
            // Examine forecast elements to verify that they're for inferers in the current set.
            // We assume that set of inferers has been verified above.
            // We keep what we can, ignoring the forecaster and their contribution (forecast) entirely
            // if they're left with no valid forecast elements.
            acceptedForecastElements := make([]*types.ForecastElement, 0)
            for _, el := range forecast.ForecastElements {
                if _, ok := acceptedInferersOfBatch[el.Inferer]; ok {
                    acceptedForecastElements = append(acceptedForecastElements, el)



Not appropriate Inferences will be used when calculating the forecast

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


It should look like this

            acceptedForecastElements := make([]*types.ForecastElement, 0)
            for _, el := range forecast.ForecastElements {
                if _, ok := acceptedInferersOfBatch[el.Inferer]; ok {
                    acceptedForecastElements = append(acceptedForecastElements, el)

            // Discard if empty
            if len(acceptedForecastElements) == 0 {
+                     forecast.ForecastElements = acceptedForecastElements;
            /// Filtering done now, now write what we must for inclusion

            // Get the latest score for each forecaster => only take top few by score descending
            latestScore, err := ms.k.GetLatestForecasterScore(ctx, topicId, forecast.Forecaster)
            if err != nil {
            latestForecasterScores[forecast.Forecaster] = latestScore
            forecastsByForecaster[forecast.Forecaster] = forecast



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Forecast is calculated using wrong inferences


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue H-3: Adversary can arbitrarily trigger a chain halt by sending MsgRemove{Delegate}Stake with negative amount


Found by

Kow, LZ_security, abdulsamijay, imsrybr0, volodya


Adversary can trigger chain halt arbitrarily by sending MsgRemoveStake or MsgRemoveDelegateStake with negative amount.

Vulnerability Detail

In msg_server_stake.go, RemoveStake and RemoveDelegateStake contain the logic for starting the stake removal process for reputers and delegators respectively. After RemoveStakeDelayWindow blocks have passed, the stake removal is processed at the start of the emissions module EndBlocker. To send the removed stake amount to the reputer/delegator, a new coins structure is created using the amount unstaked.

func RemoveStakes(
    sdkCtx sdk.Context,
    currentBlock int64,
    k emissionskeeper.Keeper,
) {
    removals, err := k.GetStakeRemovalsForBlock(sdkCtx, currentBlock)
    for _, stakeRemoval := range removals {
        coins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(chainParams.DefaultBondDenom, stakeRemoval.Amount))

(RemoveDelegateStakes follows similar logic)

Note that sdk.NewCoin will panic if the amount specified is negative.

The issue is the Amount parameter for the corresponding messages are integers and there is no validation that they are non-negative. Additionally, a negative amount to always passes the staked balance check. Consequently, anyone can send either MsgRemoveStake or MsgRemoveDelegateStake with a negative amount at any time and cause a chain halt when the stake removal matures.

PoC The following test can be copied into `msg_server_stake_test.go` and will panic due to the negative coin amount. The PoC for `RemoveDelegateStake` is very similar. ```go func (s *MsgServerTestSuite) TestRemoveStakeDoS() { ctx := s.ctx require := s.Require() keeper := s.emissionsKeeper senderAddr := sdk.AccAddress(PKS[0].Address()) msg := &types.MsgRemoveStake{ Sender: senderAddr.String(), TopicId: uint64(123), Amount: cosmosMath.NewInt(-1), } response, err := s.msgServer.RemoveStake(ctx, msg) require.NoError(err) require.NotNil(response) params, err := keeper.GetParams(ctx) require.NoError(err) ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(ctx.BlockHeight() + params.RemoveStakeDelayWindow) _ = s.appModule.EndBlock(ctx) } ```


Chain halt after RemovalStakeDelayWindow blocks due to negative coin amount in EndBlocker.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Validate that Amount is non-negative in RemoveStake and RemoveDelegateStake.



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Negative value in stake-specific functions causes panic() which permanently halts chain


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue H-4: SetDelegateStakePlacement error is not handled in RewardDelegateStake


Found by



SetDelegateStakePlacement error is not handled in RewardDelegateStake.

Vulnerability Detail

If SetDelegateStakePlacement fails in RewardDelegateStake, the RewardDebt will not be saved and it would allow a delegate staker to claim the same rewards more than once.


Rewards being distributed more than once can lead to insolvency (.i.e : others delegate stakers not being able to claim their rewards) and the drainage of the AlloraPendingReward module account.

Code Snippet


func (ms msgServer) RewardDelegateStake(ctx context.Context, msg *types.MsgRewardDelegateStake) (*types.MsgRewardDelegateStakeResponse, error) {
    // Check the target reputer exists and is registered
    isRegistered, err := ms.k.IsReputerRegisteredInTopic(ctx, msg.TopicId, msg.Reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if !isRegistered {
        return nil, types.ErrAddressIsNotRegisteredInThisTopic

    delegateInfo, err := ms.k.GetDelegateStakePlacement(ctx, msg.TopicId, msg.Sender, msg.Reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    share, err := ms.k.GetDelegateRewardPerShare(ctx, msg.TopicId, msg.Reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    pendingReward, err := delegateInfo.Amount.Mul(share)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    pendingReward, err = pendingReward.Sub(delegateInfo.RewardDebt) // <===== Audit
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if pendingReward.Gt(alloraMath.NewDecFromInt64(0)) {
        coins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(params.DefaultBondDenom, pendingReward.SdkIntTrim()))
        err = ms.k.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, types.AlloraPendingRewardForDelegatorAccountName, msg.Sender, coins)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        delegateInfo.RewardDebt, err = delegateInfo.Amount.Mul(share)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        ms.k.SetDelegateStakePlacement(ctx, msg.TopicId, msg.Sender, msg.Reputer, delegateInfo) // <====== Audit
    return &types.MsgRewardDelegateStakeResponse{}, nil

Tool used

Manual Review


Handle theSetDelegateStakePlacement error.



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Error SetDelegateStakePlacement is not handled correctly in RewardDelegateStake


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue H-5: Non-deterministic Ranges in Inference Synthesis Causing Inconsistent State Across Nodes


Found by

0x416, defsec, imsrybr0, volodya


In the inference_synthesis package, the inference synthesis process is utilizing non-deterministic ranges. This non-deterministic behavior can lead to inconsistent state across different nodes, particularly for any data saved from the inference synthesis. The inconsistency can cause significant issues in the system's overall functionality and reliability.

Vulnerability Detail

In the inference_synthesis package, the inference synthesis process is utilizing non-deterministic ranges. This non-deterministic behavior can lead to inconsistent state across different nodes, particularly for any data saved from the inference synthesis. The inconsistency can cause significant issues in the system's overall functionality and reliability.

The code section in question involves creating deep copies of various maps and structs within the SynthPalette struct. While the cloning function is properly creating deep copies, the inference synthesis process itself is not deterministic, which leads to the described issue.


This issue can cause multiple nodes in a distributed system to have differing states due to the non-deterministic ranges used during inference synthesis. This can result in:

Code Snippet


func (p SynthPalette) Clone() SynthPalette {
    inferenceByWorker := make(map[Worker]*emissionstypes.Inference, len(p.InferenceByWorker))
    for k, v := range p.InferenceByWorker {
        inferenceCopy := *v
        inferenceByWorker[k] = &inferenceCopy
    forecastByWorker := make(map[Worker]*emissionstypes.Forecast, len(p.ForecastByWorker))
    for k, v := range p.ForecastByWorker {
        forecastCopy := *v
        forecastByWorker[k] = &forecastCopy
    forecastImpliedInferenceByWorker := make(map[Worker]*emissionstypes.Inference, len(p.ForecastImpliedInferenceByWorker))
    for k, v := range p.ForecastImpliedInferenceByWorker {
        inferenceCopy := *v
        forecastImpliedInferenceByWorker[k] = &inferenceCopy
    infererRegrets := make(map[Worker]*StatefulRegret, len(p.InfererRegrets))
    for k, v := range p.InfererRegrets {
        regretCopy := *v
        infererRegrets[k] = &regretCopy
    forecasterRegrets := make(map[Worker]*StatefulRegret, len(p.ForecasterRegrets))
    for k, v := range p.ForecasterRegrets {
        regretCopy := *v
        forecasterRegrets[k] = &regretCopy

Tool used

Manual Review




1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Map is non-deterministic


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue H-6: Missing highestVotingPower Update in argmaxBlockByStake Resulting in Incorrect Block Selection


Found by



The argmaxBlockByStake function is used to identify the block height with the highest cumulative voting power based on the stakes of voting reputers. However, the calculation for highestVotingPower is flawed. The function updates blockOfMaxPower when finding a new block with higher voting power but fails to update highestVotingPower. This results in incorrect block selection.

Vulnerability Detail

The following code snippet from argmaxBlockByStake illustrates the issue. Lines 13 and 14 properly calculate the voting power blockVotingPower for each block. However, when a new highest voting power is found, only blockOfMaxPower is updated while highestVotingPower is not, leading to erroneous results.

func (ap *AppChain) argmaxBlockByStake(
    blockToReputer *map[int64][]string,
    stakesPerReputer map[string]cosmossdk_io_math.Int,
) int64 {
    // Find the current block height with the highest voting power
    firstIter := true
    highestVotingPower := cosmossdk_io_math.ZeroInt()
    blockOfMaxPower := int64(-1)
    for block, reputersWhoVotedForBlock := range *blockToReputer {
        // Calc voting power of this candidate block by total voting reputer stake
        blockVotingPower := cosmossdk_io_math.ZeroInt()
        for _, reputerAddr := range reputersWhoVotedForBlock {
            blockVotingPower = blockVotingPower.Add(stakesPerReputer[reputerAddr])

        // Decide if voting power exceeds that of current front-runner
        if firstIter || blockVotingPower.GT(highestVotingPower) {
@>          blockOfMaxPower = block // Correctly updates the block
@>          // Missing highestVotingPower = blockVotingPower

        firstIter = false

    return blockOfMaxPower


The function will incorrectly identify the block with the greatest cumulative voting power. This could have downstream effects, such as incorrect block selection, mishandling of stakes, and potential inconsistencies in subsequent processing or decision-making based on these results.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


To resolve this issue, update highestVotingPower whenever blockOfMaxPower is updated:

func (ap *AppChain) argmaxBlockByStake(
    blockToReputer *map[int64][]string,
    stakesPerReputer map[string]cosmossdk_io_math.Int,
) int64 {
    firstIter := true
    highestVotingPower := cosmossdk_io_math.ZeroInt()
    blockOfMaxPower := int64(-1)
    for block, reputersWhoVotedForBlock := range *blockToReputer {
        blockVotingPower := cosmossdk_io_math.ZeroInt()
        for _, reputerAddr := range reputersWhoVotedForBlock {
            if stake, exists := stakesPerReputer[reputerAddr]; exists {  // Ensure reputer has a valid stake
                blockVotingPower = blockVotingPower.Add(stake)
            } else {
                ap.Logger.Warn().Str("reputerAddr", reputerAddr).Msg("Reputer address not found in stake map")

        if firstIter || blockVotingPower.GT(highestVotingPower) {
+           highestVotingPower = blockVotingPower  // Update the highest voting power
            blockOfMaxPower = block  // Correctly updates the block
        firstIter = false

    // Log warning if no block was found with positive voting power
    if highestVotingPower.IsZero() {
        ap.Logger.Warn().Msg("No block found with positive voting power.")

    return blockOfMaxPower



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Missing highestVotingPower update


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue H-7: RemoveStakes and RemoveDelegateStakes silently handle errors in EndBlocker


Found by

imsrybr0, zigtur


RemoveStakes and RemoveDelegateStakes silently handle errors in EndBlocker.

Vulnerability Detail

When finalizing stake removals in the EndBlocker, for each removal : 1) First, the unstaked amount is sent to the staker. 2) Then the state is updated with RemoveReputerStake / RemoveDelegateStake to reflect the removal (.i.e : update total stakes, update topic stakes, update reputer stakes, delete the processed removal, ...).

If an error happens at any of these stages, it simply continues to the next removal.


An error in the first step doesn't lead to an issue, however, an error in the second step at any stage leads to :

Code Snippet


func EndBlocker(ctx context.Context, am AppModule) error {
    sdkCtx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(ctx)
    blockHeight := sdkCtx.BlockHeight()
        fmt.Sprintf("\n ---------------- Emissions EndBlock %d ------------------- \n",

    // Remove Stakers that have been wanting to unstake this block. They no longer get paid rewards
    RemoveStakes(sdkCtx, blockHeight, am.keeper) // <===== Audit
    RemoveDelegateStakes(sdkCtx, blockHeight, am.keeper) // <===== Audit

    // ...


func RemoveStakes(
    sdkCtx sdk.Context,
    currentBlock int64,
    k emissionskeeper.Keeper,
) {
    removals, err := k.GetStakeRemovalsForBlock(sdkCtx, currentBlock)
    if err != nil {
            "Unable to get stake removals for block %d, skipping removing stakes: %v",
    for _, stakeRemoval := range removals {
        // do no checking that the stake removal struct is valid. In order to have a stake removal
        // it would have had to be created in msgServer.RemoveStake which would have done
        // validation of validity up front before scheduling the delay

        // Check the module has enough funds to send back to the sender
        // Bank module does this for us in module SendCoins / subUnlockedCoins so we don't need to check
        // Send the funds
        coins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(chainParams.DefaultBondDenom, stakeRemoval.Amount))
        err = k.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(sdkCtx, emissionstypes.AlloraStakingAccountName, stakeRemoval.Reputer, coins)
        if err != nil {
                "Error removing stake: %v | %v",

        // Update the stake data structures
        err = k.RemoveReputerStake( // <===== Audit
        if err != nil { // <===== Audit
                "Error removing stake: %v | %v",
            continue // <===== Audit


func RemoveDelegateStakes(
    sdkCtx sdk.Context,
    currentBlock int64,
    k emissionskeeper.Keeper,
) {
    removals, err := k.GetDelegateStakeRemovalsForBlock(sdkCtx, currentBlock)
    if err != nil {
                "Unable to get stake removals for block %d, skipping removing stakes: %v",
    for _, stakeRemoval := range removals {
        // do no checking that the stake removal struct is valid. In order to have a stake removal
        // it would have had to be created in msgServer.RemoveDelegateStake which would have done
        // validation of validity up front before scheduling the delay

        // Check the module has enough funds to send back to the sender
        // Bank module does this for us in module SendCoins / subUnlockedCoins so we don't need to check
        // Send the funds
        coins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(chainParams.DefaultBondDenom, stakeRemoval.Amount))
        err = k.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(sdkCtx, emissionstypes.AlloraStakingAccountName, stakeRemoval.Delegator, coins)
        if err != nil {
                "Error removing stake: %v | %v",

        // Update the stake data structures
        err = k.RemoveDelegateStake(  // <===== Audit
        if err != nil {  // <===== Audit
                "Error removing stake: %v | %v",
            continue // <===== Audit


func (k *Keeper) RemoveReputerStake(
    ctx context.Context,
    blockHeight BlockHeight,
    topicId TopicId,
    reputer ActorId,
    stakeToRemove cosmosMath.Int) error {
    // CHECKS
    if stakeToRemove.IsZero() {
        return nil
    // Check reputerAuthority >= stake
    reputerAuthority, err := k.GetStakeReputerAuthority(ctx, topicId, reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    delegateStakeUponReputerInTopic, err := k.GetDelegateStakeUponReputer(ctx, topicId, reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    reputerStakeInTopicWithoutDelegateStake := reputerAuthority.Sub(delegateStakeUponReputerInTopic)
    if stakeToRemove.GT(reputerStakeInTopicWithoutDelegateStake) {
        return types.ErrIntegerUnderflowTopicReputerStake
    reputerStakeNew := reputerAuthority.Sub(stakeToRemove)

    // Check topicStake >= stake
    topicStake, err := k.GetTopicStake(ctx, topicId)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if stakeToRemove.GT(topicStake) {
        return types.ErrIntegerUnderflowTopicStake
    topicStakeNew := topicStake.Sub(stakeToRemove)

    // Check totalStake >= stake
    totalStake, err := k.GetTotalStake(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if stakeToRemove.GT(totalStake) {
        return types.ErrIntegerUnderflowTotalStake

    // Set topic-reputer stake
    if err := k.SetStakeReputerAuthority(ctx, topicId, reputer, reputerStakeNew); err != nil {
        return errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Setting removed reputer stake in topic failed")

    // Set topic stake
    if err := k.SetTopicStake(ctx, topicId, topicStakeNew); err != nil {
        return errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Setting removed topic stake failed")

    // Set total stake
    err = k.SetTotalStake(ctx, totalStake.Sub(stakeToRemove))
    if err != nil {
        return errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Setting total stake failed")

    // remove stake withdrawal information
    err = k.DeleteStakeRemoval(ctx, blockHeight, topicId, reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Deleting stake removal from queue failed")

    return nil


func (k *Keeper) RemoveDelegateStake(
    ctx context.Context,
    blockHeight BlockHeight,
    topicId TopicId,
    delegator ActorId,
    reputer ActorId,
    stakeToRemove cosmosMath.Int,
) error {
    // CHECKS
    if stakeToRemove.IsZero() {
        return nil

    // stakeSumFromDelegator >= stake
    stakeSumFromDelegator, err := k.GetStakeFromDelegatorInTopic(ctx, topicId, delegator)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if stakeToRemove.GT(stakeSumFromDelegator) {
        return types.ErrIntegerUnderflowStakeFromDelegator
    stakeFromDelegatorNew := stakeSumFromDelegator.Sub(stakeToRemove)

    // delegatedStakePlacement >= stake
    delegatedStakePlacement, err := k.GetDelegateStakePlacement(ctx, topicId, delegator, reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    unStakeDec, err := alloraMath.NewDecFromSdkInt(stakeToRemove)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if delegatedStakePlacement.Amount.Lt(unStakeDec) {
        return types.ErrIntegerUnderflowDelegateStakePlacement

    // Get share for this topicId and reputer
    share, err := k.GetDelegateRewardPerShare(ctx, topicId, reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Calculate pending reward and send to delegator
    pendingReward, err := delegatedStakePlacement.Amount.Mul(share)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    pendingReward, err = pendingReward.Sub(delegatedStakePlacement.RewardDebt)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if pendingReward.Gt(alloraMath.NewDecFromInt64(0)) {
        err = k.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(
            sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(params.DefaultBondDenom, pendingReward.SdkIntTrim())),
        if err != nil {
            return errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Sending pending reward to delegator failed")

    newAmount, err := delegatedStakePlacement.Amount.Sub(unStakeDec)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    newRewardDebt, err := newAmount.Mul(share)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    stakePlacementNew := types.DelegatorInfo{
        Amount:     newAmount,
        RewardDebt: newRewardDebt,

    // stakeUponReputer >= stake
    stakeUponReputer, err := k.GetDelegateStakeUponReputer(ctx, topicId, reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if stakeToRemove.GT(stakeUponReputer) {
        return types.ErrIntegerUnderflowDelegateStakeUponReputer
    stakeUponReputerNew := stakeUponReputer.Sub(stakeToRemove)

    // stakeReputerAuthority >= stake
    stakeReputerAuthority, err := k.GetStakeReputerAuthority(ctx, topicId, reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if stakeToRemove.GT(stakeReputerAuthority) {
        return types.ErrIntegerUnderflowReputerStakeAuthority
    stakeReputerAuthorityNew := stakeReputerAuthority.Sub(stakeToRemove)

    // topicStake >= stake
    topicStake, err := k.GetTopicStake(ctx, topicId)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if stakeToRemove.GT(topicStake) {
        return types.ErrIntegerUnderflowTopicStake
    topicStakeNew := topicStake.Sub(stakeToRemove)

    // totalStake >= stake
    totalStake, err := k.GetTotalStake(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if stakeToRemove.GT(totalStake) {
        return types.ErrIntegerUnderflowTotalStake
    totalStakeNew := totalStake.Sub(stakeToRemove)


    if err := k.SetStakeFromDelegator(ctx, topicId, delegator, stakeFromDelegatorNew); err != nil {
        return errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Setting stake from delegator failed")
    if err := k.SetDelegateStakePlacement(ctx, topicId, delegator, reputer, stakePlacementNew); err != nil {
        return errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Setting delegate stake placement failed")
    if err := k.SetDelegateStakeUponReputer(ctx, topicId, reputer, stakeUponReputerNew); err != nil {
        return errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Setting delegate stake upon reputer failed")
    if err := k.SetStakeReputerAuthority(ctx, topicId, reputer, stakeReputerAuthorityNew); err != nil {
        return errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Setting reputer stake authority failed")
    if err := k.SetTopicStake(ctx, topicId, topicStakeNew); err != nil {
        return errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Setting topic stake failed")
    if err := k.SetTotalStake(ctx, totalStakeNew); err != nil {
        return errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Setting total stake failed")
    if err := k.DeleteDelegateStakeRemoval(ctx, blockHeight, topicId, reputer, delegator); err != nil {
        return errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Deleting delegate stake removal from queue failed")

    return nil

Tool used

Manual Review


Try to update the state first using a cache context and only write the changes if there are no errors.

diff --git a/allora-chain/x/emissions/module/stake_removals.go b/allora-chain/x/emissions/module/stake_removals.go
index 14d45c6..1f235e9 100644
--- a/allora-chain/x/emissions/module/stake_removals.go
+++ b/allora-chain/x/emissions/module/stake_removals.go
@@ -25,15 +25,16 @@ func RemoveStakes(
    for _, stakeRemoval := range removals {
-       // do no checking that the stake removal struct is valid. In order to have a stake removal
-       // it would have had to be created in msgServer.RemoveStake which would have done
-       // validation of validity up front before scheduling the delay
+       cacheSdkCtx, write := sdkCtx.CacheContext()

-       // Check the module has enough funds to send back to the sender
-       // Bank module does this for us in module SendCoins / subUnlockedCoins so we don't need to check
-       // Send the funds
-       coins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(chainParams.DefaultBondDenom, stakeRemoval.Amount))
-       err = k.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(sdkCtx, emissionstypes.AlloraStakingAccountName, stakeRemoval.Reputer, coins)
+       // Update the stake data structures
+       err = k.RemoveReputerStake(
+           cacheSdkCtx,
+           currentBlock,
+           stakeRemoval.TopicId,
+           stakeRemoval.Reputer,
+           stakeRemoval.Amount,
+       )
        if err != nil {
                "Error removing stake: %v | %v",
@@ -43,14 +44,15 @@ func RemoveStakes(

-       // Update the stake data structures
-       err = k.RemoveReputerStake(
-           sdkCtx,
-           currentBlock,
-           stakeRemoval.TopicId,
-           stakeRemoval.Reputer,
-           stakeRemoval.Amount,
-       )
+       // do no checking that the stake removal struct is valid. In order to have a stake removal
+       // it would have had to be created in msgServer.RemoveStake which would have done
+       // validation of validity up front before scheduling the delay
+       // Check the module has enough funds to send back to the sender
+       // Bank module does this for us in module SendCoins / subUnlockedCoins so we don't need to check
+       // Send the funds
+       coins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(chainParams.DefaultBondDenom, stakeRemoval.Amount))
+       err = k.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(sdkCtx, emissionstypes.AlloraStakingAccountName, stakeRemoval.Reputer, coins)
        if err != nil {
                "Error removing stake: %v | %v",
@@ -59,6 +61,8 @@ func RemoveStakes(
+       write()

@@ -79,15 +83,18 @@ func RemoveDelegateStakes(
    for _, stakeRemoval := range removals {
-       // do no checking that the stake removal struct is valid. In order to have a stake removal
-       // it would have had to be created in msgServer.RemoveDelegateStake which would have done
-       // validation of validity up front before scheduling the delay
+       cacheSdkCtx, write := sdkCtx.CacheContext()
+       // Update the stake data structures
+       err = k.RemoveDelegateStake(
+           cacheSdkCtx,
+           currentBlock,
+           stakeRemoval.TopicId,
+           stakeRemoval.Delegator,
+           stakeRemoval.Reputer,
+           stakeRemoval.Amount,
+       )

-       // Check the module has enough funds to send back to the sender
-       // Bank module does this for us in module SendCoins / subUnlockedCoins so we don't need to check
-       // Send the funds
-       coins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(chainParams.DefaultBondDenom, stakeRemoval.Amount))
-       err = k.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(sdkCtx, emissionstypes.AlloraStakingAccountName, stakeRemoval.Delegator, coins)
        if err != nil {
                "Error removing stake: %v | %v",
@@ -97,15 +104,15 @@ func RemoveDelegateStakes(

-       // Update the stake data structures
-       err = k.RemoveDelegateStake(
-           sdkCtx,
-           currentBlock,
-           stakeRemoval.TopicId,
-           stakeRemoval.Delegator,
-           stakeRemoval.Reputer,
-           stakeRemoval.Amount,
-       )
+       // do no checking that the stake removal struct is valid. In order to have a stake removal
+       // it would have had to be created in msgServer.RemoveDelegateStake which would have done
+       // validation of validity up front before scheduling the delay
+       // Check the module has enough funds to send back to the sender
+       // Bank module does this for us in module SendCoins / subUnlockedCoins so we don't need to check
+       // Send the funds
+       coins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(chainParams.DefaultBondDenom, stakeRemoval.Amount))
+       err = k.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(sdkCtx, emissionstypes.AlloraStakingAccountName, stakeRemoval.Delegator, coins)
        if err != nil {
                "Error removing stake: %v | %v",
@@ -114,5 +121,7 @@ func RemoveDelegateStakes(
+       write()



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue H-8: Attacker can slow down / halt the chain by queuing multiple stake removals or delegate stake removals


Found by

imsrybr0, pks_


Attacker can slow down / halt the chain by queuing multiple stake removals or delegate stake removals.

Vulnerability Detail

All stake removals and delegate stake removals for a given block are processed in the EndBlocker in a loop.

Since there is no minimum restriction on the stake amount, an attacker can either :


Slow down / halt the chain.

Code Snippet


func EndBlocker(ctx context.Context, am AppModule) error {
    sdkCtx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(ctx)
    blockHeight := sdkCtx.BlockHeight()
        fmt.Sprintf("\n ---------------- Emissions EndBlock %d ------------------- \n",

    // Remove Stakers that have been wanting to unstake this block. They no longer get paid rewards
    RemoveStakes(sdkCtx, blockHeight, am.keeper) // <===== Audit
    RemoveDelegateStakes(sdkCtx, blockHeight, am.keeper) // <===== Audit

    // ...


func RemoveStakes(
    sdkCtx sdk.Context,
    currentBlock int64,
    k emissionskeeper.Keeper,
) {
    removals, err := k.GetStakeRemovalsForBlock(sdkCtx, currentBlock)  // <===== Audit
    if err != nil {
            "Unable to get stake removals for block %d, skipping removing stakes: %v",
    for _, stakeRemoval := range removals {  // <===== Audit
        // ...


func RemoveDelegateStakes(
    sdkCtx sdk.Context,
    currentBlock int64,
    k emissionskeeper.Keeper,
) {
    removals, err := k.GetDelegateStakeRemovalsForBlock(sdkCtx, currentBlock)  // <===== Audit
    if err != nil {
                "Unable to get stake removals for block %d, skipping removing stakes: %v",
    for _, stakeRemoval := range removals {  // <===== Audit
        // ...

Tool used

Manual Review


Process stake removals and delegate stake removals that reached maturity in batches with a predefined size over multiple blocks.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue H-9: AlloraPendingRewardForDelegator module account could have insufficient rewards due to truncation


Found by

Kow, imsrybr0


AlloraPendingRewardForDelegator module account could have insufficient rewards due to truncation.

Vulnerability Detail

In GetRewardForReputerFromTotalReward, the delegator reward for a reputer is calculated and set to AlloraPendingRewardForDelegator.

        if delegatorReward.Gt(alloraMath.NewDecFromInt64(0)) {
            // update reward share
            // new_share = current_share + (reward / total_stake)
            totalDelegatorStakeAmountDec, err := alloraMath.NewDecFromSdkInt(totalDelegatorStakeAmount)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            addShare, err := delegatorReward.Quo(totalDelegatorStakeAmountDec)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            currentShare, err := keeper.GetDelegateRewardPerShare(ctx, topicId, reputer)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            newShare, err := currentShare.Add(addShare)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            err = keeper.SetDelegateRewardPerShare(ctx, topicId, reputer, newShare)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            err = keeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToModule(
                sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(params.DefaultBondDenom, delegatorReward.SdkIntTrim())),
            if err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to send coins to allora pend reward account")

Notice that addShare = delegatorReward / totalDelegatorStakeAmountDec with full precision (ie. no truncation) and is added to DelegateRewardPerShare, while delegatorReward.SdkIntTrim() <= addShare * totalDelegatorStakeAmountDec = delegatorReward is sent to AlloraPendingRewardForDelegator. This means the recorded total reward for delegators would exceed the amount held by the reward module account, potentially leading to delegators being unable to withdraw their rewards (and breaking an invariant in the README). The chance of this happening is somewhat offset by the fact that the pending reward calculated and sent to the delegator in RewardDelegateStake is also truncated, but the repeated increase in delegator reward relative to the funds in the reward account over multiple blocks would heavily increase the discrepancy.


Rewards account may have insufficient funds to pay out to delegators.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Truncate addShare before adding to newShare.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue H-10: GenerateForecastScores acidentally updates inferences scores


Found by



GenerateForecastScores, used to update forecasts, will update a worker's inference scores with the forecast values. This can have a massive impact as it messes up both scores — by not updating the forecast and setting the inference to a new, different value.

Vulnerability Detail

GenerateRewardsDistributionByTopicParticipant is used to update and calculate each party's rewards. Inside it, it makes a plethora of calls, one of which is GenerateForecastScores, used to update forecast score values.

The issue we face is that in GenerateForecastScores, if there is only one forecaster, it will insert its inference score in the place of the forecast using InsertWorkerInferenceScore.

func GenerateForecastScores(
    ctx sdk.Context,
    keeper keeper.Keeper,
    topicId uint64,
    block int64,
    networkLosses types.ValueBundle,
) ([]types.Score, error) {
    var newScores []types.Score

    if len(networkLosses.ForecasterValues) == 1 {
        newScore := types.Score{
            TopicId:     topicId,
            BlockHeight: block,
            Address:     networkLosses.InfererValues[0].Worker,
            Score:       alloraMath.ZeroDec(),
        //@audit H why InferenceScore when we are doing forecast ?
        err := keeper.InsertWorkerInferenceScore(ctx, topicId, block, newScore)

This can pose a major issue as GetWorkersRewardFractions calculates worker rewards based on their last few scores. Insering a wrong score messes up their rewards.

Having only one forecaster may be considered rare, however, that is not the case, as these forecasts are per topic per block. This means that each topic (there can be a lot of them) can have different forecasts each new block (block time ~5 seconds). Taking into account that the chain will operate 24/7 this can occurrence can take place quite often.


Internal accounting of worker scores and rewards (they are calculated based on score) are messed up. Depending on the values, workers will receive more or less rewards than they should.

Code Snippet

func GenerateForecastScores(
    ctx sdk.Context,
    keeper keeper.Keeper,
    topicId uint64,
    block int64,
    networkLosses types.ValueBundle,
) ([]types.Score, error) {
    var newScores []types.Score

    if len(networkLosses.ForecasterValues) == 1 {
        newScore := types.Score{
            TopicId:     topicId,
            BlockHeight: block,
            Address:     networkLosses.InfererValues[0].Worker,
            Score:       alloraMath.ZeroDec(),
        //@audit H why InferenceScore when we are doing forecast ?
        err := keeper.InsertWorkerInferenceScore(ctx, topicId, block, newScore)

Tool used

Manual Review


Change the insertion to InsertWorkerForecastScore:

-   err := keeper.InsertWorkerInferenceScore(ctx, topicId, block, newScore)
+   err := keeper.InsertWorkerForecastScore(ctx, topicId, block, newScore)



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue H-11: InsertBulkReputerPayload can be DoS


Found by



After discovering the InsertBulkReputerPayload transaction, the attacker initiates the same call to reduce the number of Valuebundles in the array of msg.ReputerValueBundles (keep only one), invalidate most of the Reputer's data.

Vulnerability Detail

  1. InsertBulkReputerPayload does not verify msg.sender, so anyone can call it.

  2. InsertBulkReputerPayload passes throughmsg.ReputerValueBundles and verifies the signature.

    for _, bundle := range msg.ReputerValueBundles {
        if err := bundle.Validate(); err != nil {

func (bundle *ReputerValueBundle) Validate() error {
    // Check signature from the bundle, throw if invalid!
    pk, err := hex.DecodeString(bundle.Pubkey)
    if err != nil || len(pk) != secp256k1.PubKeySize {
        return errors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidRequest, "signature verification failed")
    pubkey := secp256k1.PubKey(pk)
    src := make([]byte, 0)
    src, _ = bundle.ValueBundle.XXX_Marshal(src, true)
    if !pubkey.VerifySignature(src, bundle.Signature) {
        return errors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidRequest, "signature verification failed")

But the problem is that attackers can gain access to that data by listening in on the transaction pool, After discovering InsertBulkReputerPayload transaction, the attacker extracts data from one of the ReputerValueBundle, then construct a new request, If the request initiated by the attacker is executed before the current transaction, the transaction is executed successfully because the attacker's data is valid.

The old transaction, because the attacker's transaction has been executed nonce has been used, the old transaction execution failed.

func (ms msgServer) InsertBulkReputerPayload(
    ctx context.Context,
    msg *types.MsgInsertBulkReputerPayload,
) (*types.MsgInsertBulkReputerPayloadResponse, error) {
    // Check if the reputer nonce is unfulfilled
    reputerNonceUnfulfilled, err := ms.k.IsReputerNonceUnfulfilled(ctx, msg.TopicId, msg.ReputerRequestNonce.ReputerNonce)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Update the unfulfilled nonces
    _, err = ms.k.FulfillReputerNonce(ctx, msg.TopicId, msg.ReputerRequestNonce.ReputerNonce)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Update topic reward nonce
    err = ms.k.SetTopicRewardNonce(ctx, msg.TopicId, msg.ReputerRequestNonce.ReputerNonce.BlockHeight)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err


A DoS attack invalidates data submitted by the Reputer

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Validate the msg.sender



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue H-12: emissions/keeper/GetIdsOfActiveTopics may always return empty array []


Found by

Kow, LZ_security, imsrybr0


GetIdsOfActiveTopics may always return empty array, causing topic weights to not be updated.

Vulnerability Detail

IterateRaw is used in the GetIdsOfActiveTopics function to iterate over the map

    startKey := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(startKey, start)
    nextKey := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(nextKey, start+limit)

    rng, err := k.activeTopics.IterateRaw(ctx, startKey, nextKey, collections.OrderAscending)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    activeTopics, err := rng.Keys()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

startKey starts from 0: topicPageKey := make([]byte, 0)

func SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics(
    ctx sdk.Context,
    k keeper.Keeper,
    block BlockHeight,
    fn func(sdkCtx sdk.Context, topic *types.Topic) error,
    topicPageLimit uint64,
    maxTopicPages uint64,
) error {
    topicPageKey := make([]byte, 0)
    i := uint64(0)
    for {
        topicPageRequest := &types.SimpleCursorPaginationRequest{Limit: topicPageLimit, Key: topicPageKey}
        topicsActive, topicPageResponse, err := k.GetIdsOfActiveTopics(ctx, topicPageRequest)
        if err != nil {
            Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting ids of active topics: %s", err.Error()))

The problem is that if the element in activeTopics does not start at 0, IterateRaw will return less data than the number of pageLimit. Suppose the elements in activeTopics are 20 to 100, startKey is 0, pageLimit is 10, IterateRaw returns a null value.

If null is returned, GetIdsOfActiveTopics returns nextKey starting from 0, SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics function of topicPageKey has not updated, so has been unable to get to the value.

    // If there are no topics, we return the nil for next key
    if activeTopics == nil {
        nextKey = make([]byte, 0)

    return activeTopics, &types.SimpleCursorPaginationResponse{
        NextKey: nextKey,
    }, nil

The following test code demonstrates a case where GetIdsOfActiveTopics can't get the value:

func (s *KeeperTestSuite) TestGetActiveTopics1() {
    ctx := s.ctx
    keeper := s.emissionsKeeper

    for i := 20; i < 100; i++ {
        topic1 := types.Topic{Id: uint64(i)}
        _ = keeper.SetTopic(ctx, topic1.Id, topic1)
        _ = keeper.ActivateTopic(ctx, topic1.Id)

    topicPageKey := make([]byte, 0)
    pagination := &types.SimpleCursorPaginationRequest{
        Key:  topicPageKey,
        Limit: 10,
    activeTopics, topicPageResponse, _ := keeper.GetIdsOfActiveTopics(ctx, pagination)


Put the test code into the test file: allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/keeper_test.go

cd allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/ go test -v -run TestKeeperTestSuite/TestGetActiveTopics1

Print input as follows::

=== RUN   TestKeeperTestSuite
=== RUN   TestKeeperTestSuite/TestGetActiveTopics1
--- PASS: TestKeeperTestSuite (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestKeeperTestSuite/TestGetActiveTopics1 (0.00s)

Let's look at the call flow: emissions/module/acbi/EndEndBlocker -> rewards.GetAndUpdateActiveTopicWeights -> SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics -> k.GetIdsOfActiveTopics

If GetIdsOfActiveTopics always returns empty [], topic weights will not be updated and topic Rewards will not be processed.

After a topic is created, not all topics will be activated. If an attacker(or just normal users who want to keep some topics) creates pageLimit number of topics while the network is online, and these topics never enter Activate state, it will happen that the GetIdsOfActiveTopics function will always return a null value.


GetIdsOfActiveTopics always return empty array, causing topic weights to not be updated.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Use other paging methods



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:


This issue will be duplicated with #60 based on the discussion here


This issue will be duplicated with #60 based on the discussion here #115 (comment)

91 is not duplicate with #60, #60 and other reports do not describe attack by attacker, their impact is different.

Issue H-13: Anyone can overwrite Reputer and Worker info attached to a LibP2PKey


Found by

carrotsmuggler, imsrybr0, lemonmon, volodya, zigtur


The allora-chain does not verify that the caller owns the LibP2PKey. This allows anyone to modify the reputers and/or workers informations for a given key.

Vulnerability Detail

The Register message allows to register as a reputer or as a worker or as both (require 2 calls).

When a reputer is registered, an entry is added into k.reputers to map a LibP2PKey to reputer infos.

However, there are no checks to ensure that the provided LibP2PKey is owned by the caller. Moreover, if an existing entry exist for this LibP2PKey, it is overwritten.

The same applies to the worker


Anyone can overwrite the Owner attached to a LibP2PKey for reputers and workers.

This is highly problematic because these data are retrieved in the allora-inference-base codebase.

Code Snippet

Note: The reputer is used as example here, the same applies to the worker functionality.


The Register entrypoint takes the entry parameters and calls InsertReputer.

See msg_server_registrations.go#L41-L53.

// Registers a new network participant to the network for the first time for worker or reputer
func (ms msgServer) Register(ctx context.Context, msg *types.MsgRegister) (*types.MsgRegisterResponse, error) {
    // ...

    nodeInfo := types.OffchainNode{
        NodeAddress:  msg.Sender,
        LibP2PKey:    msg.LibP2PKey,
        MultiAddress: msg.MultiAddress,
        Owner:        msg.Owner,
        NodeId:       msg.Owner + "|" + msg.LibP2PKey,

    if msg.IsReputer {
        err = ms.k.InsertReputer(ctx, msg.TopicId, msg.Sender, nodeInfo) // @POC: Register node info
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
    } else {

InsertReputer will not check if an existing entry exist for the given LibP2PKey and will overwrite it via Set. It will write to k.reputers.

See keeper.go#L124-L125 and keeper.go#L1432-L1443.

type Keeper {
    // ...

    // map of reputer id to node data about that reputer
    reputers collections.Map[LibP2pKey, types.OffchainNode] // @POC: Map a `LibP2pKey` to node info

// Adds a new reputer to the reputer tracking data structures, reputers and topicReputers
func (k *Keeper) InsertReputer(ctx context.Context, topicId TopicId, reputer ActorId, reputerInfo types.OffchainNode) error {
    topicKey := collections.Join(topicId, reputer)
    err := k.topicReputers.Set(ctx, topicKey)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = k.reputers.Set(ctx, reputerInfo.LibP2PKey, reputerInfo) // @POC: adds OR MODIFY an entry in `k.reputers`
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil


allora-chain provides a query entrypoint to retrieve the reputer informations by providing the LibP2PKey. This entrypoint is GetReputerAddressByP2PKey. (See query_server_registrations.go#L37-L44 and keeper.go#L1503-L1504).

// query_server_registrations.go#L37-L44
func (qs queryServer) GetReputerAddressByP2PKey(ctx context.Context, req *types.QueryReputerAddressByP2PKeyRequest) (*types.QueryReputerAddressByP2PKeyResponse, error) {
    address, err := qs.k.GetReputerAddressByP2PKey(sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(ctx), req.Libp2PKey)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &types.QueryReputerAddressByP2PKeyResponse{Address: address.String()}, nil

// keeper.go#L1503-L1504
func (k *Keeper) GetReputerAddressByP2PKey(ctx context.Context, p2pKey string) (sdk.AccAddress, error) {
    reputer, err := k.reputers.Get(ctx, p2pKey) // @POC: retrieves the entry that anyone can overwrite
    // ...

The allora-inference-base codebase retrieves reputer informations by calling GetReputerAddressByP2PKey on allora-chain. (See appchain.go#L545-L548)

// Sending Losses to the AppChain
func (ap *AppChain) SendReputerModeData(ctx context.Context, topicId uint64, results aggregate.Results) {
    // ...

            // Get Peer $allo address
            res, err := ap.EmissionsQueryClient.GetReputerAddressByP2PKey(ctx, &emissionstypes.QueryReputerAddressByP2PKeyRequest{ // @POC: retrieves data from allora-chain
                Libp2PKey: peer.String(),

    // ...

To summarize, an attacker can modify infos attached to any LibP2PKey to poison the allora-inference-base and break the Allora network.

Worker snippets

The given code snippets affect the reputer registration. However, the worker registration shows similar issue.

Here are the snippet links for the worker registration:

Then allora-inference-base retrieves info for workers:

Tool used

Manual Review


Allora-chain should verify that the provided key is owned by the caller.

The most efficient way to handle this issue seems to require the signature of the Msg.Owner address by the LibP2PKey. This solution will fix the issue for reputers and workers.



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Reputer and workers info can be overwritten via LibP2PKey


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue H-14: Malicious Reputer cause emissions/msgserver/InsertBulkReputerPayload to fail


Found by



Malicious Reputer passing in abnormal data causes InsertBulkReputerPayload to fail.

Vulnerability Detail

The synth.CalcNetworkLosses function computes all data in bundles, InsertBulkReputerPayload -> synth.CalcNetworkLosses -> RunningWeightedAvgUpdate

func RunningWeightedAvgUpdate(
    runningWeightedAvg *RunningWeightedLoss,
    nextWeight Weight,
    nextValue Weight,
) (RunningWeightedLoss, error) {
@>  nextValTimesWeight, err := nextValue.Mul(nextWeight)
    if err != nil {
        return RunningWeightedLoss{}, err
    newUnnormalizedWeightedLoss, err := runningWeightedAvg.UnnormalizedWeightedLoss.Add(nextValTimesWeight)
    if err != nil {
        return RunningWeightedLoss{}, err
    newSumWeight, err := runningWeightedAvg.SumWeight.Add(nextWeight)
    if err != nil {
        return RunningWeightedLoss{}, err
    return RunningWeightedLoss{
        UnnormalizedWeightedLoss: newUnnormalizedWeightedLoss,
        SumWeight:                newSumWeight,
    }, nil

nextValue * nextWeight If the value exceeds the maximum value of unit128, a failure is returned. As a result, InsertBulkReputerPayload fails.

    networkLossBundle, err := synth.CalcNetworkLosses(stakesByReputer, bundles, params.Epsilon)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

Malicious reputers can pass in a larger CombinedValue(nextValue) and it will return an error, bundles array stores data from a number of Reputer. Execution will fail if one of the Reputer is malicious.

The following test code demonstrates CalcNetworkLosses execution failure:

func getTestCasesTwoWorkers() []struct {
    name            string
    stakesByReputer map[inference_synthesis.Worker]cosmosMath.Int
    reportedLosses  emissions.ReputerValueBundles
    epsilon         alloraMath.Dec
    expectedOutput  emissions.ValueBundle
    expectedError   error
} {
    return []struct {
        name            string
        stakesByReputer map[inference_synthesis.Worker]cosmosMath.Int
        reportedLosses  emissions.ReputerValueBundles
        epsilon         alloraMath.Dec
        expectedOutput  emissions.ValueBundle
        expectedError   error
            name: "simple two reputer combined loss",
            stakesByReputer: map[inference_synthesis.Worker]cosmosMath.Int{
                "worker1": inference_synthesis.CosmosIntOneE18(),           // 1 token
                "worker2": inference_synthesis.CosmosIntOneE18().MulRaw(2), // 2 tokens
            reportedLosses: emissions.ReputerValueBundles{
                ReputerValueBundles: []*emissions.ReputerValueBundle{
                        ValueBundle: &emissions.ValueBundle{
                            Reputer:       "worker1",
                            CombinedValue: alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("1e99999"),  //@audit The attacker passes in abnormal data
                            NaiveValue:    alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.1"),
                            InfererValues: []*emissions.WorkerAttributedValue{
                                    Worker: "worker1",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.1"),
                                    Worker: "worker2",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.1"),
                            ForecasterValues: []*emissions.WorkerAttributedValue{
                                    Worker: "worker1",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.1"),
                                    Worker: "worker2",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.1"),
                            OneOutInfererValues: []*emissions.WithheldWorkerAttributedValue{
                                    Worker: "worker1",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.1"),
                                    Worker: "worker2",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.1"),
                            OneOutForecasterValues: []*emissions.WithheldWorkerAttributedValue{
                                    Worker: "worker1",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.1"),
                                    Worker: "worker2",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.1"),
                            OneInForecasterValues: []*emissions.WorkerAttributedValue{
                                    Worker: "worker1",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.1"),
                                    Worker: "worker2",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.1"),
                        ValueBundle: &emissions.ValueBundle{
                            Reputer:       "worker2",
                            CombinedValue: alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.2"),
                            NaiveValue:    alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.2"),
                            InfererValues: []*emissions.WorkerAttributedValue{
                                    Worker: "worker1",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.2"),
                                    Worker: "worker2",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.2"),
                            ForecasterValues: []*emissions.WorkerAttributedValue{
                                    Worker: "worker1",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.2"),
                                    Worker: "worker2",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.2"),
                            OneOutInfererValues: []*emissions.WithheldWorkerAttributedValue{
                                    Worker: "worker1",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.2"),
                                    Worker: "worker2",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.2"),
                            OneOutForecasterValues: []*emissions.WithheldWorkerAttributedValue{
                                    Worker: "worker1",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.2"),
                                    Worker: "worker2",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.2"),
                            OneInForecasterValues: []*emissions.WorkerAttributedValue{
                                    Worker: "worker1",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.2"),
                                    Worker: "worker2",
                                    Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.2"),
            epsilon: alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("1e-4"),
            expectedOutput: emissions.ValueBundle{
                CombinedValue: alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.166666666"),
                NaiveValue:    alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.166666666"),
                InfererValues: []*emissions.WorkerAttributedValue{
                        Worker: "worker1",
                        Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.166666666"),
                        Worker: "worker2",
                        Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.166666666"),
                ForecasterValues: []*emissions.WorkerAttributedValue{
                        Worker: "worker1",
                        Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.166666666"),
                        Worker: "worker2",
                        Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.166666666"),
                OneOutInfererValues: []*emissions.WithheldWorkerAttributedValue{
                        Worker: "worker1",
                        Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.166666666"),
                        Worker: "worker2",
                        Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.166666666"),
                OneOutForecasterValues: []*emissions.WithheldWorkerAttributedValue{
                        Worker: "worker1",
                        Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.166666666"),
                        Worker: "worker2",
                        Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.166666666"),
                OneInForecasterValues: []*emissions.WorkerAttributedValue{
                        Worker: "worker1",
                        Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.166666666"),
                        Worker: "worker2",
                        Value:  alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.166666666"),
            expectedError: nil,

func (s *InferenceSynthesisTestSuite) TestCalcNetworkLosses2() {
    tests := getTestCasesTwoWorkers()
    //require := s.Require()
    for _, tc := range tests {
        s.Run(, func() {
            output , err := inference_synthesis.CalcNetworkLosses(tc.stakesByReputer, tc.reportedLosses, tc.epsilon)

Put the test code into the test file: allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/inference_synthesis/network_losses_test.go

cd allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/inference_synthesis/ go test -v -run TestModuleTestSuite/TestCalcNetworkLosses2

Error updating running weighted average for next combined loss: decimal multiplication error: exponent out of range [/home/zhaojie/hacks/2024-06-allora-zhaojio/allora-chain/math/dec.go:269]
{0 <nil>  [] 0 [] [] 0 [] [] []}


InsertBulkReputerPayload fails to be executed. As a result, data of the Reputers cannot be submitted

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Perform security checks on data submitted by Reputers.



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Intended behavior



This issue is valid.

A malicious Reputer uses abnormal parameters to cause the ReputerPayload to fail (panic) during addition, which is not the intended behavior.



This issue is valid.

A malicious Reputer uses abnormal parameters to cause the ReputerPayload to fail (panic) during addition, which is not the intended behavior.

You've created a valid escalation!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.



This issue is valid.

A malicious Reputer uses abnormal parameters to cause the ReputerPayload to fail (panic) during addition, which is not the intended behavior.

@ZeroTrust01 InsertBulkReputerPayload wont panic during addition. it instead handles the error by returning it. This should be intended behavior.


Escalate This issue is valid. A malicious Reputer uses abnormal parameters to cause the ReputerPayload to fail (panic) during addition, which is not the intended behavior.

@ZeroTrust01 InsertBulkReputerPayload wont panic during addition. it instead handles the error by returning it. This should be intended behavior.

The problem is that the function fails to execute, which becomes a DoS attack.


In that case, InsertBulkReputerPayload will fail forever or it's only a one-block DOS? Excuse me if it's a silly question.


In that case, InsertBulkReputerPayload will fail forever or it's only a one-block DOS? Excuse me if it's a silly question.

  1. After the attack, if ReputerRequestNonce used by others(or attacker), InsertBulkReputerPayload would always fail.
  2. If in the next block the caller is still using the same parameter called InsertBulkReputerPayl oad, still fail, because contain the data of the attacker poisoned.
  3. An attacker can always use the same method to attack.


Thank you for the clarification. Additional small question, the function is still callable, the Reputer has to use a different nonce (ReputerRequestNonce) and a different payload, correct? Only that nonce and the same payload are DOSed?

Also, for example, can the reputer call this very same function with the same payload but with a different nonce, or vice versa? Or both have to be different from what the attacker used?


Thank you for the clarification. Additional small question, the function is still callable, the Reputer has to use a different nonce (ReputerRequestNonce) and a different payload, correct? Only that nonce and the same payload are DOSed?

Also, for example, can the reputer call this very same function with the same payload but with a different nonce, or vice versa? Or both have to be different from what the attacker used?

The Nonce is generated based on the BlockHeight. If the Nonce is used, it cannot be used again. payload contains WorkNonce. WorkNonce and RequestNonce are associated. payload and nonce cannot be replaced with each other, the new payload requires a new nonce. The nonce is an important resource of the system.


Then, I'm not sure I understand what the problem is. The report says that the malicious reputer uses a large CombinedValue(nextValue) which results in failure of InsertBulkReputerPayload with the same nonce and payload. But, the same nonce shouldn't be used again in the first place. As I understand the issue is only a 1-block DOS. Hence, should remain invalid, planning to reject the escalation.


Then, I'm not sure I understand what the problem is. The report says that the malicious reputer uses a large CombinedValue(nextValue) which results in failure of InsertBulkReputerPayload with the same nonce and payload. But, the same nonce shouldn't be used again in the first place. As I understand the issue is only a 1-block DOS. Hence, should remain invalid, planning to reject the escalation.

The issue is not a 1-block DOS. The attacker can use the same method to attack on every block.


But, in that case, the attacker has to perpetually execute an attack in each block to cause permanent DOS, correct? If we take one instance of the attack it's only a one-block DOS, correct? Moreover, as I understand this function is not time-sensitive. Hence, I believe the following rule from DOS requirements apply:

Griefing for gas (frontrunning a transaction to fail, even if can be done perpetually) is considered a DoS of a single block, hence only if the function is clearly time-sensitive, it can be a Medium severity issue.

Hence, planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is, unless anything from the above is incorrect.


But, in that case, the attacker has to perpetually execute an attack in each block to cause permanent DOS, correct? If we take one instance of the attack it's only a one-block DOS, correct? Moreover, as I understand this function is not time-sensitive. Hence, I believe the following rule from DOS requirements apply:

Griefing for gas (frontrunning a transaction to fail, even if can be done perpetually) is considered a DoS of a single block, hence only if the function is clearly time-sensitive, it can be a Medium severity issue.

Hence, planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is, unless anything from the above is incorrect.

But the problem here has nothing to do with gas, and there is no need to frontrunning, the input parameters are not checked in the code, and the attack will cause the function to fail to execute normally, which is inconsistent with the wishes of the caller.


The attacker does not consume gas, the attacker just provides a harmful data. The attacker has no cost and can attack every block.


I see that the issue doesn't require front-running, but the impact here is that InsertBulkReputerPayload is DOSed only for one block. Hence, the rule applies, because for this issue to have constant DOS, the attack has to be repeated in the every block. Thus, it's considered a one-block DOS.

Moreover, as I understand the report doesn't talk about the impact of harmful data, but about InsertBulkReputerPayload being unable to call for only one block.

Hence, I still stand by my previous decision, planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.


I see that the issue doesn't require front-running, but the impact here is that InsertBulkReputerPayload is DOSed only for one block. Hence, the rule applies, because for this issue to have constant DOS, the attack has to be repeated in the every block. Thus, it's considered a one-block DOS.

Moreover, as I understand the report doesn't talk about the impact of harmful data, but about InsertBulkReputerPayload being unable to call for only one block.

Hence, I still stand by my previous decision, planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.

impact has been explained in the report:

InsertBulkReputerPayload fails to be executed. As a result, data of the Reputers cannot be submitted.

If the caller using the same parameters, InsertBulkReputerPayload will always call you don't succeed.


impact has been explained in the report

Yeah, sorry for the confusion, I didn't mean the impact is not in the report but meant that the impact in the report is only one-block DOS.

If the caller using the same parameters, InsertBulkReputerPayload will always call you don't succeed

But, as I understand from the protocol's design, they shouldn't be able to call this function with the same parameters. For example, nonce by definition is the number that is expected to be used only once.

Hence, the decision remains the same. Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.


they shouldn't be able to call this function with the same parameters.

If the function call succeeds, it cannot be called again with the same parameters. But if an attacker causes the function call to fail, the caller cannot call it again with the same parameters, so it's not one-block DOS.


Oh, I see, excuse me for the confusion. But, one iteration of the attack blocks only one set of the parameters. Hence, I would still say it’s low severity.


Oh, I see, excuse me for the confusion. But, one iteration of the attack blocks only one set of the parameters. Hence, I would still say it’s low severity.

Why low severity, because the caller modifies the parameter to avoid the attack?

The caller of this function is b7s node, It is not a concept similar to an EOA account, therefore, the caller cannot modify the parameters to avoid the attack.

    // Make 1 request per worker
@>  req := &emissionstypes.MsgInsertBulkReputerPayload{
        Sender: ap.Address,
        ReputerRequestNonce: &emissionstypes.ReputerRequestNonce{
            ReputerNonce: nonceCurrent,
            WorkerNonce:  nonceEval,
        TopicId:             topicId,
        ReputerValueBundles: valueBundles,
    // Print req as JSON to the log
    reqJSON, err := json.Marshal(req)
    if err != nil {
        ap.Logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error marshaling MsgInsertBulkReputerPayload to print Msg as JSON")
    } else {
        ap.Logger.Info().Str("req_json", string(reqJSON)).Msg("Sending Reputer Mode Data")

    go func() {
@>        _, _ = ap.SendDataWithRetry(ctx, req, NUM_REPUTER_RETRIES, NUM_REPUTER_RETRY_MIN_DELAY, NUM_REPUTER_RETRY_MAX_DELAY, "Send Reputer Leader Data")


I didn’t say anything about avoiding the attack. I’ve said this is low severity because one iteration of the attack blocks only one set of values. The function can be called with other nonces and payloads. Hence, I believe it’s low severity. The decision remains the same, planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.


I didn’t say anything about avoiding the attack. I’ve said this is low severity because one iteration of the attack blocks only one set of values. The function can be called with other nonces and payloads. Hence, I believe it’s low severity. The decision remains the same, planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.

Failure of payloads submission will result in failure of weight update, calculation of reward is based on weight, resulting in loss of funds, it not low severity.


That's what I was missing I think. To clarify, Reputer's data affects weights which affect rewards. Hence, if the attacker executes this attack with Nonce 1 and payload XYZ (arbitrary examples), the transaction fails, but these values cannot be used again.

In that case, payload XYZ will be forever lost and not applied to weights update and rewards distribution. Correct?

To clarify, everyone can become a reputer, correct? And it's not a trusted role?


In that case, payload XYZ will be forever lost and not applied to weights update and rewards distribution. Correct?

payload XYZ wasn't lost, but couldn't be recommitted(same as forever lost), as explained in this comment

To clarify, everyone can become a reputer, correct? And it's not a trusted role?

Reputers are participants in the system,I think it's open to anyone, not trusted roles like admin.


I think this is a legitimate bug, medium severity - the problem is that you should not be able to deny other reputers rewards for their work that block, even if your reputation data is bogus.

Fixed in - we removed blockless altogether, there is no aggregation step of reputer data now, each reputer separately sends a transaction to the network to upload their data so one reputer cannot deny other reputer's rewards

yes this is a one-block DoS but I still consider it quite serious


Excuse me for the confusion and not understanding the impact fully. Indeed by submitting the payload with a high next value, the payload will fail to submit and cannot be submitted later. This leads to a loss of rewards. The high severity is appropriate since it leads to a loss of funds without extensive limitations. Planning to accept the escalation and validate with high severity.


Result: High Unique


Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:


@mystery0x @zhaojio there are no duplicates, correct?

Issue H-15: The worker and reputer's payload may be tampered due to lack of check for the pubkey's ownership


Found by



InsertBulkWorkerPayload and InsertBulkReputerPayload does not check the ownership of the pubkey. As the result, the data from worker or reputer may be tampered.

Vulnerability Detail

Each worker signs their data and the elected lead node will send the bundle to the allora chain via InsertBulkWorkerPayload.

And the signature is check in the worker_data_bundle.Validate: It checks whether the InferenceForecastsBundle is signed by the private key from the given Pubkey. However, it was not checked whether the Pubkey belongs from the inferer, who is presumably signed the bundle. Without this check, an adversary may tamper with the data bundle and claim that the data is from an innocent inferer. The data will then recorded as the data from the inferer.

The same issue exists in the msg_server_losses:InsertBulkReputerPayload. It is checked whether the ValueBundle was signed with the private for the Pubkey, but it was not checked that the key should belong to the reputer. Therefore, the value bundle may be tampered, but the data will recorded as the reputer's data.

The proof of work below demonstrates that the signature and the pubkey do not belong to the inferer:

// based on msg_server_worker_payload_test.go
func (s *MsgServerTestSuite) TestMsgInsertBulkWorkerPayloadPoC() {
    ctx, msgServer := s.ctx, s.msgServer
    require := s.Require()

    workerPrivateKey := secp256k1.GenPrivKey()
    adversary := secp256k1.GenPrivKey()
  require.NotEqual(adversary, workerPrivateKey)

    workerMsg, topicId := s.setUpMsgInsertBulkWorkerPayload(workerPrivateKey)

    workerMsg = s.signMsgInsertBulkWorkerPayload(workerMsg, adversary)

    blockHeight := workerMsg.WorkerDataBundles[0].InferenceForecastsBundle.Forecast.BlockHeight

    forecastsCount0 := s.getCountForecastsAtBlock(topicId, blockHeight)

    _, err := msgServer.InsertBulkWorkerPayload(ctx, &workerMsg)
    require.NoError(err, "InsertBulkWorkerPayload should not return an error")

    forecastsCount1 := s.getCountForecastsAtBlock(topicId, blockHeight)

    require.Equal(forecastsCount0, 0)
    require.Equal(forecastsCount1, 1)


The worker and reputer's data may be tampered and as the result, they may be punished or rewarded incorrectly.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider adding the check for the ownership of the pubkey.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-1: Lack of Authentication in OnRecvPacket


Found by



The Axelar sample code acknowledges the importance of authenticating the message based on the channel ID, in addition to verifying the packet sender. However, the Allora chain's implementation does not include any channel ID/sender authentication logic.

Vulnerability Detail

In the provided code for the Allora chain's IBC middleware (gmp/middleware.go), the OnRecvPacket function does not perform authentication based on the channel ID when processing incoming packets. This can potentially lead to security vulnerabilities and allow unauthorized or unintended processing of packets.

Comparing it with the Axelar sample code (gmp_middleware/middleware.go), there is a commented-out TODO section that mentions the need for channel ID authentication:

// TODO: authenticate the message with channel-id
if data.Sender != AxelarGMPAcc {
    return ack


Without verifying the channel ID, the middleware may process packets from unintended or unauthorized channels. This can result in the execution of malicious or unexpected actions on the receiving chain.

Axelar Sample :

Code Snippet


// OnRecvPacket implements the IBCMiddleware interface
func (im IBCMiddleware) OnRecvPacket(
    ctx sdk.Context,
    packet channeltypes.Packet,
    relayer sdk.AccAddress,
) ibcexported.Acknowledgement {
    var data transfertypes.FungibleTokenPacketData
    if err := transfertypes.ModuleCdc.UnmarshalJSON(packet.GetData(), &data); err != nil {
        return channeltypes.NewErrorAcknowledgement(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal ICS-20 transfer packet data"))

    var msg Message
    var err error
    err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(data.GetMemo()), &msg)
    if err != nil || len(msg.Payload) == 0 {
        // Not a packet that should be handled by the GMP middleware
        return, packet, relayer)

    //if !strings.EqualFold(data.Sender, AxelarGMPAcc) {
    //  // Not a packet that should be handled by the GMP middleware
    //  return, packet, relayer)

    logger := ctx.Logger().With("handler", "GMP")

    switch msg.Type {
    case TypeGeneralMessage:
        logger.Info("Received TypeGeneralMessage",
            "srcChain", msg.SourceChain,
            "srcAddress", msg.SourceAddress,
            "receiver", data.Receiver,
            "payload", string(msg.Payload),
            "handler", "GMP",
        // let the next layer deal with this
        // the rest of the data fields should be normal
    case TypeGeneralMessageWithToken:
        logger.Info("Received TypeGeneralMessageWithToken",
            "srcChain", msg.SourceChain,
            "srcAddress", msg.SourceAddress,
            "receiver", data.Receiver,
            "payload", string(msg.Payload),
            "coin", data.Denom,
            "amount", data.Amount,
            "handler", "GMP",
        // we throw out the rest of the msg.Payload fields here, for better or worse
        data.Memo = string(msg.Payload)
        var dataBytes []byte
        if dataBytes, err = transfertypes.ModuleCdc.MarshalJSON(&data); err != nil {
            return channeltypes.NewErrorAcknowledgement(fmt.Errorf("cannot marshal ICS-20 post-processed transfer packet data"))
        packet.Data = dataBytes
        return, packet, relayer)
        return channeltypes.NewErrorAcknowledgement(fmt.Errorf("unrecognized mesasge type: %d", msg.Type))

Tool used

Manual Review


Modify the OnRecvPacket function to include a check that verifies the authenticity of the packet based on the channel ID/sender.



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

OnRecvPacket doesn't have authentication


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-2: Unchecked Error in ResetChurnableTopics Function


Found by



The ResetChurnableTopics function in the keeper does not check the error returned by the Clear method of churnableTopics. This could lead to silent failures and potential inconsistencies in the system state.

Vulnerability Detail

In the current implementation of ResetChurnableTopics:

func (k *Keeper) ResetChurnableTopics(ctx context.Context) error {
    k.churnableTopics.Clear(ctx, nil)
    return nil

The Clear method is called on k.churnableTopics, but its return value (which could be an error) is not checked. The function always returns nil, regardless of whether the clearing operation succeeded or failed.


  1. Silent Failures: If the Clear operation fails for any reason (e.g., concurrency problems), the failure will go unnoticed.
  2. Inconsistent State: The system may continue operating under the assumption that the churnable topics have been reset when they haven't, leading to incorrect behavior in subsequent operations.
  3. Without cleaning churnable topics, The operation is going to continue on the Endblocker.

Code Snippet


// ResetChurnReadyTopics clears all topics from the churn-ready set and resets related states.
func (k *Keeper) ResetChurnableTopics(ctx context.Context) error {
    k.churnableTopics.Clear(ctx, nil)
    return nil

Tool used

Manual Review


  1. Modify the ResetChurnableTopics function to check and return the error from the Clear method:
func (k *Keeper) ResetChurnableTopics(ctx context.Context) error {
    err := k.churnableTopics.Clear(ctx, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to clear churnable topics")
    return nil
  1. Ensure that all calls to ResetChurnableTopics properly handle the returned error, for example:
err = am.keeper.ResetChurnableTopics(ctx)
if err != nil {
    sdkCtx.Logger().Error("Error resetting churn ready topics: ", err)
    return errors.Wrapf(err, "Resetting churn ready topics error")
  1. Consider adding logging within the ResetChurnableTopics function for successful clears as well, to aid in debugging and monitoring:
func (k *Keeper) ResetChurnableTopics(ctx context.Context) error {
    err := k.churnableTopics.Clear(ctx, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to clear churnable topics")
    k.Logger(ctx).Info("Successfully cleared churnable topics")
    return nil



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-3: The default value of epsilon differs from what is stated in the whitepaper


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by



The default value of epsilon differs from what is stated in the whitepaper

Vulnerability Detail

According to docs

We ask that auditors look for both typical security vulnerabilities, but also departures of the codebase from the intentions defined in the whitepaper. This includes but is not limited to functions not correctly implemented or tied together as defined in the whitepaper. This requires an understanding of the math of the whitepaper, which we urge auditors to develop.

Epsilon:                         alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.0001")


    stdDevRegretsPlusMedianTimesFTolerancePlusEpsilon, err := stdDevRegretsPlusMedianTimesFTolerance.Add(p.Epsilon) image image


Precision will be tight

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


-Epsilon:                         alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.0001")
+Epsilon:                         alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.01")



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

The default value of epsilon is different from whitepaper

Issue M-4: The formula for forecast normalization differs from the one in the whitepaper.


Found by



The formula for forecast normalization differs from the one in the whitepaper.

Vulnerability Detail

According to docs

We ask that auditors look for both typical security vulnerabilities, but also departures of the codebase from the intentions defined in the whitepaper. This includes but is not limited to functions not correctly implemented or tied together as defined in the whitepaper. This requires an understanding of the math of the whitepaper, which we urge auditors to develop. Here is the code for formula below

medianRegrets, err := alloraMath.Median(regrets)
if err != nil {
return RegretInformedWeights{}, errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Error calculating median of regrets")
medianTimesFTolerance, err := medianRegrets.Mul(p.Tolerance)
if err != nil {
return RegretInformedWeights{}, errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Error calculating median times tolerance")
// Add tolerance to standard deviation
stdDevRegretsPlusMedianTimesFTolerance, err := stdDevRegrets.Abs().Add(medianTimesFTolerance)
if err != nil {
return RegretInformedWeights{}, errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Error adding tolerance to standard deviation of regrets")
stdDevRegretsPlusMedianTimesFTolerancePlusEpsilon, err := stdDevRegretsPlusMedianTimesFTolerance.Add(p.Epsilon)
if err != nil {
return RegretInformedWeights{}, errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Error adding epsilon to standard deviation of regrets")
// Normalize the regrets and find the max normalized regret among them
normalizedInfererRegrets := make(map[Worker]Regret)
maxRegret := alloraMath.ZeroDec()
maxRegretInitialized := false
for address, worker := range p.InfererRegrets {
    regretFrac, err := worker.regret.Quo(stdDevRegretsPlusMedianTimesFTolerancePlusEpsilon)
    if err != nil {
        return RegretInformedWeights{}, errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Error calculating regret fraction")
    normalizedInfererRegrets[address] = regretFrac
    if !maxRegretInitialized {
        maxRegretInitialized = true
        maxRegret = regretFrac
    } else if regretFrac.Gt(maxRegret) {
        maxRegret = regretFrac
Which results in
\hat{R}_{ijk} = \frac{R_{ijk}}{\sigma_j(R_{ijk}) + \mu(R_{ijk}) \cdot \text{Tolerance} + \epsilon}

while in whitepaper its this one, equation (8)

\hat{R}_{ijk} = \frac{R_{ijk}}{\sigma_j(R_{ijk}) + \epsilon}


The incorrect base formula for calculating weights based on regrets

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Implement from whitepaper or change whitepaper to one in code



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Whitepaper differs from code


quoting @guilherme-brandao who is not on this repo

This addition of the median was something suggested by the research team but they changed their minds. This addition was reverted in this PR:


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-5: Silent Failure in MustNewDecFromString Can Lead to Node Crashes


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by



The use of MustNewDecFromString in the AlloraExecutor's ExecuteFunction method ignores potential errors, which can lead to invalid parameters being passed to the node, causing crashes.

Vulnerability Detail

In the ExecuteFunction method of the AlloraExecutor, MustNewDecFromString is used to convert string values to decimal types. This function panics if it encounters an error during conversion, rather than returning an error that can be handled gracefully. The code doesn't have any error handling or recovery mechanism for these potential panics.

For example:

infererValue := alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString(responseValue.InfererValue)

If responseValue.InfererValue is not a valid decimal string, this will cause a panic, which can crash the node if not caught.

Similar issues exist for other conversions in the code, such as those for forecaster values and various attributed values.


Code Snippet

/cmd/node/main.go#L149, /cmd/node/main.go#L162, /cmd/node/main.go#L262

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider adding err check on the node software.

infererValue, err := alloraMath.NewDecFromString(responseValue.InfererValue)
if err != nil {
    return result, fmt.Errorf("invalid inferer value: %w", err)



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

MustNewDecFromString can cause panic()

Issue M-6: incorrect condition for the iterative update of Equation 34


Found by



incorrect condition for the iterative update of Equation 34

Vulnerability Detail

According to whitepaper, iterative process should be done until value would not be less 0.001 < 0.001 image But in the code it will stop at 0.001maxGradientThreshold

    for maxGradient.Gt(maxGradientThreshold) && i < gradientDescentMaxIters {
        copy(oldCoefficients, coefficients)



Incorrect computation for listening coefficient.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


-   for maxGradient.Gt(maxGradientThreshold) && i < gradientDescentMaxIters {
+   for maxGradient.Gte(maxGradientThreshold) && i < gradientDescentMaxIters {
        copy(oldCoefficients, coefficients)



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-7: Standard deviation calculation is biased


Found by



The estimation of the regrets & time steps scores will be based because of a biased estimator.

Vulnerability Detail

The function StdDev calculates the sample standard deviation of an arbitrary data vector. To do so, it uses the formula sqrt((Σ(x - μ))^2/ N). Because the data is also used to calculate the sample mean, this estimator will be biased, i.e. its expectation value will not be σ, but rather sqrt((n - 1)/n) σ.

The utility function is used in synth_palette_weight.go to get the std. deviation of the regrets and in rewards_internal.go to get the std. deviation of the latest time steps scores.


The std. deviation estimate in the two mentioned places will be slightly off, leading to a wrong estimate.

Code Snippet

    sdOverLen, err := sd.Quo(lenData)
    if err != nil {
        return Dec{}, err

Tool used

Manual Review


Apply Bessel's correction, i.e. divide by N - 1 instead of N, which means subtracting one from lenData in the code.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-8: Malicious peer can cause a syncing node to panic during blocksync


Found by



The system uses a vulnerable CometBFT version. An attacker can abuse this to cause a panic during blocksync.

Vulnerability Detail

In go.mod, the CometBFT version is pinned to v0.38.6. This version is vulnerable to GO-2024-2951. More details about the vulnerability are available here.


The vulnerability allows an attacker to DoS the network by causing panics in all nodes during blocksync.

Code Snippet

The vulnerability itself is in CometBFT, but the following calls in Allora call into vulnerable code:

   #1: cmd/allorad/main.go:15:26: allorad.main calls cmd.Execute, which eventually calls blocksync.BlockPool.OnStart
   #2: cmd/allorad/main.go:15:26: allorad.main calls cmd.Execute, which eventually calls blocksync.NewReactor
   #3: cmd/allorad/main.go:15:26: allorad.main calls cmd.Execute, which eventually calls blocksync.Reactor.OnStart
   #4: cmd/allorad/main.go:15:26: allorad.main calls cmd.Execute, which eventually calls blocksync.Reactor.Receive
   #5: cmd/allorad/main.go:15:26: allorad.main calls cmd.Execute, which eventually calls blocksync.Reactor.SwitchToBlockSync

Tool used

Manual Review


Update CometBFT to v0.38.8.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-9: Treasury cap restriction will not hold and one block per month will be compromised


Found by



Treasury cap restriction will not hold and one block per month will be compromised

Vulnerability Detail

Once a month emissions are calculated and there is no cap checking before .AddEcosystemTokensMinted.

    if blockEmission.GT(ecosystemBalance) {
        // mint the amount of tokens required to pay out the emissions
        tokensToMint := blockEmission.Sub(ecosystemBalance)
        coins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(params.MintDenom, tokensToMint))
        err = k.MintCoins(sdkCtx, coins)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        err = k.MoveCoinsFromMintToEcosystem(sdkCtx, coins)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        // then increment the recorded history of the amount of tokens minted
        err = k.AddEcosystemTokensMinted(ctx, tokensToMint) //@audit cap is not checked
        if err != nil {
            return err

x/mint/module/abci.go#L178 if minted is more than cap there would be negative number here

func GetEcosystemMintSupplyRemaining(
    ctx sdk.Context,
    k keeper.Keeper,
    params types.Params,
) (math.Int, error) {
    // calculate how many tokens left the ecosystem account is allowed to mint
    ecosystemTokensAlreadyMinted, err := k.EcosystemTokensMinted.Get(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return math.Int{}, err
    // check that you are allowed to mint more tokens and we haven't hit the max supply
    ecosystemMaxSupply := math.LegacyNewDecFromInt(params.MaxSupply).
    return ecosystemMaxSupply.Sub(ecosystemTokensAlreadyMinted), nil

x/mint/module/abci.go#L89 Which will trigger error invocation here

    ratioCirculating := circulatingSupply.ToLegacyDec().Quo(maxSupply.ToLegacyDec())
    ratioEcosystemToStaked := ecosystemMintableRemaining.ToLegacyDec().Quo(networkStaked.ToLegacyDec())
    ret := fEmission.
    if ret.IsNegative() {
        return math.LegacyDec{}, errors.Wrapf(
            "target emission per token is negative: %s | %s | %s",

    return ret, nil

mint/keeper/emissions.go#L148 which will compromised block


Cap restriction will not hold and one block per month will be compromised

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


    if blockEmission.GT(ecosystemBalance) {
        // mint the amount of tokens required to pay out the emissions
        tokensToMint := blockEmission.Sub(ecosystemBalance)
+       if( tokensToMint > ecosystemMintSupplyRemaining  ){
+                 tokensToMint := ecosystemMintSupplyRemaining
+                }
        coins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(params.MintDenom, tokensToMint))
        err = k.MintCoins(sdkCtx, coins)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        err = k.MoveCoinsFromMintToEcosystem(sdkCtx, coins)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        // then increment the recorded history of the amount of tokens minted
        err = k.AddEcosystemTokensMinted(ctx, tokensToMint)
        if err != nil {
            return err



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:


Escalate I believe this is HIGH due to the fact that this function located inside BeginBlocker and block will be comprised once it will hit minting cap


Escalate I believe this is HIGH due to the fact that this function located inside BeginBlocker and block will be comprised once it will hit minting cap

You've created a valid escalation!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


As I understand, there are no limitations on this issue except hitting the minting cap, and it will happen every time, but I don't see how the report shows the loss of funds and the only impact is the compromised block, no?


yes, the only impact is the compromised block, medium, my bad


Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.


Result: Medium Unique


Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:

Issue M-10: Incomplete Zero-Height Genesis Preparation in Allora Network


Found by



The current implementation of prepForZeroHeightGenesis in the Allora network lacks several key operations present in the reference implementation, potentially leading to inconsistent or incomplete state resets when exporting genesis at zero height.

Vulnerability Detail

The prepForZeroHeightGenesis function in the Allora network's AlloraApp is missing several crucial steps compared to a more comprehensive implementation. The current implementation omits:


These omissions could result in:

The absence of these operations may lead to unexpected behavior or state inconsistencies when the network is restarted from a zero-height genesis export.

Example Juno Export :

Code Snippet


// ExportAppStateAndValidators exports the state of the application for a genesis
// file.
func (app *App) ExportAppStateAndValidators(forZeroHeight bool, jailAllowedAddrs []string, modulesToExport []string) (servertypes.ExportedApp, error) {
    // as if they could withdraw from the start of the next block
    ctx := app.NewContext(true, tmproto.Header{Height: app.LastBlockHeight()})

    // We export at last height + 1, because that's the height at which
    // Tendermint will start InitChain.
    height := app.LastBlockHeight() + 1
    if forZeroHeight {
        height = 0
        app.prepForZeroHeightGenesis(ctx, jailAllowedAddrs)

    genState := app.ModuleManager.ExportGenesisForModules(ctx, app.appCodec, modulesToExport)
    appState, err := json.MarshalIndent(genState, "", "  ")
    if err != nil {
        return servertypes.ExportedApp{}, err

    validators, err := staking.WriteValidators(ctx, app.AppKeepers.StakingKeeper)
    return servertypes.ExportedApp{
        AppState:        appState,
        Validators:      validators,
        Height:          height,
        ConsensusParams: app.BaseApp.GetConsensusParams(ctx),
    }, err

// prepare for fresh start at zero height
// NOTE zero height genesis is a temporary feature which will be deprecated
//  in favour of export at a block height
func (app *App) prepForZeroHeightGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, jailAllowedAddrs []string) {
    applyAllowedAddrs := false

    // check if there is a allowed address list
    if len(jailAllowedAddrs) > 0 {
        applyAllowedAddrs = true

    allowedAddrsMap := make(map[string]bool)

    for _, addr := range jailAllowedAddrs {
        _, err := sdk.ValAddressFromBech32(addr)
        if err != nil {
        allowedAddrsMap[addr] = true

    /* Just to be safe, assert the invariants on current state. */

    /* Handle fee distribution state. */

    // withdraw all validator commission
    app.AppKeepers.StakingKeeper.IterateValidators(ctx, func(_ int64, val stakingtypes.ValidatorI) (stop bool) {
        _, _ = app.AppKeepers.DistrKeeper.WithdrawValidatorCommission(ctx, val.GetOperator())
        return false

    // withdraw all delegator rewards
    dels := app.AppKeepers.StakingKeeper.GetAllDelegations(ctx)
    for _, delegation := range dels {
        valAddr, err := sdk.ValAddressFromBech32(delegation.ValidatorAddress)
        if err != nil {

        delAddr := sdk.MustAccAddressFromBech32(delegation.DelegatorAddress)

        _, _ = app.AppKeepers.DistrKeeper.WithdrawDelegationRewards(ctx, delAddr, valAddr)

    // clear validator slash events

    // clear validator historical rewards

    // set context height to zero
    height := ctx.BlockHeight()
    ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(0)

    // reinitialize all validators
    app.AppKeepers.StakingKeeper.IterateValidators(ctx, func(_ int64, val stakingtypes.ValidatorI) (stop bool) {
        // donate any unwithdrawn outstanding reward fraction tokens to the community pool
        scraps := app.AppKeepers.DistrKeeper.GetValidatorOutstandingRewardsCoins(ctx, val.GetOperator())
        feePool := app.AppKeepers.DistrKeeper.GetFeePool(ctx)
        feePool.CommunityPool = feePool.CommunityPool.Add(scraps...)
        app.AppKeepers.DistrKeeper.SetFeePool(ctx, feePool)

        if err := app.AppKeepers.DistrKeeper.Hooks().AfterValidatorCreated(ctx, val.GetOperator()); err != nil {
        return false

    // reinitialize all delegations
    for _, del := range dels {
        valAddr, err := sdk.ValAddressFromBech32(del.ValidatorAddress)
        if err != nil {
        delAddr := sdk.MustAccAddressFromBech32(del.DelegatorAddress)

        if err := app.AppKeepers.DistrKeeper.Hooks().BeforeDelegationCreated(ctx, delAddr, valAddr); err != nil {
            // never called as BeforeDelegationCreated always returns nil
            panic(fmt.Errorf("error while incrementing period: %w", err))

        if err := app.AppKeepers.DistrKeeper.Hooks().AfterDelegationModified(ctx, delAddr, valAddr); err != nil {
            // never called as AfterDelegationModified always returns nil
            panic(fmt.Errorf("error while creating a new delegation period record: %w", err))

    // reset context height
    ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)

    /* Handle staking state. */

    // iterate through redelegations, reset creation height
    app.AppKeepers.StakingKeeper.IterateRedelegations(ctx, func(_ int64, red stakingtypes.Redelegation) (stop bool) {
        for i := range red.Entries {
            red.Entries[i].CreationHeight = 0
        app.AppKeepers.StakingKeeper.SetRedelegation(ctx, red)
        return false

    // iterate through unbonding delegations, reset creation height
    app.AppKeepers.StakingKeeper.IterateUnbondingDelegations(ctx, func(_ int64, ubd stakingtypes.UnbondingDelegation) (stop bool) {
        for i := range ubd.Entries {
            ubd.Entries[i].CreationHeight = 0
        app.AppKeepers.StakingKeeper.SetUnbondingDelegation(ctx, ubd)
        return false

    // Iterate through validators by power descending, reset bond heights, and
    // update bond intra-tx counters.
    store := ctx.KVStore(app.AppKeepers.GetKey(stakingtypes.StoreKey))
    iter := sdk.KVStoreReversePrefixIterator(store, stakingtypes.ValidatorsKey)
    counter := int16(0)

    for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
        addr := sdk.ValAddress(stakingtypes.AddressFromValidatorsKey(iter.Key()))
        validator, found := app.AppKeepers.StakingKeeper.GetValidator(ctx, addr)
        if !found {
            panic("expected validator, not found")

        validator.UnbondingHeight = 0
        if applyAllowedAddrs && !allowedAddrsMap[addr.String()] {
            validator.Jailed = true

        app.AppKeepers.StakingKeeper.SetValidator(ctx, validator)

    if err := iter.Close(); err != nil {
        app.Logger().Error("error while closing the key-value store reverse prefix iterator: ", err)

    _, err := app.AppKeepers.StakingKeeper.ApplyAndReturnValidatorSetUpdates(ctx)
    if err != nil {

    /* Handle slashing state. */

    // reset start height on signing infos
        func(addr sdk.ConsAddress, info slashingtypes.ValidatorSigningInfo) (stop bool) {
            info.StartHeight = 0
            app.AppKeepers.SlashingKeeper.SetValidatorSigningInfo(ctx, addr, info)
            return false

Tool used

Manual Review


Update the prepForZeroHeightGenesis function to include:



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-11: Funding amount is accounted twice leading to activating topic before reaching the global minimum


Found by

0x3b, Kow, lemonmon, volodya, zigtur


The amount deposited through FundTopic is accounted twice during the topic activation calculation, leading to activating the topic too early (before reaching the minimum).

Vulnerability Detail

During the funding of a topic through FundTopic, the funded amount will be added to the topic fee revenue. It will then check if the topic has enough weight to become active.

However, during the check to see if enough weight is met, the funded amount will be accounted and added to the topic fee revenue. This is problematic because the topic fee revenue was already modified to account for this funded amount.

This leads the funded amount to be accounted twice.

Then, this double accounting leads to overestimate the weight of a topic. So a topic may be activate without reaching the expected minimum weight.


Topics will be activated before reaching the expected minimum weight.

Code Snippet

    participant FundTopic
    participant AddTopicFeeRevenue
    participant activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin
    participant GetCurrentTopicWeight
    participant Keeper.topicFeeRevenue

    critical First accounting
        AddTopicFeeRevenue->>Keeper.topicFeeRevenue: write += amount (SetTopicFeeRevenue)

    critical Second accounting
        GetCurrentTopicWeight-->>Keeper.topicFeeRevenue: reads keeper.topicFeeRevenue
        GetCurrentTopicWeight->>GetCurrentTopicWeight: calculates: topicFeeRevenue + amount

The FundTopic function calls AddTopicFeeRevenue to add the amount to the TopicFeeRevenue. It then calls the activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin function, which will read the TopicFeeRevenue but will also add the amount.

See msg_server_demand.go#L44-L52

func (ms msgServer) FundTopic(ctx context.Context, msg *types.MsgFundTopic) (*types.MsgFundTopicResponse, error) {
    // ...

    // Account for the revenue the topic has generated
    err = ms.k.AddTopicFeeRevenue(ctx, msg.TopicId, msg.Amount) // POC: Add funded amount (First accounting)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Activate topic if it exhibits minimum weight
    err = activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin(ctx, ms, msg.TopicId, msg.Amount) // @POc: will use the funded amount (second accounting)
    return &types.MsgFundTopicResponse{}, err

First accounting

First, the funded amount is added through a call to AddTopicFeeRevenue. This function will modify k.topicFeeRevenue.

See keeper.go#L1681.

// Add to the fee revenue collected by a topic
func (k *Keeper) AddTopicFeeRevenue(ctx context.Context, topicId TopicId, amount cosmosMath.Int) error {
    topicFeeRevenue, err := k.GetTopicFeeRevenue(ctx, topicId)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    topicFeeRevenue = topicFeeRevenue.Add(amount)
    return k.topicFeeRevenue.Set(ctx, topicId, topicFeeRevenue) // @POC: set the new value (add amount)

Second accounting

Then, the activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin function will call GetCurrentTopicWeight with the funded amount as argument. See msg_server_util_topic_activation.go#L28-L47

func activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin(ctx context.Context, ms msgServer, topicId TopicId, amount Allo) error {
    if !isActivated {
        // ...

        newTopicWeight, _, err := ms.k.GetCurrentTopicWeight( // @POC: Incorrect calculation
        // ...

        if newTopicWeight.Gte(params.MinTopicWeight) { // @POC: Overestimated topic weight will activate the topic
            err = ms.k.ActivateTopic(ctx, topicId)
            if err != nil {
                return err

    return nil

Finally, the issue lies in GetCurrentTopicWeight which will do the addition of the funded amount to k.topicFeeRevenue. However, k.topicFeeRevenue was already increased by this amount (see previous section). See topic_weight.go#L61-L68.

func (k *Keeper) GetCurrentTopicWeight(
    ctx context.Context,
    topicId TopicId,
    topicEpochLength BlockHeight,
    topicRewardAlpha alloraMath.Dec,
    stakeImportance alloraMath.Dec,
    feeImportance alloraMath.Dec,
    additionalRevenue cosmosMath.Int,
) (weight alloraMath.Dec, topicRevenue cosmosMath.Int, err error) {
    // ...
    // Get and total topic fee revenue
    topicFeeRevenue, err := k.GetTopicFeeRevenue(ctx, topicId) // @POc: retrieves `k.topicFeeRevenue`
    if err != nil {
        return alloraMath.Dec{}, cosmosMath.Int{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get topic fee revenue")

    // Calc target weight using fees, epoch length, stake, and params
    newFeeRevenue := additionalRevenue.Add(topicFeeRevenue) // @POC: Adds the funded amount to the `topicFeeRevenue`
    feeRevenue, err := alloraMath.NewDecFromSdkInt(newFeeRevenue)
    if err != nil {
        return alloraMath.Dec{}, cosmosMath.Int{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to convert topic fee revenue to dec")

    // ...

Proof of Concept

The following patch should be applied to import the PoC. Then, go in allora-chain/x/emissions and run the PoC with go test ./keeper/msgserver/... -v -run "TestMsgServerTestSuite/TestPocDoubleAccounting".

diff --git a/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand_test.go b/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand_test.go
index abbdb54..978d390 100644
--- a/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand_test.go
+++ b/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand_test.go
@@ -59,6 +59,58 @@ func (s *MsgServerTestSuite) TestFundTopicSimple() {
    s.Require().True(topicWeightAfter.Gt(topicWeightBefore), "Topic weight should be greater after funding the topic")

+func (s *MsgServerTestSuite) TestPocDoubleAccounting() {
+   senderAddr := sdk.AccAddress(PKS[0].Address())
+   sender := senderAddr.String()
+   topicId := s.CreateOneTopic()
+   // put some stake in the topic
+   err := s.emissionsKeeper.AddReputerStake(s.ctx, topicId, PKS[1].Address().String(), cosmosMath.NewInt(500000))
+   s.Require().NoError(err)
+   s.emissionsKeeper.InactivateTopic(s.ctx, topicId)
+   var initialStake int64 = 1000
+   initialStakeCoins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(params.DefaultBondDenom, cosmosMath.NewInt(initialStake)))
+   s.bankKeeper.MintCoins(s.ctx, types.AlloraStakingAccountName, initialStakeCoins)
+   s.bankKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(s.ctx, types.AlloraStakingAccountName, senderAddr, initialStakeCoins)
+   r := types.MsgFundTopic{
+       Sender:  sender,
+       TopicId: topicId,
+       Amount:  cosmosMath.NewInt(initialStake),
+   }
+   params, err := s.emissionsKeeper.GetParams(s.ctx)
+   s.Require().NoError(err, "GetParams should not return an error")
+   topicWeightBefore, feeRevBefore, err := s.emissionsKeeper.GetCurrentTopicWeight(
+       s.ctx,
+       r.TopicId,
+       10800,
+       params.TopicRewardAlpha,
+       params.TopicRewardStakeImportance,
+       params.TopicRewardFeeRevenueImportance,
+       r.Amount,
+   )
+   s.Require().NoError(err)
+   response, err := s.msgServer.FundTopic(s.ctx, &r)
+   s.Require().NoError(err, "RequestInference should not return an error")
+   s.Require().NotNil(response, "Response should not be nil")
+   // Check if the topic is activated
+   res, err := s.emissionsKeeper.IsTopicActive(s.ctx, r.TopicId)
+   s.Require().NoError(err)
+   s.Require().Equal(true, res, "TopicId is not activated")
+   // check that the topic fee revenue has been updated
+   topicWeightAfter, feeRevAfter, err := s.emissionsKeeper.GetCurrentTopicWeight(
+       s.ctx,
+       r.TopicId,
+       10800,
+       params.TopicRewardAlpha,
+       params.TopicRewardStakeImportance,
+       params.TopicRewardFeeRevenueImportance,
+       r.Amount,
+   )
+   s.Require().NoError(err)
+   s.Require().True(feeRevAfter.GT(feeRevBefore), "Topic fee revenue should be greater after funding the topic")
+   s.Require().True(topicWeightAfter.Gt(topicWeightBefore), "Topic weight should be greater after funding the topic")
 func (s *MsgServerTestSuite) TestHighWeightForHighFundedTopic() {
    senderAddr := sdk.AccAddress(PKS[0].Address())
    sender := senderAddr.String()
diff --git a/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_util_topic_activation.go b/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_util_topic_activation.go
index e338495..cbc4c10 100644
--- a/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_util_topic_activation.go
+++ b/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_util_topic_activation.go
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package msgserver

 import (
+   "fmt"

    cosmosMath ""
@@ -34,9 +35,19 @@ func activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin(ctx context.Context, ms msgServer, to
+       pocTopicWeight, _, err := ms.k.GetCurrentTopicWeight(
+           ctx,
+           topicId,
+           topic.EpochLength,
+           params.TopicRewardAlpha,
+           params.TopicRewardStakeImportance,
+           params.TopicRewardFeeRevenueImportance,
+           cosmosMath.NewInt(0), // @POC: should be zero here
+       )
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrapf(err, "error getting current topic weight")
+       fmt.Println("POC - newTopicWeight = ", newTopicWeight, " but should be", pocTopicWeight, " and minTopicWeight =", params.MinTopicWeight)

        if newTopicWeight.Gte(params.MinTopicWeight) {
            err = ms.k.ActivateTopic(ctx, topicId)

PoC results

The PoC will output the following:

=== RUN   TestMsgServerTestSuite
=== RUN   TestMsgServerTestSuite/TestPocDoubleAccounting
POC - newTopicWeight =  304.2903097250922852538721015560012  but should be 215.1657414559676047321814110990222  and minTopicWeight = 100
--- PASS: TestMsgServerTestSuite (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestMsgServerTestSuite/TestPocDoubleAccounting (0.00s)
ok     0.030s

Tool used

Manual Review


FundTopic should call activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin with an amount of zero.

The following patch applies this recommendation.

diff --git a/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand.go b/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand.go
index 3de71dd..18fffe7 100644
--- a/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand.go
+++ b/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand.go
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package msgserver
 import (

+   ""
    appParams ""
    alloraMath ""
@@ -48,6 +49,6 @@ func (ms msgServer) FundTopic(ctx context.Context, msg *types.MsgFundTopic) (*ty

    // Activate topic if it exhibits minimum weight
-   err = activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin(ctx, ms, msg.TopicId, msg.Amount)
+   err = activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin(ctx, ms, msg.TopicId, math.NewInt(0))
    return &types.MsgFundTopicResponse{}, err



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Topic funding amount is incorrectly accounted for twice

Issue M-12: Lack of Timeout leads Resource Exhaustion in API Client


Found by

LZ_security, defsec


The absence of timeout settings in the HTTP client poses the following risks:

  1. Resource Exhaustion:

    • Connections may hang indefinitely, leading to goroutine leaks and memory overconsumption.
    • Over time, this can cause the application to crash or become unresponsive.
  2. Denial of Service (DoS) Vulnerability:

    • Attackers could exploit this to overwhelm the system by initiating numerous long-lasting connections.
    • This could render the entire application or service unavailable to legitimate users.
  3. Cascading Failures:

    • In a microservices architecture, hanging connections can lead to cascading failures across multiple services.
    • This can result in system-wide outages and difficult-to-diagnose issues.

Vulnerability Detail

The current implementation of the makeApiCall function lacks timeout configurations, introducing a severe vulnerability that could lead to resource exhaustion, denial of service, and system instability.


Implementing these timeout configurations will significantly enhance the resilience and security of the API client:

  1. Prevent Resource Exhaustion: By limiting the duration of connections, the system can maintain control over resource allocation.
  2. Mitigate DoS Vulnerabilities: Timeouts make it much harder for attackers to overwhelm the system with long-lasting connections.
  3. Improve System Stability: By avoiding hanging connections, the overall stability and predictability of the system are greatly enhanced.

Code Snippet


func makeApiCall(payload string) error {
    url := os.Getenv("BLOCKLESS_API_URL")
    method := "POST"

    client := &http.Client{}
    req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, strings.NewReader(payload))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    req.Header.Add("Accept", "application/json, text/plain, */*")
    req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8")

    res, err := client.Do(req)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer res.Body.Close()

    return nil

Tool used

Manual Review


Implement comprehensive timeout settings in the HTTP client:

func makeApiCall(payload string) error {
    url := os.Getenv("BLOCKLESS_API_URL")

    client := &http.Client{
        Timeout: 30 * time.Second,  // Overall timeout for the request
        Transport: &http.Transport{
            DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
                Timeout:   5 * time.Second,   // Connection timeout
                KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
            TLSHandshakeTimeout:   10 * time.Second,  // TLS handshake timeout
            ResponseHeaderTimeout: 10 * time.Second,  // Timeout for server's response headers
            ExpectContinueTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
            IdleConnTimeout:       90 * time.Second,  // Idle connection timeout
            MaxIdleConnsPerHost:   10,                // Limit idle connections

    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 25*time.Second)
    defer cancel()

    req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodPost, url, strings.NewReader(payload))
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to create request: %w", err)

    res, err := client.Do(req)
    if err != nil {
        if os.IsTimeout(err) {
            return fmt.Errorf("request timed out: %w", err)
        return fmt.Errorf("request failed: %w", err)
    defer res.Body.Close()

    // ... (rest of the function)



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-13: SendDataWithRetry doesn't work properly(Retries will not happen)


Found by



Cosmos's BroadcastTx returns an error in the first argument instead of the second one.

Vulnerability Detail

Here is the current Allora implementation for .BroadcastTx( where its trying to handle retries

func (ap *AppChain) SendDataWithRetry(ctx context.Context, req sdktypes.Msg, MaxRetries, MinDelay, MaxDelay int, SuccessMsg string) (*cosmosclient.Response, error) {
    var txResp *cosmosclient.Response
    var err error
    for retryCount := 0; retryCount <= MaxRetries; retryCount++ {
        txResponse, err := ap.Client.BroadcastTx(ctx, ap.Account, req)
        txResp = &txResponse
        if err == nil {
            ap.Logger.Info().Str("Tx Hash:", txResp.TxHash).Msg("Success: " + SuccessMsg)
        // Log the error for each retry.
        ap.Logger.Info().Err(err).Msgf("Failed: "+SuccessMsg+", retrying... (Retry %d/%d)", retryCount, MaxRetries)
        // Generate a random number between MinDelay and MaxDelay
        randomDelay := rand.Intn(MaxDelay-MinDelay+1) + MinDelay
        // Apply exponential backoff to the random delay
        backoffDelay := randomDelay << retryCount
        // Wait for the calculated delay before retrying
        time.Sleep(time.Duration(backoffDelay) * time.Second)
    return txResp, err


Here is how BroadcastTx function works under the hood where it returns errors in the first argument and nill as the second variable which will pass in the current Allora implementation

func (ctx Context) BroadcastTxAsync(txBytes []byte) (*sdk.TxResponse, error) {
    node, err := ctx.GetNode()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    res, err := node.BroadcastTxAsync(context.Background(), txBytes)
    if errRes := CheckCometError(err, txBytes); errRes != nil {
        return errRes, nil // @audit returns errors in first argument

    return sdk.NewResponseFormatBroadcastTx(res), err



Retries will not happen, error will be passed

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Copy how its done in sei

        grpcRes, err := TX_CLIENT.BroadcastTx(
                Mode:    typestx.BroadcastMode_BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC,
                TxBytes: txBytes,
        if err != nil {
        for grpcRes.TxResponse.Code == sdkerrors.ErrMempoolIsFull.ABCICode() {
            // retry after a second until either succeed or fail for some other reason
            fmt.Printf("Mempool full\n")
            time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
            grpcRes, err = TX_CLIENT.BroadcastTx(
                    Mode:    typestx.BroadcastMode_BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC,
                    TxBytes: txBytes,
            if err != nil {
        if grpcRes.TxResponse.Code != 0 {
            fmt.Printf("Error: %d\n", grpcRes.TxResponse.Code)
        } else {
            defer mu.Unlock()
            TX_HASH_FILE.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", grpcRes.TxResponse.TxHash))




The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-14: logic bug in this IBC middleware code related to packet handling.


Found by


Vulnerability Detail

In the OnRecvPacket function, the code attempts to parse the packet's memo field into a custom Message structure. However, the logic for determining whether the middleware should process the packet or pass it to the next layer is flawed.

The Flawed Logic

The current code has two commented-out sections:

//if !strings.EqualFold(data.Sender, AxelarGMPAcc) {
//  // Not a packet that should be handled by the GMP middleware
//  return, packet, relayer)

This suggests an intention to filter packets based on the sender's address. However, even without this check, the code falls through to process the packet if the memo can be unmarshalled into a Message with a non-empty payload.

The Consequence

This means that the GMP middleware might unintentionally process packets that were not meant for it, potentially leading to unexpected behavior or errors further down the line.

The Solution

we should reintroduce the sender address check or different check before deciding to process the packet. example

// ... (other parts of the code remain the same)

// OnRecvPacket implements the IBCMiddleware interface
func (im IBCMiddleware) OnRecvPacket(
    ctx sdk.Context,
    packet channeltypes.Packet,
    relayer sdk.AccAddress,
) ibcexported.Acknowledgement {
    var data transfertypes.FungibleTokenPacketData
    if err := transfertypes.ModuleCdc.UnmarshalJSON(packet.GetData(), &data); err != nil {
        return channeltypes.NewErrorAcknowledgement(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal ICS-20 transfer packet data"))

    var msg Message
    var err error
    err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(data.GetMemo()), &msg)
    if err != nil || len(msg.Payload) == 0 {
        // Not a packet that should be handled by the GMP middleware
        return, packet, relayer)

    if !strings.EqualFold(data.Sender, AxelarGMPAcc) { // <-- Reintroduced check
        // Not a packet that should be handled by the GMP middleware
        return, packet, relayer)

    // ... (rest of the packet processing logic) ...

// ... (other parts of the code remain the same)

Key Points:


package main

import (

    transfertypes ""
    channeltypes ""
    ibcexported ""

// Simulate the Message struct from your code
type Message struct {
    Type         int    `json:"type"`
    Payload      string `json:"payload"`
    SourceChain  string `json:"srcChain"`
    SourceAddress string `json:"srcAddress"`

// Simulate the IBCMiddleware struct
type IBCMiddleware struct{}

// Simulate the next layer's OnRecvPacket function
func (im IBCMiddleware) appOnRecvPacket(ctx types.Context, packet channeltypes.Packet, relayer types.AccAddress) ibcexported.Acknowledgement {
    fmt.Println("Packet received and processed by the next layer:", packet)
    return channeltypes.NewResultAcknowledgement([]byte("success"))

// OnRecvPacket function with the logical flaw
func (im IBCMiddleware) OnRecvPacket(
    ctx types.Context,
    packet channeltypes.Packet,
    relayer types.AccAddress,
) ibcexported.Acknowledgement {

    var data transfertypes.FungibleTokenPacketData
    json.Unmarshal(packet.GetData(), &data)

    var msg Message
    json.Unmarshal([]byte(data.GetMemo()), &msg)

    if len(msg.Payload) != 0 { // Flawed condition: only checks for non-empty payload
        fmt.Println("GMP middleware processing packet:", packet)
        // ... further processing ...

    // Falls through to the next layer even if not intended for GMP
    return im.appOnRecvPacket(ctx, packet, relayer)

func main() {
    // Simulate a packet not intended for GMP (wrong sender)
    packetData := transfertypes.FungibleTokenPacketData{
        Sender:   "cosmos1wrongsender",   
        Receiver: "cosmos1receiver",
        Amount:   "100",
        Denom:    "uatom",
        Memo:     `{"type":1, "payload":"some data"}`, // Valid memo

    packetBytes, _ := json.Marshal(packetData)
    packet := channeltypes.Packet{
        Data: packetBytes,

    middleware := IBCMiddleware{}
    middleware.OnRecvPacket(types.Context{}, packet, types.AccAddress{})


  1. We create simplified versions of Message, IBCMiddleware, and the next layer's OnRecvPacket.
  2. OnRecvPacket: The function only checks if the msg.Payload is non-empty. Even though the sender is incorrect, the packet will be processed by the GMP middleware due to the valid memo.
  3. We create a packet with a valid memo but an incorrect sender ("cosmos1wrongsender"). 4 When the middleware receives this packet, it incorrectly assumes it's meant for GMP and proceeds with further processing.


we should see output similar to this:

GMP middleware processing packet: {"data":"eyJTZW5kZXIiOiJjb3Ntb3Mxcm9uZ3NlbmRlciIsIlJlY2VpdmVyIjoiY29zbW9zMXJlY2VpdmVyIiwiQW1vdW50IjoiMTAwIiwiRGVub20iOiJ1YXRvbSIsIk1lbW8iOnsieXR5cGUiOjEsInBheWxvYWQiOiJzb21lIGRhdGEifX0=","timeout_height":"0-0","timeout_timestamp":0}
Packet received and processed by the next layer: {"data":"eyJTZW5kZXIiOiJjb3Ntb3Mxcm9uZ3NlbmRlciIsIlJlY2VpdmVyIjoiY29zbW9zMXJlY2VpdmVyIiwiQW1vdW50IjoiMTAwIiwiRGVub20iOiJ1YXRvbSIsIk1lbW8iOnsieXR5cGUiOjEsInBheWxvYWQiOiJzb21lIGRhdGEifX0=","timeout_height":"0-0","timeout_timestamp":0}

Key Takeaways

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review




The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-15: Incomplete Topic Processing Due to Continuous Retry on Pagination Error


Found by

0x416, defsec


The SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics function continues to the next iteration when failing to get IDs of active topics, potentially causing an infinite loop or skipping all topics.

Vulnerability Detail

In the current implementation, when k.GetIdsOfActiveTopics() fails, the function logs a warning and continues to the next iteration of the main loop. This behavior can lead to repeated failures and potentially skip processing all topics.

Description: The problematic code section is:

topicsActive, topicPageResponse, err := k.GetIdsOfActiveTopics(ctx, topicPageRequest)
if err != nil {
    Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting ids of active topics: %s", err.Error()))
    continue  // This should be 'break'

This continue statement causes the function to retry getting the same page of topic IDs indefinitely if there's a persistent error, without moving to the next page or terminating the loop.


  1. Potential infinite loop: If the error persists, the function may never terminate.
  2. Skipped topic processing: All topics may be skipped if the first page consistently fails to load.
  3. Resource waste: Continuous retries of a failing operation waste computational resources.
  4. Misleading behavior: The function appears to complete successfully but may not have processed any topics.

Code Snippet


// Apply a function on all active topics that also have an epoch ending at this block
// Active topics have more than a globally-set minimum weight, a function of revenue and stake
// "Safe" because bounded by max number of pages and apply running, online operations.
func SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics(
    ctx sdk.Context,
    k keeper.Keeper,
    block BlockHeight,
    fn func(sdkCtx sdk.Context, topic *types.Topic) error,
    topicPageLimit uint64,
    maxTopicPages uint64,
) error {
    topicPageKey := make([]byte, 0)
    i := uint64(0)
    for {
        topicPageRequest := &types.SimpleCursorPaginationRequest{Limit: topicPageLimit, Key: topicPageKey}
        topicsActive, topicPageResponse, err := k.GetIdsOfActiveTopics(ctx, topicPageRequest)
        if err != nil {
            Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting ids of active topics: %s", err.Error()))

        for _, topicId := range topicsActive {
            topic, err := k.GetTopic(ctx, topicId)
            if err != nil {
                Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting topic: %s", err.Error()))

            if k.CheckCadence(block, topic) {
                // All checks passed => Apply function on the topic
                err = fn(ctx, &topic)
                if err != nil {
                    Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error applying function on topic: %s", err.Error()))

        // if pageResponse.NextKey is empty then we have reached the end of the list
        if topicsActive == nil || i > maxTopicPages {
        topicPageKey = topicPageResponse.NextKey
    return nil

Tool used

Manual Review


Change the continue statement to break when failing to get IDs of active topics:

topicsActive, topicPageResponse, err := k.GetIdsOfActiveTopics(ctx, topicPageRequest)
if err != nil {
    Logger(ctx).Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting ids of active topics: %s", err.Error()))
    break  // Exit the loop instead of continuing



2 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Function loop continues even after error when it should likely break

0xmystery commented:

Errors in RemoveStakes/RemoveDelegateStakes are silently handled in EndBlocker


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-16: Mint and Emissions modules register errors with an error code of 1


Found by



Mint and Emissions modules register errors with an error code of 1

Vulnerability Detail

Mint and Emissions modules register errors with an error code of 1


According to the Cosmos SDK Errors documentation, the error code :

Must be greater than one, as a code value of one is reserved for internal errors.

This breaks that rule.

Code Snippet

mint errors

var (
    ErrUnauthorized                                    = errors.Register(ModuleName, 1, "unauthorized message signer")
    // ...

emissions errors

var (
    ErrTopicReputerStakeDoesNotExist            = errors.Register(ModuleName, 1, "topic reputer stake does not exist")
    // ...

Tool used

Manual Review


Don't use 1 for error codes.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-17: Some Iterators are not closed in emissions module Keeper


Found by



Some Iterators are not closed in emissions module Keeper

Vulnerability Detail

GetStakeRemovalsForBlock, GetDelegateStakeRemovalsForBlock, GetInferenceScoresUntilBlock, GetForecastScoresUntilBlock do not Close the Iterator they create.

For reference :


Unless Keys, Values, KeyValues or Walk are used, a collection Iterator must be explicitly closed and here they aren't.

Code Snippet


func (k *Keeper) GetStakeRemovalsForBlock(
    ctx context.Context,
    blockHeight BlockHeight,
) ([]types.StakeRemovalInfo, error) {
    ret := make([]types.StakeRemovalInfo, 0)
    rng := collections.NewPrefixedTripleRange[BlockHeight, TopicId, ActorId](blockHeight)
    iter, err := k.stakeRemovalsByBlock.Iterate(ctx, rng) // <===== Audit
    if err != nil {
        return ret, err
    for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
        val, err := iter.Value()
        if err != nil {
            return ret, err
        ret = append(ret, val)
    return ret, nil


func (k *Keeper) GetDelegateStakeRemovalsForBlock(
    ctx context.Context,
    blockHeight BlockHeight,
) ([]types.DelegateStakeRemovalInfo, error) {
    ret := make([]types.DelegateStakeRemovalInfo, 0)
    rng := NewSinglePrefixedQuadrupleRange[BlockHeight, TopicId, ActorId, ActorId](blockHeight)
    iter, err := k.delegateStakeRemovalsByBlock.Iterate(ctx, rng)  // <===== Audit
    if err != nil {
        return ret, err
    for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
        val, err := iter.Value()
        if err != nil {
            return ret, err
        ret = append(ret, val)
    return ret, nil


func (k *Keeper) GetInferenceScoresUntilBlock(ctx context.Context, topicId TopicId, blockHeight BlockHeight) ([]*types.Score, error) {
    rng := collections.
        NewPrefixedPairRange[TopicId, BlockHeight](topicId).

    scores := make([]*types.Score, 0)
    iter, err := k.infererScoresByBlock.Iterate(ctx, rng)  // <===== Audit
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Get max number of time steps that should be retrieved
    moduleParams, err := k.GetParams(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    maxNumTimeSteps := moduleParams.MaxSamplesToScaleScores

    count := 0
    for ; iter.Valid() && count < int(maxNumTimeSteps); iter.Next() {
        existingScores, err := iter.KeyValue()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        for _, score := range existingScores.Value.Scores {
            scores = append(scores, score)

    return scores, nil


func (k *Keeper) GetForecastScoresUntilBlock(ctx context.Context, topicId TopicId, blockHeight BlockHeight) ([]*types.Score, error) {
    rng := collections.
        NewPrefixedPairRange[TopicId, BlockHeight](topicId).

    scores := make([]*types.Score, 0)
    iter, err := k.forecasterScoresByBlock.Iterate(ctx, rng)  // <===== Audit
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Get max number of time steps that should be retrieved
    moduleParams, err := k.GetParams(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    maxNumTimeSteps := moduleParams.MaxSamplesToScaleScores

    count := 0
    for ; iter.Valid() && count < int(maxNumTimeSteps); iter.Next() {
        existingScores, err := iter.KeyValue()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        for _, score := range existingScores.Value.Scores {
            scores = append(scores, score)

    return scores, nil

Tool used

Manual Review


Explicitly Close the Iterators with "defer iter.Close()"



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-18: RemoveDelegateStake silently handles the error when checking for existing removals


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by



RemoveDelegateStake silently handles the error when checking for existing removals

Vulnerability Detail

RemoveDelegateStake silently handles the error when checking for existing removals while RemoveStake blocks further processing and returns the error.


Delegate stake removal will be created even if an error happens when checking for existing removals.

Code Snippet


func (ms msgServer) RemoveDelegateStake(ctx context.Context, msg *types.MsgRemoveDelegateStake) (*types.MsgRemoveDelegateStakeResponse, error) {
    // ...
    removal, found, err := ms.k.GetDelegateStakeRemovalForDelegatorReputerAndTopicId(
        sdkCtx, msg.Sender, msg.Reputer, msg.TopicId,
    if err != nil {
        errorsmod.Wrap(err, "error during finding delegate stake removal") // <===== Audit : Not returned
        // ...


func (ms msgServer) RemoveStake(ctx context.Context, msg *types.MsgRemoveStake) (*types.MsgRemoveStakeResponse, error) {
    // ...
    removal, found, err := ms.k.GetStakeRemovalForReputerAndTopicId(sdkCtx, msg.Sender, msg.TopicId)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errorsmod.Wrap(err, "error while searching previous stake removal") // <===== Audit : Returned
    // ...

Tool used

Manual Review


Return the error from RemoveDelegateStake



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Error is silently handled in RemoveDelegateStake

Issue M-19: Potential race conditions due to usage of sdk.Context in concurrent goroutines


Found by

0xsi, KingNFT, Minato7namikazi


The implementation of the TopicsHandler methods uses sdk.Context in concurrent goroutines, which can lead to race conditions and unexpected results.

Vulnerability Detail

In the TopicsHandler struct, both requestTopicWorkers and requestTopicReputers methods use the sdk.Context object within goroutines. sdk.Context is not thread-safe, and concurrent access to it can lead to race conditions and data corruption.

Here's an example of the problematic code:

func (th *TopicsHandler) requestTopicWorkers(ctx sdk.Context, topic emissionstypes.Topic) {
    go generateInferencesRequest(ctx, topic.InferenceLogic, topic.InferenceMethod, topic.DefaultArg, topic.Id, topic.AllowNegative, *nonceCopy)

func (th *TopicsHandler) requestTopicReputers(ctx sdk.Context, topic emissionstypes.Topic) {
    go generateLossesRequest(ctx, reputerValueBundle, topic.LossLogic, topic.LossMethod, topic.Id, topic.AllowNegative, *nonceCopy.ReputerNonce, *nonceCopy.WorkerNonce, previousBlockApproxTime)

In the PrepareProposalHandler method, these functions are called within goroutines, passing the ctx object:

func (th *TopicsHandler) PrepareProposalHandler() sdk.PrepareProposalHandler {
    return func(ctx sdk.Context, req *abci.RequestPrepareProposal) (*abci.ResponsePrepareProposal, error) {
        for _, churnableTopicId := range churnableTopics {
            go func(topicId TopicId) {
                defer wg.Done()
                topic, err := th.emissionsKeeper.GetTopic(ctx, topicId)
                if err != nil {
                    Logger(ctx).Error("Error getting topic: " + err.Error())
                th.requestTopicWorkers(ctx, topic)
                th.requestTopicReputers(ctx, topic)
        return &abci.ResponsePrepareProposal{Txs: req.Txs}, nil

Using ctx in multiple goroutines without synchronization can cause race conditions.


The use of sdk.Context in concurrent goroutines can lead to several issues: (1) Race Conditions: Concurrent access to ctx can result in inconsistent or corrupted state, leading to unpredictable behavior and potential application crashes. (2) Data Corruption: Shared state within ctx may be modified by multiple goroutines simultaneously, causing data corruption and unexpected results.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


To avoid race conditions and ensure thread safety, create a copy of sdk.Context for each goroutine. The WithContext method can be used to create a new context from an existing one.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-20: Missing export CoreTeamAddresses in x/emissions module


Found by



The genesis state CoreTeamAddresses is missing when exporting state in x/emissions module

Vulnerability Detail

The genesis state of x/emissions module is defined below: allora-chain/x/emissions/types/genesis.pb.go

type GenesisState struct {
    // params defines all the parameters of the module.
    Params            Params   `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=params,proto3" json:"params"`
    CoreTeamAddresses []string `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=core_team_addresses,json=coreTeamAddresses,proto3" json:"core_team_addresses,omitempty"`

However, when exporting states during a chain upgrade, the CoreTeamAddresses field is missing.

func (k *Keeper) ExportGenesis(ctx context.Context) (*types.GenesisState, error) {
    moduleParams, err := k.GetParams(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &types.GenesisState{
        Params: moduleParams,
    }, nil

If the CoreTeamAddresses is missing, no admin member will be added after the chain upgrade. Thus, all the whitelist admin-related functions will be blocked, such as adding a new admin member or updating the module parameters.


All the whitelist admin-related functions will be blocked, such as adding a new admin member or updating the module parameters.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Adding CoreTeamAddresses when exporting genesis state of x/emissions module



this is indirectly a duplicate of #43


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-21: If old coefficient is bigger than the new one then the reputer has it's coeff reduced more than it should


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by



If the old coefficient are bigger than the new coefficient, then our reputer's coefficients will be set to smaller value which will be lower than the minimum limit, essentially breaking the minStakeFraction invariant.


The root cause of this issue is located in GetAllReputersOutput, in the place where if listenedStakeFraction < minStakeFraction we calculate a custom coeff.

        if listenedStakeFraction.Lt(minStakeFraction) {
            for l := range coefficients {
                coeffDiff, err := coefficients[l].Sub(oldCoefficients[l])
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, nil, err

                listenedDiff, err := minStakeFraction.Sub(listenedStakeFractionOld)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, nil, err

                //@audit what if old > new, then this will be negative ?
                stakedFracDiff, err := listenedStakeFraction.Sub(listenedStakeFractionOld)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, nil, err

If our listenedStakeFractionOld is bigger than our listenedStakeFraction then stakedFracDiff will be negative. This value is later used to calculate our new coefficients bellow, where we first calculate the diff - coeffDiffTimesListenedDiff, then divide it by our fraction diff (where the actual issue is) and finally add it to oldCoefficients to get the new coefficients.

                if stakedFracDiff.IsZero() {
                    i = gradientDescentMaxIters
                } else {
                    coeffDiffTimesListenedDiff, err := coeffDiff.Mul(listenedDiff)
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, nil, err

                    coefDiffTimesListenedDiffOverStakedFracDiff, err := coeffDiffTimesListenedDiff.Quo(stakedFracDiff)
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, nil, err

                    coefficients[l], err = oldCoefficients[l].Add(coefDiffTimesListenedDiffOverStakedFracDiff)
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, nil, err

In short, if listenedStakeFraction is bellow the min allowed fraction - minStakeFraction (MinStakeFraction in the params) then we do some custom math to increase a our reputer coefficient. However as stated above that is not the case when our listenedStakeFraction is less than listenedStakeFractionOld.


We got over why it happens, now lets cover the context around it - aka. how it can happen.

GetAllReputersOutput (where the issue is), is called inside GenerateReputerScores in order to calculate our scores and coefficients. Both old and new fractions are calculated with the bellow formulas:

listenedStakeFractionOld = sum(oldCoefficients * stakes) / sum(stakes) code is here listenedStakeFraction = sum(newCoefficients * stakes) / sum(stakes) code is here

In order to understand these fractions better we need to look into how they are calculated. listenedStakeFractionOld is just the last fraction from the prev. epoch, so I will skip it's math (because it's the same).

Our newCoefficients is calculated from this code snippet, implementing this formula:

      coefficient + (learningRate * gradient) 
   , 0) 
, 1)


  1. coefficient is our old coeff.
  2. learningRate is a global fixed parameter controlling the rate of system improvement.
  3. gradient is the variable that can most dramatically change our newCoefficients.

gradient is calculated with the bellow formula: gradient[i] = (1 - sum(score * stake) / sum(score2 * stake)) / (0.001 || -0.001) code is here

Where our dcoeff, aka the last part - / (0.001 || -0.001) will divide our numerator - (1 - sum(score * stake) / sum(score2 * stake)) by 0.001 or -0.001, based on if our prev. coeff was 1. Division by numbers smaller than 1 is same as multiplication, so this can be interpreted as * (1000 || -1000).

            dcoeff := alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("0.001")

            if coefficients[l].Equal(alloraMath.OneDec()) {
                dcoeff = alloraMath.MustNewDecFromString("-0.001")

With all of that math behind us we can conclude that in order for listenedStakeFraction to be less than listenedStakeFractionOld our gradient needs to change. The bad news is that our gradient changes on every epoch with every score calculation, as if our prev. coeff was 1, our gradient will flip to negative, impacting slightly listenedStakeFraction, potentially making it smaller than listenedStakeFractionOld.


The effects of all of that are:

  1. Breaking of invariant like minStakeFraction, as it should increase the fraction slighly when we are bellow minStakeFraction, but instead it reduces it even more.
  2. Reducing reputers rewards, by reducing their coefficient more than it should. Rewards are calculated based on scores and scores are calculates with these coefficients.

Code Snippet

                //@audit what if old > new, then this will be negative ?
                stakedFracDiff, err := listenedStakeFraction.Sub(listenedStakeFractionOld)
                } else {
                    coeffDiffTimesListenedDiff, err := coeffDiff.Mul(listenedDiff)
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, nil, err

                    coefDiffTimesListenedDiffOverStakedFracDiff, err := coeffDiffTimesListenedDiff.Quo(stakedFracDiff)
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, nil, err

                    coefficients[l], err = oldCoefficients[l].Add(coefDiffTimesListenedDiffOverStakedFracDiff)
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, nil, err

Tool used

Manual Review


A good solution would be to .abs() the value in order to make sure it is always positive.



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

If old coefficient is larger than the new coefficient then the reputer has its coefficient incorrectly calculated


This is working as intended and simply follows linear interpolation, where indeed it can be necessary to subtract a small delta from the old coefficient to arrive at the minStakeFraction -> this issue does not require acting on.


As for the second part (dcoeff flipping sign), when this happens also the difference between score and score2 flips sign, and therefore the sign of the gradient does not change, contrary to what is stated in this issue.

Issue M-22: coefficients math mistakenly calculates the coefficient diff with the same value


Found by

0x3b, Kow


GetAllReputersOutput, calculates each reputer scores and coefficients, however while doing that calculation it mistakenly calculated the coeff diff between the new and old coefficients using the same old value, meaning that the diff will be always 0.

458:    copy(oldCoefficients, coefficients)


548:   coeffDiff, err := coefficients[l].Sub(oldCoefficients[l])

Vulnerability Detail

When calculating the coefficient GetAllReputersOutput has a custom if where if listenedStakeFraction < minStakeFraction it will do some math and increase the coefficients by coefDiffTimesListenedDiffOverStakedFracDiff.

    coeffDiffTimesListenedDiff, err := coeffDiff.Mul(listenedDiff)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    coefDiffTimesListenedDiffOverStakedFracDiff, err := coeffDiffTimesListenedDiff.Quo(stakedFracDiff)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    coefficients[l], err = oldCoefficients[l].Add(coefDiffTimesListenedDiffOverStakedFracDiff)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

However that will never happen as before that when we calculate the coeffDiff between our new and old coefficients, we use 2 different arrays, but they are copied with the same parameters - our old coeff. Essentially calculating the coeffDiff between our old and old coefficient, resulting in 0 diff 100% of the time.

It will make coeffDiffTimesListenedDiff == 0 and coefDiffTimesListenedDiffOverStakedFracDiff == 0, making our coefficient == oldCoefficients.

This can be seen here where we calculate our diff:

    //@audit calculate 0 diff as `coefficients[l] == oldCoefficients[l]`
    coeffDiff, err := coefficients[l].Sub(oldCoefficients[l])
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

And in here where we set the coefficients and oldCoefficients arrays:

    coefficients := make([]alloraMath.Dec, len(initialCoefficients))
    copy(coefficients, initialCoefficients)

    oldCoefficients := make([]alloraMath.Dec, numReputers)
    var i uint64 = 0
    var maxGradient alloraMath.Dec = alloraMath.OneDec()

    // finalScores := make([]alloraMath.Dec, numReputers)
    newScores := make([]alloraMath.Dec, numReputers)

    for maxGradient.Gt(maxGradientThreshold) && i < gradientDescentMaxIters {
        // @audit copy `coefficients` into `oldCoefficients`, making them ==
        copy(oldCoefficients, coefficients)


The custom math for adjusting coeff when listenedStakeFraction < minStakeFraction won't actually change anything, as it will set the coeff to it's old value. This is dangerous as our new coeff could have been way smaller or bigger than our old one. This change will impact reputer rewards, as they are calculated based on scores, and score math includes coefficients.

Code Snippet

458:    copy(oldCoefficients, coefficients)


548:   coeffDiff, err := coefficients[l].Sub(oldCoefficients[l])

Tool used

Manual Review


Change the math to get the difference (preferably absolute -.abs()) between the new and old coefficients.



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

coeffDiff is always zero


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-23: Topics wont activate even with a sufficient stake


Found by



Topics wont activate even with a sufficient stake

Vulnerability Detail

The AddStake function is used to add stake to a topic. If the stake amount reaches a certain threshold, the topic gets activated.

err = activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin(ctx, ms, msg.TopicId, msg.Amount)

This function however uses the GetCurrentTopicWeight function to get the current topic weight. This is calculated with an EMA filter, so the current deposit does not have the full weight. The result is a weighted average of the last topic weight and the current weight including the fresh stake.

weight, err = alloraMath.CalcEma(topicRewardAlpha, targetWeight, previousTopicWeight, noPrior)

The topic is only activated if this new weight is higher than the setting in the params.

if newTopicWeight.Gte(params.MinTopicWeight) {
    err = ms.k.ActivateTopic(ctx, topicId)
    if err != nil {
        return err

So due to the topic using an EMA filter, even if the actual weight of the topic exceeds the threshold, the topic wont get activated since the EMA value will still be below threshold.

At the end of the block, the EMA weights are updated in the EndBlocker function.

weights, sumWeight, totalRevenue, err := rewards.GetAndUpdateActiveTopicWeights(sdkCtx, am.keeper, blockHeight)

This is where the weights are updated, and after a few blocks the EMA will rise enough to clear the threshold.

However, while the EndBlocker function has the functionality to de-activate topics if their weight is below the threshold, it does not have the functionality to activate topics which cross the threshold.

The scenario looks like the following:

Assume the current stake is 0. Alice stakes 100 tokens. The threshold is 0.5. alpha for EMA is 0.8.

  1. In block 1, Alice deposits 100 tokens. Current weight is = 0x0.5 + 100x0.5 = 50. Since this is below threshold, the ActivateTopic function never gets called.
  2. Block 2, EMA = 50x0.5 + 100x0.5 = 75.
  3. Block 3, EMA = 75x0.5 + 100x0.5 = 87.5. Now the threshold is cleared. However, the endblocker has no functionality to activate the topic.

Thus Alice deposits the necessary tokens but the topic never gets activated.


Topic does not get activated immediately on stake deposit due to EMA not clearing the threshold. Since the EndBlocker funciton due to turn on topics automatically, the topic will stay deactivated even though its weight is below the threshold.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider enabling topics the moment their weight goes above the threshold instead of using an EMA.

If EMA is still desirable, then consider creating a delayed queue for topics which clear the raw weight but not the EMA weight and process them in the Endblocker and activate them once its EMA weight is above the threshold.



The bug is correct, I think the reason why it hasn't yet been an issue because alpha (for the EMA) was sufficiently small that the previous value being zero or uninitialized was still enough for the topic to fire

so it's not that topics won't ever activate, but there should certainly be corner cases e.g. if you only put up the absolute minimum for the topic, where it won't activate

either way the bug is right and we should fix this thank you for your report

Issue M-24: The SelectTopNWorkerNonces function lacks a sorting algorithm internally.


Found by



The SelectTopNWorkerNonces function lacks a sorting algorithm internally and only selects N workers from the array.

Vulnerability Detail

func SelectTopNWorkerNonces(workerNonces emissions.Nonces, N int) []*emissions.Nonce {
    if len(workerNonces.Nonces) <= N {
        return workerNonces.Nonces
@>  return workerNonces.Nonces[:N]

We can see that the function lacks a sorting algorithm and only selects N workers from the array. The SelectTopNWorkerNonces function is used in the requestTopicWorkers function.

func (th *TopicsHandler) requestTopicWorkers(ctx sdk.Context, topic emissionstypes.Topic) {
    Logger(ctx).Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Triggering inference generation for topic: %v metadata: %s default arg: %s. \n",
        topic.Id, topic.Metadata, topic.DefaultArg))

@>  workerNonces, err := th.emissionsKeeper.GetUnfulfilledWorkerNonces(ctx, topic.Id)
    if err != nil {
        Logger(ctx).Error("Error getting worker nonces: " + err.Error())
    // Filter workerNonces to only include those that are within the epoch length
    // This is to avoid requesting inferences for epochs that have already ended
@>  workerNonces = synth.FilterNoncesWithinEpochLength(workerNonces, ctx.BlockHeight(), topic.EpochLength)

    maxRetriesToFulfilNoncesWorker := emissionstypes.DefaultParams().MaxRetriesToFulfilNoncesWorker
    emissionsParams, err := th.emissionsKeeper.GetParams(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting max retries to fulfil nonces for worker requests (using default), err: %s", err.Error()))
    } else {
        maxRetriesToFulfilNoncesWorker = emissionsParams.MaxRetriesToFulfilNoncesWorker
@>  sortedWorkerNonces := synth.SelectTopNWorkerNonces(workerNonces, int(maxRetriesToFulfilNoncesWorker))
    Logger(ctx).Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Iterating Top N Worker Nonces: %d", len(sortedWorkerNonces)))
    // iterate over all the worker nonces to find if this is unfulfilled
    for _, nonce := range sortedWorkerNonces {
        nonceCopy := nonce
        Logger(ctx).Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Current Worker block height has been found unfulfilled, requesting inferences %v", nonceCopy))
        go generateInferencesRequest(ctx, topic.InferenceLogic, topic.InferenceMethod, topic.DefaultArg, topic.Id, topic.AllowNegative, *nonceCopy)

It can be seen that workerNonces is unsorted data, and after being processed by synth.SelectTopNWorkerNonces, it only selects N workers from the array rather than selecting the latest N workers based on the Nonce.


It does not select the top N latest worker nonces as intended. Moreover, selecting workers not within the top might result in choosing workers that are already offline or not able to return the desired data correctly.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Add the SortByBlockHeight function within the SelectTopNWorkerNonces function.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-25: topic_rewards/SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics used the wrong parameters


Found by



SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics used the wrong parameters, can lead to acbi deal with too little or too much topic at a time, handling too many topics, in the worst case, in a halt of the chain.

Vulnerability Detail

topic_rewards.go GetAndUpdateActiveTopicWeights function calls in the SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics function,

SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics function in the last two parameters for topicPageLimit and maxTopicPages

The number of topics that can be processed at a time is limited to topicPageLimit * maxTopicPages :

    if topicsActive == nil || i > maxTopicPages {

But the problem is that call SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics function used the wrong parameters:

    err = SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics(ctx, k, block, fn, moduleParams.DefaultPageLimit, moduleParams.DefaultPageLimit)

The caller USES moduleParams.DefaultPageLimit as maxTopicPages

This limits the number of topics to be processed each time: topicPageLimit * topicPageLimit

This can cause acbi/EndBlocker to process too many topics at a time.

acbi/EndBlocker -> rewards.GetAndUpdateActiveTopicWeights -> SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics -> with error parameters

Another problem is that if DefaultPageLimit > MaxPageLimit, CalcAppropriatePaginationForUint64Cursor function, can let the limit = MaxPageLimit:

func (k Keeper) CalcAppropriatePaginationForUint64Cursor(ctx context.Context, pagination *types.SimpleCursorPaginationRequest) (uint64, uint64, error) {
    moduleParams, err := k.GetParams(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return uint64(0), uint64(0), err
@>  limit := moduleParams.DefaultPageLimit
    cursor := uint64(0)

    if pagination != nil {
        if len(pagination.Key) > 0 {
            cursor = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(pagination.Key)
        if pagination.Limit > 0 {
            limit = pagination.Limit
        if limit > moduleParams.MaxPageLimit {
@>          limit = moduleParams.MaxPageLimit

    return limit, cursor, nil

However, if maxTopicPages = DefaultPageLimit, there is no such restriction,since maxTopicPages is in the outer for loop, the problem is made worse.


acbi/EndBlocker handling too many topics, in the worst case, in a halt of the chain.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Use the correct parameters




This issue should be high :

  1. If the DefaultPageLimit is set to a large value, this issue could potentially cause a halt of the chain, which is as severe as issue #56.
  2. If the DefaultPageLimit is set to a small value, the remaining topics might not be processed, which would have an impact and severity similar to issue #60. Therefore, this issue should also be considered high severity.

The escalation could not be created because you are not exceeding the escalation threshold.

You can view the required number of additional valid issues/judging contest payouts in your Profile page, in the Sherlock webapp.



This issue should be high :

  1. If the DefaultPageLimit is set to a large value, this issue could potentially cause a halt of the chain, which is as severe as issue #56.

  2. If the DefaultPageLimit is set to a small value, the remaining topics might not be processed, which would have an impact and severity similar to issue #60. Therefore, this issue should also be considered high severity.



This issue should be high :

  1. If the DefaultPageLimit is set to a large value, this issue could potentially cause a halt of the chain, which is as severe as issue #56.

  2. If the DefaultPageLimit is set to a small value, the remaining topics might not be processed, which would have an impact and severity similar to issue #60. Therefore, this issue should also be considered high severity.

You've created a valid escalation!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.



This issue should be high :

  1. If the DefaultPageLimit is set to a large value, this issue could potentially cause a halt of the chain, which is as severe as issue imsrybr0 - Attacker can slow down / halt the chain by queuing multiple stake removals or delegate stake removals #56.
  2. If the DefaultPageLimit is set to a small value, the remaining topics might not be processed, which would have an impact and severity similar to issue defsec - Pagination method fails to return complete pages for non-consecutive active topic IDs #60. Therefore, this issue should also be considered high severity.

The problem depends heavily on the DefaultPageLimit being configured to a large/small value, which isn't as directly exploitable and straightforward as #56 & #60, which both have more direct attacks making them higher severity. I would classify as medium severity.


Excuse me for a silly question, but want to confirm since not very familiar with Go, but DefaultPageLimit, MaxPageLimit and topicPageLimit are set by the admin? If not, then by whom?


Excuse me for a silly question, but want to confirm since not very familiar with Go, but DefaultPageLimit, MaxPageLimit and topicPageLimit are set by the admin? If not, then by whom?

Yes. DefaultPageLimit, MaxPageLimit and topicPageLimit are set by the admin. But there is a mistake in codebase. There should be topicPageLimit and maxTopicPages, instead of topicPageLimit and topicPageLimit. Typically, topicPageLimit is set relatively large, while TopicPages is set relatively small.​


Fair enough, but as I understand, the code can function perfectly depending on the values set by the admin. Hence, it should be invalid, based on the following rule:

(External) Admin trust assumptions: When a function is access restricted, only values for specific function variables mentioned in the README can be taken into account when identifying an attack path. If no values are provided, the (external) admin is trusted to use values that will not cause any issues. Note: if the attack path is possible with any possible value, it will be a valid issue.

Correct me if I'm wrong and the issue is with any admin value.

For now, I believe it's not, hence, planning to reject the escalation cause it asks to increase the severity and invalidate the issue.


Fair enough, but as I understand, the code can function perfectly depending on the values set by the admin. Hence, it should be invalid, based on the following rule:

(External) Admin trust assumptions: When a function is access restricted, only values for specific function variables mentioned in the README can be taken into account when identifying an attack path. If no values are provided, the (external) admin is trusted to use values that will not cause any issues. Note: if the attack path is possible with any possible value, it will be a valid issue.

Correct me if I'm wrong and the issue is with any admin value.

For now, I believe it's not, hence, planning to reject the escalation cause it asks to increase the severity and invalidate the issue.

admin is certainly trusted, but the code uses the wrong parameter, and the trusted parameter is used twice.


Fair enough, but as I understand, the code can function perfectly depending on the values set by the admin. Hence, it should be invalid, based on the following rule:

(External) Admin trust assumptions: When a function is access restricted, only values for specific function variables mentioned in the README can be taken into account when identifying an attack path. If no values are provided, the (external) admin is trusted to use values that will not cause any issues. Note: if the attack path is possible with any possible value, it will be a valid issue.

Correct me if I'm wrong and the issue is with any admin value.

For now, I believe it's not, hence, planning to reject the escalation cause it asks to increase the severity and invalidate the issue.

I cannot agree that it is invalid.

First, this issue does not assume that the admin did anything wrong; rather, it is about discovering an error in the code.

Secondly, I understand your point—despite the error in the code, the admin could potentially mitigate the issue by adjusting the parameters. However, since the number of topics is continuously increasing, the admin cannot fix the problem simply by modifying the DefaultPageLimit parameter.


Firstly, excuse me for the confusion, I didn't imply any mistake from the admin.


However, since the number of topics is continuously increasing, the admin cannot fix the problem simply by modifying the DefaultPageLimit parameter

Can you share such a scenario?


Firstly, excuse me for the confusion, I didn't imply any mistake from the admin.


However, since the number of topics is continuously increasing, the admin cannot fix the problem simply by modifying the DefaultPageLimit parameter

Can you share such a scenario?

According to the comments in the code(

// default page limit for the max because default is 100 and max is 1000
// 1000 is excessive for the topic query

Let’s assume that the initial value of DefaultPageLimit is 100, and the number of topics has already reached 9990.

The admin notices that the number of topics will exceed DefaultPageLimit DefaultPageLimit = 100 100 = 10,000. Then, the admin sets the DefaultPageLimit to 1000(max). However, when the number of topics reaches 100,000, this may start to cause a halt of the chain.


Oh, excuse me for not noticing the code comments. But the code comments indicate that it's the exact intention to use Default limit instead of Max limit. In this case, I believe it's not an issue or a mistake, it's the exact design of the protocol.

Hence, this should remain invalid, planning to reject the escalation, since it asked to increase the severity, but invalidate the severity.


We’re back to the starting point of the issue.

The issue we pointed out is not about using the default limit instead of the max limit. PageLimit refers to how many items (topics) are on one page, and Pages refers to how many pages there are. The mistake is that both parameters were using DefaultPageLimit when calling SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics() in codebase.


This is also why the sponsor confirmed the issue and will fix it.

When I gave the scenario example, I mentioned the max limit and pointed out that even if DefaultPageLimit is set to the max limit, the issue could still arise. I agree with the leader judge’s decision. This issue may not qualify as “high,” but it is definitely valid.


But doesn't the report say that the exact problem is that the Default limit is used as Max limit, no?

SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics function in the last two parameters for topicPageLimit and maxTopicPages But the problem is that call SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics function used the wrong parameters The caller USES moduleParams.DefaultPageLimit as maxTopicPages

Then the report describes different scenarios where the Default limit equals or is bigger than the max limit. So, after reading the report I believe the problem is exactly in the Default limit being used instead of the max limit. The report doesn't say that the problem in both parameters, only the problem in one is mentioned.

Additionally, if we use the max instead of the default, i.e. the correct parameter, the issue is even more likely to occur since max is expected to be 10 times larger than the default.

Hence, my decision remains the same. The code comments indicate that the default instead of Max is used intentionally and the report talks about this problem, not about another parameter. Hence, planning to reject the escalation since it asked for higher severity, but will invalidate this issue.


I think you misunderstood the issue a bit. Let’s take a look at the definition of the function SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics().

func SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics(
    ctx sdk.Context,
    k keeper.Keeper,
    block BlockHeight,
    fn func(sdkCtx sdk.Context, topic *types.Topic) error,
    topicPageLimit uint64,
    maxTopicPages uint64,

There are two parameters related to the page. PageLimit refers to how many items (topics) are in one page, and Pages refers to how many pages there are. So, using DefaultPageLimit for one of the parameters is correct, but using DefaultPageLimit for the other parameter is wrong. This is the issue we pointed out.


To clarify, I believe using DefaultPageLimit for topicPageLimit is appropriate and works correctly, because we just use the default amount of topics in one page.

I see how you saying that using DefaultPageLimit for maxTopicPages is not correct. But, that's the intention as evidenced in these comments. I understand your concern that it uses the default number of topics in one page as the max number of pages. But, I believe it is exactly what the comments mean. Hence, I still believe it's intended, planning to reject the escalation since it asked for higher severity, but will invalidate this issue.


I see how you saying that using DefaultPageLimit for maxTopicPages is not correct. But, that's the intention as evidenced in these comments. I understand your concern that it uses the default number of topics in one page as the max number of pages. But, I believe it is exactly what the comments mean. Hence, I still believe it's intended, planning to reject the escalation since it asked for higher severity, but will invalidate this issue.

I cannot agree with that point.

1 DefaultPageLimit is 100, when the number of topics are or greater than 10001, GetAndUpdateActiveTopicWeights() will miss active topics.

2 Let’s take another look at what happens inside the SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics() function.

// Apply a function on all active topics that also have an epoch ending at this block
// Active topics have more than a globally-set minimum weight, a function of revenue and stake
// "Safe" because bounded by max number of pages and apply running, online operations.
func SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics(
    ctx sdk.Context,
    k keeper.Keeper,
    block BlockHeight,
    fn func(sdkCtx sdk.Context, topic *types.Topic) error,
    topicPageLimit uint64,
    maxTopicPages uint64,
) error {
    topicPageKey := make([]byte, 0)
    i := uint64(0)
    for {
@>>     topicPageRequest := &types.SimpleCursorPaginationRequest{Limit: topicPageLimit, Key: topicPageKey}
@>>     topicsActive, topicPageResponse, err := k.GetIdsOfActiveTopics(ctx, topicPageRequest)
        if err != nil {
            Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting ids of active topics: %s", err.Error()))

        for _, topicId := range topicsActive {
            topic, err := k.GetTopic(ctx, topicId)
            if err != nil {
                Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting topic: %s", err.Error()))

            if k.CheckCadence(block, topic) {
                // All checks passed => Apply function on the topic
                err = fn(ctx, &topic)
                if err != nil {
                    Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error applying function on topic: %s", err.Error()))

        // if pageResponse.NextKey is empty then we have reached the end of the list
        if topicsActive == nil || i > maxTopicPages {
        topicPageKey = topicPageResponse.NextKey
    return nil

DefaultPageLimit is mainly applied in the GetIdsOfActiveTopics() function, which also has an O(n²) sorting operation based on the size of the limit within the function.

func (k Keeper) GetIdsOfActiveTopics(ctx context.Context, pagination *types.SimpleCursorPaginationRequest) ([]TopicId, *types.SimpleCursorPaginationResponse, error) {
    limit, start, err := k.CalcAppropriatePaginationForUint64Cursor(ctx, pagination)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    startKey := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(startKey, start)
    nextKey := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(nextKey, start+limit)

@>> rng, err := k.activeTopics.IterateRaw(ctx, startKey, nextKey, collections.OrderAscending)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    activeTopics, err := rng.Keys()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    defer rng.Close()

    // If there are no topics, we return the nil for next key
    if activeTopics == nil {
        nextKey = make([]byte, 0)

    return activeTopics, &types.SimpleCursorPaginationResponse{
        NextKey: nextKey,
    }, nil

This is also why the team dev doesn’t directly sort all totalTopics at once, but instead breaks them into multiple pages for processing—because the pagelimit is relatively small. Therefore, I believe the comment refers to the first parameter(max means moduleParams.MaxPageLimit which is 1000).

The second parameter, maxTopicPages, can be set relatively large(like 1000) because it does not increase the time complexity of the sorting algorithm. Additionally, when the number of topics is insufficient, topicsActive = nil will directly break the loop.

if topicsActive == nil || i > maxTopicPages {


We did intentionally set it to `moduleParams.DefaultPageLimit`, but it was a half-assed hotfix to a real problem to limit it that way. I marked it as "will fix" because this issue highlights bad code that should be fixed because the code is overly complex and poorly written, regardless of whether the issue is a real security bug or not

I would flag it as a confirmed bug, low or medium severity issue, it is true that our administrative parameters can control this, but it also conflates the meaning of DefaultPageLimit, it's bad practice and we should be more carefully setting this with a separate parameter that is just tunable for this particular processing loop alone


In that case I agree that it should be a valid bug, but I still believe it's medium severity. The admin can partially control the situation, but the issue would arise regularly based on [this]( comment. Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.




Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:
- [ZeroTrust01]( rejected

# Issue M-26: math miscalculation artificially deflates scores 


## Found by 
## Summary
When [GetConsensusScore]( calculates a score, it has a chance to artificially deflate the value, due to a a check the changes `consensusLosses` from 0 to `epsilon`.

## Vulnerability Detail

## How scores are calculated
[GetConsensusScore]( calculates scores using the bellow formula:

\frac{1}{\left(\frac{\sqrt{\sum (rLoss - \text{consensusLosses})^2}}{\sqrt{\sum \text{consensusLosses}^2}}\right) + \text{tolerance}}

Also represented as: 
1 / (Sqrt(sum((rLoss - consensusLosses)^2)) / Sqrt(sum(consensusLosses^2)) + tolerance)

Breaking it down, we can find that Sqrt(sum(consensusLosses^2)) is just the square root of all consensusLosses * consensusLosses

    for _, cLoss := range consensusLosses {
        cLossSquared, err := cLoss.Mul(cLoss)
        if err != nil {
            return alloraMath.ZeroDec(), err

        sumConsensusSquared, err = sumConsensusSquared.Add(cLossSquared)

        if err != nil {
            return alloraMath.ZeroDec(), err
    // Sqrt(sum(consensusLosses^2))
    consensusNorm, err := sumConsensusSquared.Sqrt()

And (Sqrt(sum((rLoss - consensusLosses)^2)) is the same thing, but with 1 caveat, it's not consensusLosses, but rLoss - consensusLosses.

    for i, rLoss := range reputerLosses {
        rLossLessConsensusLoss, err := rLoss.Sub(consensusLosses[i])
        if err != nil {
            return alloraMath.ZeroDec(), err

        rLossLessCLossSquared, err := rLossLessConsensusLoss.Mul(rLossLessConsensusLoss) // == Pow(x,2)
        if err != nil {
            return alloraMath.ZeroDec(), err

        distanceSquared, err = distanceSquared.Add(rLossLessCLossSquared)
        if err != nil {
            return alloraMath.ZeroDec(), err

    distance, err := distanceSquared.Sqrt()
    if err != nil {
        return alloraMath.ZeroDec(), err

We can see the final part where our distance (Sqrt(sum((rLoss - consensusLosses)^2))) is divided by consensusNorm Sqrt(sum(consensusLosses^2)), where the issue takes place.

    distanceOverConsensusNorm, err := distance.Quo(consensusNorm)
    if err != nil {
        return alloraMath.ZeroDec(), err

Where the vulnerabilities takes place

Before this division, during the for loop for calculatingdistance we have an interesting if, which changes the value of consensusLosses to epsilon.

        if consensusLosses[i].IsZero() {
            consensusLosses[i] = epsilon

However that if impacts our formula only on the left side, as consensusNorm is already calculated as Sqrt(sum(consensusLosses^2)), where one of these (or more) consensusLosses is 0. After this if our right side stays the same but our left side changes from Sqrt(sum((rLoss - 0)^2)) to Sqrt(sum((rLoss - epsilon)^2))

Sqrt(sum((rLoss - consensusLosses)^2)) / Sqrt(sum(consensusLosses^2))

This will cause our result from the above equation to be bigger, because we didn't include if consensusLosses == 0 then consensusLosses = epsilon in our divisor (Sqrt(sum(consensusLosses^2))). Getting this part bigger will cause our score to be smaller, since the final score is the 1 / the above formula + tolerance

1 / (Sqrt(sum((rLoss - consensusLosses)^2)) / Sqrt(sum(consensusLosses^2)) + tolerance)


In rare cases when consensusLosses == 0 scores are deflated, more than they should be.

Code Snippet

        if consensusLosses[i].IsZero() {
            consensusLosses[i] = epsilon

Tool used

Manual Review


In the cases where consensusLosses == 0, make sure after setting it to epsilon you also include it in the consensusNorm.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-27: The malicious node may not execute the http request


Found by



Vulnerability Detail

topics_handler will make an http request to call the http api in blockless,

func makeApiCall(payload string) error {
    url := os.Getenv("BLOCKLESS_API_URL")
    method := "POST"

    client := &http.Client{}
    req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, strings.NewReader(payload))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    req.Header.Add("Accept", "application/json, text/plain, */*")
    req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8")

    res, err := client.Do(req)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer res.Body.Close()

    return nil

It is often dangerous to initiate an http request in a node on a blockchain chain. However, because the operation here is performed in a PrepareProposalHandler, it may not result in direct state inconsistency between different nodes.

But the problem here is that the malicious node can not perform this operation, so blockless can not receive http requests.

Because other nodes have no way of knowing whether the http request can be successfully executed, the http request may fail due to network problems.

Therefore, the malicious node can choose not to execute the http request, so that he can save server-side resources, or in the purpose of attack.


The api in blockless cannot be invoked because the malicious node does not execute the http request,causing the protocol to fail to work or affecting blockless working efficiency.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Let blockless query data from the chain instead of the node on the chain calling blockless.



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Malicious node could cause http request to not execute


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-28: The issue of SLOW ABCI METHODS has not been resolved.


Found by



SLOW ABCI METHODS - SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics is called by the GetAndUpdateActiveTopicWeights function, which is called in the EndBlocker() function in abci.go.

Vulnerability Detail

Taking the SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics function as an example

// Apply a function on all active topics that also have an epoch ending at this block
// Active topics have more than a globally-set minimum weight, a function of revenue and stake
// "Safe" because bounded by max number of pages and apply running, online operations.
func SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics(
    ctx sdk.Context,
    k keeper.Keeper,
    block BlockHeight,
    fn func(sdkCtx sdk.Context, topic *types.Topic) error,
    topicPageLimit uint64,
    maxTopicPages uint64,
) error {
    topicPageKey := make([]byte, 0)
    i := uint64(0)
@>  for {
        topicPageRequest := &types.SimpleCursorPaginationRequest{Limit: topicPageLimit, Key: topicPageKey}
        topicsActive, topicPageResponse, err := k.GetIdsOfActiveTopics(ctx, topicPageRequest)
        if err != nil {
            Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting ids of active topics: %s", err.Error()))

@>      for _, topicId := range topicsActive {
            topic, err := k.GetTopic(ctx, topicId)
            if err != nil {
                Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting topic: %s", err.Error()))

            if k.CheckCadence(block, topic) {
                // All checks passed => Apply function on the topic
                err = fn(ctx, &topic)
                if err != nil {
                    Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error applying function on topic: %s", err.Error()))

        // if pageResponse.NextKey is empty then we have reached the end of the list
@>      if topicsActive == nil || i > maxTopicPages {
        topicPageKey = topicPageResponse.NextKey
    return nil

In the SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics function, although topicPageLimit and maxTopicPages have been added to control the number of iterations, this introduces new issues. Below are two scenarios:

1.  topicPageLimit * maxTopicPages < totalTopicNumbers:

In this case, because the number of topics iterated over is less than the total number of topics, some topics will never be processed, causing their state to be out of date.

2.  topicPageLimit * maxTopicPages >= totalTopicNumbers:

In this case, all topics can be processed, but this introduces a high computational cost, such as multiple nested loops, which could slow down the execution of nodes and block production. In the worst case, this could lead to a halt of the chain.


The topic data could become out of date, or multiple nested loops could slow down the execution of nodes and block production, potentially leading to a halt of the chain in the worst case.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


It is recommended to simplify the logic implemented in these ABCI handlers, estimating their computational complexity and ensuring they will scale correctly with the application's usage growth.



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Slow ABCI method could cause halt of chain potentially

Issue M-29: DripTopicFeeRevenue drips the internal topicFeeRevenue and not the one provided by GetCurrentTopicWeight


Found by



DripTopicFeeRevenue drips the topicFeeRevenue storage value instead of the value provided by the calculations inside GetCurrentTopicWeight. This can lead to different drip amounts than the ones calculated.

Vulnerability Detail

When GetAndUpdateActiveTopicWeights calls DripTopicFeeRevenue, it doesn't take the previously calculated topicFeeRevenue from GetCurrentTopicWeight.

        weight, topicFeeRevenue, err := k.GetCurrentTopicWeight(

Instead, DripTopicFeeRevenue extracts the revenue from storage and drips that.

func (k *Keeper) DripTopicFeeRevenue(ctx context.Context, topicId TopicId, block BlockHeight) error {
    topicFeeRevenue, err := k.GetTopicFeeRevenue(ctx, topicId)
    if err != nil {
        return err

However, if GetCurrentTopicWeight calculates a larger revenue because it includes a bonus, that bonus will never be dripped. The bonus is calculated here inside GetCurrentTopicWeight:

    newFeeRevenue := additionalRevenue.Add(topicFeeRevenue)
    feeRevenue, err := alloraMath.NewDecFromSdkInt(newFeeRevenue)
    if err != nil {
        return alloraMath.Dec{}, cosmosMath.Int{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to convert topic fee revenue to dec")


DripTopicFeeRevenue may drip less than what is reported in totalRevenue.

Code Snippet

        weight, topicFeeRevenue, err := k.GetCurrentTopicWeight(

        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get current topic weight")

        err = k.SetPreviousTopicWeight(ctx, topic.Id, weight)
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to set previous topic weight")

                //@audit doesn't take `topicFeeRevenue` as an input, but calculates its own revenue
        err = k.DripTopicFeeRevenue(ctx, topic.Id, block)
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to reset topic fee revenue")

Tool Used

Manual Review


Make DripTopicFeeRevenue take a parameter topicFeeRevenue and drip that amount.

Issue M-30: SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics processes two more pages than the desired max topic page


Found by



SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics processes more pages than the desired max topic page.

Vulnerability Detail

The current loop iteration is strictly checked against the given max topic page after the processing is done.

This means that two more pages will be processed.

For example, if the max topic pages is 100 :


func (s *RewardsTestSuite) TestSafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics() {
    ctx := s.ctx
    k := s.emissionsKeeper

    for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
        topic := types.Topic{Id: uint64(i), EpochLength: math.MaxInt64}
        k.SetTopic(ctx, topic.Id, topic)
        k.ActivateTopic(ctx, topic.Id)

    limit := uint64(10)
    countProcessed := 0

    fn := func(ctx sdk.Context, topic *types.Topic) error {
        return nil

    rewards.SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics(ctx, k, ctx.BlockHeight(), fn, limit, limit)

    s.Require().Equal(countProcessed, 100)
=== RUN   TestModuleTestSuite/TestSafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics
            Error Trace:    allora-chain/x/emissions/module/rewards/topic_rewards_test.go:31
            Error:          Not equal:
                            expected: 120
                            actual  : 100
            Test:           TestModuleTestSuite/TestSafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics


Processing topic rewards for more active topics than intended.

Code Snippet


func SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics(
    ctx sdk.Context,
    k keeper.Keeper,
    block BlockHeight,
    fn func(sdkCtx sdk.Context, topic *types.Topic) error,
    topicPageLimit uint64,
    maxTopicPages uint64,
) error {
    topicPageKey := make([]byte, 0)
    i := uint64(0) // <===== Audit
    for {
        topicPageRequest := &types.SimpleCursorPaginationRequest{Limit: topicPageLimit, Key: topicPageKey}
        topicsActive, topicPageResponse, err := k.GetIdsOfActiveTopics(ctx, topicPageRequest)
        if err != nil {
            Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting ids of active topics: %s", err.Error()))

        for _, topicId := range topicsActive {
            topic, err := k.GetTopic(ctx, topicId)
            if err != nil {
                Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting topic: %s", err.Error()))

            if k.CheckCadence(block, topic) {
                // All checks passed => Apply function on the topic
                err = fn(ctx, &topic)
                if err != nil {
                    Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error applying function on topic: %s", err.Error()))

        // if pageResponse.NextKey is empty then we have reached the end of the list
        if topicsActive == nil || i > maxTopicPages { // <===== Audit
        topicPageKey = topicPageResponse.NextKey
    return nil

Tool used

Manual Review


Check if the maxTopicPages is reached at the beginning of the loop

diff --git a/allora-chain/x/emissions/module/rewards/topic_rewards.go b/allora-chain/x/emissions/module/rewards/topic_rewards.go
index fa67db0..7a75612 100644
--- a/allora-chain/x/emissions/module/rewards/topic_rewards.go
+++ b/allora-chain/x/emissions/module/rewards/topic_rewards.go
@@ -61,6 +61,10 @@ func SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics(
    topicPageKey := make([]byte, 0)
    i := uint64(0)
    for {
+       if i >= maxTopicPages {
+           break
+       }
        topicPageRequest := &types.SimpleCursorPaginationRequest{Limit: topicPageLimit, Key: topicPageKey}
        topicsActive, topicPageResponse, err := k.GetIdsOfActiveTopics(ctx, topicPageRequest)
        if err != nil {
@@ -86,7 +90,7 @@ func SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics(

        // if pageResponse.NextKey is empty then we have reached the end of the list
-       if topicsActive == nil || i > maxTopicPages {
+       if topicsActive == nil {
        topicPageKey = topicPageResponse.NextKey



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

SafeApplyFuncOnAllActiveEpochEndingTopics will incorrectly loop additional topics when max topic page is already reached

Issue M-31: GetForecastScoresUntilBlock can get more score samples than the max allowed


Found by



A for loop loop inside GetForecastScoresUntilBlock can accidentally pick different sized sample for participants scores, which will lead to different rewards.

Vulnerability Detail

The for loop inside GetForecastScoresUntilBlock that extracts score samples has count < int(maxNumTimeSteps) where it would prevent it from appending more score samples than the maxNumTimeSteps .

    maxNumTimeSteps := moduleParams.MaxSamplesToScaleScores

    count := 0
    for ; iter.Valid() && count < int(maxNumTimeSteps); iter.Next() {
        existingScores, err := iter.KeyValue()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        //@audit count can pass `maxNumTimeSteps` here ?
        for _, score := range existingScores.Value.Scores {
            scores = append(scores, score)

However as we can see score is iterated inside the inner for loop and that one doesn't sop even if we surpass maxNumTimeSteps. This would cause a discrepancy between different topics and workers, as [GetForecastScoresUntilBlock]() is used inside GenerateRewardsDistributionByTopicParticipant ( GetForecastingTaskRewardFractions -> GetWorkersRewardFractions) to generate the scores and from them the rewards each worker should have.

   latestScoresFromLastestTimeSteps, err := k.GetInferenceScoresUntilBlock(ctx, topicId, blockHeight)
   if err != nil {
      return []string{}, []alloraMath.Dec{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get worker inference scores from the latest time steps")

   var workerLastScoresDec []alloraMath.Dec
   for _, score := range latestScoresFromLastestTimeSteps {
      workerLastScoresDec = append(workerLastScoresDec, score.Score)

   scores = append(scores, workerLastScoresDec)

   rewardFractions, err := GetScoreFractions(latestWorkerScores, flatten(scores), pReward, cReward, moduleParams.Epsilon)
   if err != nil {
      return []string{}, []alloraMath.Dec{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get score fractions")

   return workers, rewardFractions, nil

Having different number of score samples (some above the max) will yield different results when it comes to reward calculation.


Workers will calculate different reward fractions (done inside GetWorkersRewardFractions) even if the scores are the same, as the for loop may pick max scores for one topic and above the max for another.

Code Snippet

    maxNumTimeSteps := moduleParams.MaxSamplesToScaleScores

    count := 0
    for ; iter.Valid() && count < int(maxNumTimeSteps); iter.Next() {
        existingScores, err := iter.KeyValue()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        //@audit count can pass `maxNumTimeSteps` here ?
        for _, score := range existingScores.Value.Scores {
            scores = append(scores, score)

Tool used

Manual Review


Have the cap also inside the inner for loop to prevent picking more scores than the max limit.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

Issue M-32: msg_server_stake::AddStake calculates the weight incorrectly resulting in incorrect activation of a topic


Found by

0x3b, lemonmon


Allora calculates the topic's weight based on the stake amount and fee revenue. In the msg_server_stake::AddStake function, the activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin was used incorrectly. It may activate the topic incorrectly.

Vulnerability Detail

When a reputer send transaction to AddStake, at the end of the function, activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin will be called:

The function will calculate the weight based on updated stake for the reputer and if the weight is large enough, the topic will be activated.

Note that the last input to the call was msg.Amount which is the added stake by the reputer.

In the activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin will call GetCurrentTopicWeight to calcaulate the new weight for the topic, and use the new weight to determine whether the topic should be activated:

The last input the the activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin will be passed to GetCurrentTopicWeight as the last parameter. In the GetCurrentTopicWeight uses the last parameter additionalRevenue as the added topic fee revenue. It will be added to the existing topic fee revenue and passed to the GetTargetWeight as the fee revenue.

The topic's stake amount will be fetched using GetTopicStake:

The topic's stake amount is correct, since the topic's stake was already updated in the AddStake function.

The GetTargetWeight will calculate topic weight using both stake of the topic and fee revenue.

// Return the target weight of a topic
// ^w_{t,i} = S^{μ}_{t,i} * (P/C)^{ν}_{t,i}
// where S_{t,i} is the stake of of topic t in the last reward epoch i
// and (P/C)_{t,i} is the fee revenue collected for performing inference per topic epoch
// requests for topic t in the last reward epoch i
// μ, ν are global constants with fiduciary values of 0.5 and 0.5

As the result the added amount of stake will be considered as the fee revenue, and the weight will be calculated accordingly.


When a reputer adds stake, it will calculate the topic's weight incorrectly, resulting in incorrect activation of the topic.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


use zero in the place of added fee revenue.

-  err = activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin(ctx, ms, msg.TopicId, msg.Amount)
+  err = activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin(ctx, ms, msg.TopicId, alloraMath.ZeroDec())



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Topic funding amount is incorrectly accounted for twice


I think this is a separate issue not a duplicate, as mentioned in #77



The same issue can be seen inside AddStake, where in this case, the stake amount is accidentally added as topic revenue.

I would consider this worthy of its own separate bug

As mentioned by the sponsor in this comment this is issue can be it's own separate bug as it mentions how AddStake amount is accidentally added as topic revenue, causing topics to be activated even if they haven't reached the required weight.

77 then would be a duplicate of this.



The same issue can be seen inside AddStake, where in this case, the stake amount is accidentally added as topic revenue.

I would consider this worthy of its own separate bug

As mentioned by the sponsor in this comment this is issue can be it's own separate bug as it mentions how AddStake amount is accidentally added as topic revenue, causing topics to be activated even if they haven't reached the required weight.

77 then would be a duplicate of this.

You've created a valid escalation!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.



The same issue can be seen inside AddStake, where in this case, the stake amount is accidentally added as topic revenue.

I would consider this worthy of its own separate bug

As mentioned by the sponsor in this comment this is issue can be it's own separate bug as it mentions how AddStake amount is accidentally added as topic revenue, causing topics to be activated even if they haven't reached the required weight.

77 then would be a duplicate of this.

I agree that this should likely be a separate bug.


I agree both are different issues, even though they seem the same (adding more value than it should). But in #46 it double adds to the fee revenue, while in this report it adds the staked amount to the fee revenue.

Hence, planning to accept the escalation, and make a new family with medium severity. This issue will be the best, #77 will be the duplicate.


Result: Medium Has duplicates


Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:

Issue M-33: Broken invariant : the sum of all (delegateRewardsPerShare * delegated stake


Found by



Broken invariant : the sum of all (delegateRewardsPerShare * delegated stake - reward debt) = the balance of the /x/bank AlloraPendingRewardForDelegatorAccountName module account when distributing delegate stakers rewards

Vulnerability Detail

When distributing delegate stakers, the reward debt in increased by the full untrimmed amount while only the trimmed amount is sent to the delegate staker.

Additionally, if the pending reward amount is less than 1, the reward debt will still be increased while no rewards are sent.


AlloraPendingRewardForDelegatorAccountName will end up holding more than the amount owed.

Code Snippet


func (ms msgServer) RewardDelegateStake(ctx context.Context, msg *types.MsgRewardDelegateStake) (*types.MsgRewardDelegateStakeResponse, error) {
    // Check the target reputer exists and is registered
    isRegistered, err := ms.k.IsReputerRegisteredInTopic(ctx, msg.TopicId, msg.Reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if !isRegistered {
        return nil, types.ErrAddressIsNotRegisteredInThisTopic

    delegateInfo, err := ms.k.GetDelegateStakePlacement(ctx, msg.TopicId, msg.Sender, msg.Reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    share, err := ms.k.GetDelegateRewardPerShare(ctx, msg.TopicId, msg.Reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    pendingReward, err := delegateInfo.Amount.Mul(share)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    pendingReward, err = pendingReward.Sub(delegateInfo.RewardDebt)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if pendingReward.Gt(alloraMath.NewDecFromInt64(0)) { // <===== Audit
        coins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(params.DefaultBondDenom, pendingReward.SdkIntTrim())) // <===== Audit : Only send the trimmed pending reward amount
        err = ms.k.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, types.AlloraPendingRewardForDelegatorAccountName, msg.Sender, coins)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        delegateInfo.RewardDebt, err = delegateInfo.Amount.Mul(share)  // <===== Audit : Increases by the untrimmed pending reward amount
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        ms.k.SetDelegateStakePlacement(ctx, msg.TopicId, msg.Sender, msg.Reputer, delegateInfo)
    return &types.MsgRewardDelegateStakeResponse{}, nil

func (k *Keeper) RemoveDelegateStake(
    ctx context.Context,
    blockHeight BlockHeight,
    topicId TopicId,
    delegator ActorId,
    reputer ActorId,
    stakeToRemove cosmosMath.Int,
) error {
    // CHECKS
    if stakeToRemove.IsZero() {
        return nil

    // stakeSumFromDelegator >= stake
    stakeSumFromDelegator, err := k.GetStakeFromDelegatorInTopic(ctx, topicId, delegator)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if stakeToRemove.GT(stakeSumFromDelegator) {
        return types.ErrIntegerUnderflowStakeFromDelegator
    stakeFromDelegatorNew := stakeSumFromDelegator.Sub(stakeToRemove)

    // delegatedStakePlacement >= stake
    delegatedStakePlacement, err := k.GetDelegateStakePlacement(ctx, topicId, delegator, reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    unStakeDec, err := alloraMath.NewDecFromSdkInt(stakeToRemove)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if delegatedStakePlacement.Amount.Lt(unStakeDec) {
        return types.ErrIntegerUnderflowDelegateStakePlacement

    // Get share for this topicId and reputer
    share, err := k.GetDelegateRewardPerShare(ctx, topicId, reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Calculate pending reward and send to delegator
    pendingReward, err := delegatedStakePlacement.Amount.Mul(share)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    pendingReward, err = pendingReward.Sub(delegatedStakePlacement.RewardDebt)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if pendingReward.Gt(alloraMath.NewDecFromInt64(0)) {
        err = k.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(
            sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(params.DefaultBondDenom, pendingReward.SdkIntTrim())),  // <===== Audit
        if err != nil {
            return errorsmod.Wrapf(err, "Sending pending reward to delegator failed")

    newAmount, err := delegatedStakePlacement.Amount.Sub(unStakeDec)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    newRewardDebt, err := newAmount.Mul(share)  // <===== Audit
    if err != nil {
        return err
    stakePlacementNew := types.DelegatorInfo{
        Amount:     newAmount,
        RewardDebt: newRewardDebt, // <===== Audit
        // ...

func (k *Keeper) AddDelegateStake(
    ctx context.Context,
    topicId TopicId,
    delegator ActorId,
    reputer ActorId,
    stakeToAdd cosmosMath.Int,
) error {
    // CHECKS
    if stakeToAdd.IsZero() {
        return errorsmod.Wrapf(types.ErrInvalidValue, "delegator stake to add must be greater than zero")

    totalStake, err := k.GetTotalStake(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    totalStakeNew := totalStake.Add(stakeToAdd)
    topicStake, err := k.GetTopicStake(ctx, topicId)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    topicStakeNew := topicStake.Add(stakeToAdd)
    stakeReputerAuthority, err := k.GetStakeReputerAuthority(ctx, topicId, reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    stakeReputerAuthorityNew := stakeReputerAuthority.Add(stakeToAdd)
    stakeSumFromDelegator, err := k.GetStakeFromDelegatorInTopic(ctx, topicId, delegator)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    stakeSumFromDelegatorNew := stakeSumFromDelegator.Add(stakeToAdd)
    delegateStakePlacement, err := k.GetDelegateStakePlacement(ctx, topicId, delegator, reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    share, err := k.GetDelegateRewardPerShare(ctx, topicId, reputer)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if delegateStakePlacement.Amount.Gt(alloraMath.NewDecFromInt64(0)) {
        // Calculate pending reward and send to delegator
        pendingReward, err := delegateStakePlacement.Amount.Mul(share)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        pendingReward, err = pendingReward.Sub(delegateStakePlacement.RewardDebt)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if pendingReward.Gt(alloraMath.NewDecFromInt64(0)) {
            err = k.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(
                sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(params.DefaultBondDenom, pendingReward.SdkIntTrim())),  // <===== Audit
            if err != nil {
                return err
    stakeToAddDec, err := alloraMath.NewDecFromSdkInt(stakeToAdd)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    newAmount, err := delegateStakePlacement.Amount.Add(stakeToAddDec)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    newDebt, err := newAmount.Mul(share)  // <===== Audit
    if err != nil {
        return err
    stakePlacementNew := types.DelegatorInfo{
        Amount:     newAmount,
        RewardDebt: newDebt,  // <===== Audit
    // ...

Tool used

Manual Review




1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Rewards are not correctly calculated


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:



This is different from #74 and wasn't fixed by



This is different from #74 and wasn't fixed by

You've created a valid escalation!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.


This report is different from #74 and shouldn't be a duplicate.


I agree it's not a duplicate of #74, but as I understand the only impact here is only that the invariant from the README is broken. Hence, it warrants medium severity, based on the following rule:

The protocol team can use the README (and only the README) to define language that indicates the codebase's restrictions and/or expected functionality. Issues that break these statements, irrespective of whether the impact is low/unknown, will be assigned Medium severity. High severity will be applied only if the issue falls into the High severity category in the judging guidelines

Planning to accept the escalation and make it a separate medium-severity bug. @mystery0x @imsrybr0 are there any duplicates?


Hi @WangSecurity,

As far as I can tell, I couldn't find a similar report. Maybe I'm missing something, waiting for @mystery0x confirmation.



127 might be a duplicate of this issue. Apart from that no other possible duplicates as far as I can tell.


Hi @mystery0x, #127 is a duplicate of #74.


As I understand, the problem with both reports is that the untrimmed amount is used, when the trimmed amount is sent. It may seem similar but these are not duplicates based on the code implementation and how and where the issue happens. In that case, I agree that #127 is a duplicate of #74, not the duplicate of this issue.


Result: Medium Unique


Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:

Issue M-34: Lack of error handling when making blockless api call


Found by



Lack of error handling when making blockless api call

Vulnerability Detail

Error handling when making blockless api call is missing.


In topics_handler.go, we are calling PrepareProposalHandler

func (th *TopicsHandler) PrepareProposalHandler() sdk.PrepareProposalHandler {
    return func(ctx sdk.Context, req *abci.RequestPrepareProposal) (*abci.ResponsePrepareProposal, error) {
        Logger(ctx).Debug("\n ---------------- TopicsHandler ------------------- \n")
        churnableTopics, err := th.emissionsKeeper.GetChurnableTopics(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            Logger(ctx).Error("Error getting max number of topics per block: " + err.Error())
            return nil, err

        var wg sync.WaitGroup
        // Loop over and run epochs on topics whose inferences are demanded enough to be served
        // Within each loop, execute the inference and weight cadence checks and trigger the inference and weight generation
        for _, churnableTopicId := range churnableTopics {
            go func(topicId TopicId) {
                defer wg.Done()
                topic, err := th.emissionsKeeper.GetTopic(ctx, topicId)
                if err != nil {
                    Logger(ctx).Error("Error getting topic: " + err.Error())
                    return // @audit should contninue?
    @           th.requestTopicWorkers(ctx, topic)
    @           th.requestTopicReputers(ctx, topic)
        // Return the transactions as they came
        return &abci.ResponsePrepareProposal{Txs: req.Txs}, nil

these two function requestTopicWorkers and requestTopicReputers trigger blockless api calls

for example,

the requestTopicReputers => go generateInferencesRequest => makeApiCall

err = makeApiCall(payloadStr)
    if err != nil {
        Logger(ctx).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error making API call: %s", err.Error()))

the api call can fail for many reason, and if it fails, the code only log the error and does not return the error and bubble the error up for error handling.

then it means that the loss and inference request is never set out and updated,

the PrepareProposalHandler will still sliently assume the call always success and go through,

this leads to loss and inference data severely out of scope.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


handle the error from api call



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Error is not handled


The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: