sherlock-audit / 2024-06-allora-judging

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defsec - Lack of Authentication in OnRecvPacket #2

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 1 month ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 1 month ago



Lack of Authentication in OnRecvPacket


The Axelar sample code acknowledges the importance of authenticating the message based on the channel ID, in addition to verifying the packet sender. However, the Allora chain's implementation does not include any channel ID/sender authentication logic.

Vulnerability Detail

In the provided code for the Allora chain's IBC middleware (gmp/middleware.go), the OnRecvPacket function does not perform authentication based on the channel ID when processing incoming packets. This can potentially lead to security vulnerabilities and allow unauthorized or unintended processing of packets.

Comparing it with the Axelar sample code (gmp_middleware/middleware.go), there is a commented-out TODO section that mentions the need for channel ID authentication:

// TODO: authenticate the message with channel-id
if data.Sender != AxelarGMPAcc {
    return ack


Without verifying the channel ID, the middleware may process packets from unintended or unauthorized channels. This can result in the execution of malicious or unexpected actions on the receiving chain.

Axelar Sample :

Code Snippet


// OnRecvPacket implements the IBCMiddleware interface
func (im IBCMiddleware) OnRecvPacket(
    ctx sdk.Context,
    packet channeltypes.Packet,
    relayer sdk.AccAddress,
) ibcexported.Acknowledgement {
    var data transfertypes.FungibleTokenPacketData
    if err := transfertypes.ModuleCdc.UnmarshalJSON(packet.GetData(), &data); err != nil {
        return channeltypes.NewErrorAcknowledgement(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal ICS-20 transfer packet data"))

    var msg Message
    var err error
    err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(data.GetMemo()), &msg)
    if err != nil || len(msg.Payload) == 0 {
        // Not a packet that should be handled by the GMP middleware
        return, packet, relayer)

    //if !strings.EqualFold(data.Sender, AxelarGMPAcc) {
    //  // Not a packet that should be handled by the GMP middleware
    //  return, packet, relayer)

    logger := ctx.Logger().With("handler", "GMP")

    switch msg.Type {
    case TypeGeneralMessage:
        logger.Info("Received TypeGeneralMessage",
            "srcChain", msg.SourceChain,
            "srcAddress", msg.SourceAddress,
            "receiver", data.Receiver,
            "payload", string(msg.Payload),
            "handler", "GMP",
        // let the next layer deal with this
        // the rest of the data fields should be normal
    case TypeGeneralMessageWithToken:
        logger.Info("Received TypeGeneralMessageWithToken",
            "srcChain", msg.SourceChain,
            "srcAddress", msg.SourceAddress,
            "receiver", data.Receiver,
            "payload", string(msg.Payload),
            "coin", data.Denom,
            "amount", data.Amount,
            "handler", "GMP",
        // we throw out the rest of the msg.Payload fields here, for better or worse
        data.Memo = string(msg.Payload)
        var dataBytes []byte
        if dataBytes, err = transfertypes.ModuleCdc.MarshalJSON(&data); err != nil {
            return channeltypes.NewErrorAcknowledgement(fmt.Errorf("cannot marshal ICS-20 post-processed transfer packet data"))
        packet.Data = dataBytes
        return, packet, relayer)
        return channeltypes.NewErrorAcknowledgement(fmt.Errorf("unrecognized mesasge type: %d", msg.Type))

Tool used

Manual Review


Modify the OnRecvPacket function to include a check that verifies the authenticity of the packet based on the channel ID/sender.

sherlock-admin4 commented 1 month ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

OnRecvPacket doesn't have authentication

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: