sherlock-audit / 2024-06-allora-judging

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zigtur - Funding amount is accounted twice leading to activating topic before reaching the global minimum #46

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 4 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 4 months ago



Funding amount is accounted twice leading to activating topic before reaching the global minimum


The amount deposited through FundTopic is accounted twice during the topic activation calculation, leading to activating the topic too early (before reaching the minimum).

Vulnerability Detail

During the funding of a topic through FundTopic, the funded amount will be added to the topic fee revenue. It will then check if the topic has enough weight to become active.

However, during the check to see if enough weight is met, the funded amount will be accounted and added to the topic fee revenue. This is problematic because the topic fee revenue was already modified to account for this funded amount.

This leads the funded amount to be accounted twice.

Then, this double accounting leads to overestimate the weight of a topic. So a topic may be activate without reaching the expected minimum weight.


Topics will be activated before reaching the expected minimum weight.

Code Snippet

    participant FundTopic
    participant AddTopicFeeRevenue
    participant activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin
    participant GetCurrentTopicWeight
    participant Keeper.topicFeeRevenue

    critical First accounting
        AddTopicFeeRevenue->>Keeper.topicFeeRevenue: write += amount (SetTopicFeeRevenue)

    critical Second accounting
        GetCurrentTopicWeight-->>Keeper.topicFeeRevenue: reads keeper.topicFeeRevenue
        GetCurrentTopicWeight->>GetCurrentTopicWeight: calculates: topicFeeRevenue + amount

The FundTopic function calls AddTopicFeeRevenue to add the amount to the TopicFeeRevenue. It then calls the activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin function, which will read the TopicFeeRevenue but will also add the amount.

See msg_server_demand.go#L44-L52

func (ms msgServer) FundTopic(ctx context.Context, msg *types.MsgFundTopic) (*types.MsgFundTopicResponse, error) {
    // ...

    // Account for the revenue the topic has generated
    err = ms.k.AddTopicFeeRevenue(ctx, msg.TopicId, msg.Amount) // POC: Add funded amount (First accounting)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Activate topic if it exhibits minimum weight
    err = activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin(ctx, ms, msg.TopicId, msg.Amount) // @POc: will use the funded amount (second accounting)
    return &types.MsgFundTopicResponse{}, err

First accounting

First, the funded amount is added through a call to AddTopicFeeRevenue. This function will modify k.topicFeeRevenue.

See keeper.go#L1681.

// Add to the fee revenue collected by a topic
func (k *Keeper) AddTopicFeeRevenue(ctx context.Context, topicId TopicId, amount cosmosMath.Int) error {
    topicFeeRevenue, err := k.GetTopicFeeRevenue(ctx, topicId)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    topicFeeRevenue = topicFeeRevenue.Add(amount)
    return k.topicFeeRevenue.Set(ctx, topicId, topicFeeRevenue) // @POC: set the new value (add amount)

Second accounting

Then, the activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin function will call GetCurrentTopicWeight with the funded amount as argument. See msg_server_util_topic_activation.go#L28-L47

func activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin(ctx context.Context, ms msgServer, topicId TopicId, amount Allo) error {
    if !isActivated {
        // ...

        newTopicWeight, _, err := ms.k.GetCurrentTopicWeight( // @POC: Incorrect calculation
        // ...

        if newTopicWeight.Gte(params.MinTopicWeight) { // @POC: Overestimated topic weight will activate the topic
            err = ms.k.ActivateTopic(ctx, topicId)
            if err != nil {
                return err

    return nil

Finally, the issue lies in GetCurrentTopicWeight which will do the addition of the funded amount to k.topicFeeRevenue. However, k.topicFeeRevenue was already increased by this amount (see previous section). See topic_weight.go#L61-L68.

func (k *Keeper) GetCurrentTopicWeight(
    ctx context.Context,
    topicId TopicId,
    topicEpochLength BlockHeight,
    topicRewardAlpha alloraMath.Dec,
    stakeImportance alloraMath.Dec,
    feeImportance alloraMath.Dec,
    additionalRevenue cosmosMath.Int,
) (weight alloraMath.Dec, topicRevenue cosmosMath.Int, err error) {
    // ...
    // Get and total topic fee revenue
    topicFeeRevenue, err := k.GetTopicFeeRevenue(ctx, topicId) // @POc: retrieves `k.topicFeeRevenue`
    if err != nil {
        return alloraMath.Dec{}, cosmosMath.Int{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get topic fee revenue")

    // Calc target weight using fees, epoch length, stake, and params
    newFeeRevenue := additionalRevenue.Add(topicFeeRevenue) // @POC: Adds the funded amount to the `topicFeeRevenue`
    feeRevenue, err := alloraMath.NewDecFromSdkInt(newFeeRevenue)
    if err != nil {
        return alloraMath.Dec{}, cosmosMath.Int{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to convert topic fee revenue to dec")

    // ...

Proof of Concept

The following patch should be applied to import the PoC. Then, go in allora-chain/x/emissions and run the PoC with go test ./keeper/msgserver/... -v -run "TestMsgServerTestSuite/TestPocDoubleAccounting".

diff --git a/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand_test.go b/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand_test.go
index abbdb54..978d390 100644
--- a/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand_test.go
+++ b/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand_test.go
@@ -59,6 +59,58 @@ func (s *MsgServerTestSuite) TestFundTopicSimple() {
    s.Require().True(topicWeightAfter.Gt(topicWeightBefore), "Topic weight should be greater after funding the topic")

+func (s *MsgServerTestSuite) TestPocDoubleAccounting() {
+   senderAddr := sdk.AccAddress(PKS[0].Address())
+   sender := senderAddr.String()
+   topicId := s.CreateOneTopic()
+   // put some stake in the topic
+   err := s.emissionsKeeper.AddReputerStake(s.ctx, topicId, PKS[1].Address().String(), cosmosMath.NewInt(500000))
+   s.Require().NoError(err)
+   s.emissionsKeeper.InactivateTopic(s.ctx, topicId)
+   var initialStake int64 = 1000
+   initialStakeCoins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(params.DefaultBondDenom, cosmosMath.NewInt(initialStake)))
+   s.bankKeeper.MintCoins(s.ctx, types.AlloraStakingAccountName, initialStakeCoins)
+   s.bankKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(s.ctx, types.AlloraStakingAccountName, senderAddr, initialStakeCoins)
+   r := types.MsgFundTopic{
+       Sender:  sender,
+       TopicId: topicId,
+       Amount:  cosmosMath.NewInt(initialStake),
+   }
+   params, err := s.emissionsKeeper.GetParams(s.ctx)
+   s.Require().NoError(err, "GetParams should not return an error")
+   topicWeightBefore, feeRevBefore, err := s.emissionsKeeper.GetCurrentTopicWeight(
+       s.ctx,
+       r.TopicId,
+       10800,
+       params.TopicRewardAlpha,
+       params.TopicRewardStakeImportance,
+       params.TopicRewardFeeRevenueImportance,
+       r.Amount,
+   )
+   s.Require().NoError(err)
+   response, err := s.msgServer.FundTopic(s.ctx, &r)
+   s.Require().NoError(err, "RequestInference should not return an error")
+   s.Require().NotNil(response, "Response should not be nil")
+   // Check if the topic is activated
+   res, err := s.emissionsKeeper.IsTopicActive(s.ctx, r.TopicId)
+   s.Require().NoError(err)
+   s.Require().Equal(true, res, "TopicId is not activated")
+   // check that the topic fee revenue has been updated
+   topicWeightAfter, feeRevAfter, err := s.emissionsKeeper.GetCurrentTopicWeight(
+       s.ctx,
+       r.TopicId,
+       10800,
+       params.TopicRewardAlpha,
+       params.TopicRewardStakeImportance,
+       params.TopicRewardFeeRevenueImportance,
+       r.Amount,
+   )
+   s.Require().NoError(err)
+   s.Require().True(feeRevAfter.GT(feeRevBefore), "Topic fee revenue should be greater after funding the topic")
+   s.Require().True(topicWeightAfter.Gt(topicWeightBefore), "Topic weight should be greater after funding the topic")
 func (s *MsgServerTestSuite) TestHighWeightForHighFundedTopic() {
    senderAddr := sdk.AccAddress(PKS[0].Address())
    sender := senderAddr.String()
diff --git a/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_util_topic_activation.go b/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_util_topic_activation.go
index e338495..cbc4c10 100644
--- a/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_util_topic_activation.go
+++ b/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_util_topic_activation.go
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package msgserver

 import (
+   "fmt"

    cosmosMath ""
@@ -34,9 +35,19 @@ func activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin(ctx context.Context, ms msgServer, to
+       pocTopicWeight, _, err := ms.k.GetCurrentTopicWeight(
+           ctx,
+           topicId,
+           topic.EpochLength,
+           params.TopicRewardAlpha,
+           params.TopicRewardStakeImportance,
+           params.TopicRewardFeeRevenueImportance,
+           cosmosMath.NewInt(0), // @POC: should be zero here
+       )
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrapf(err, "error getting current topic weight")
+       fmt.Println("POC - newTopicWeight = ", newTopicWeight, " but should be", pocTopicWeight, " and minTopicWeight =", params.MinTopicWeight)

        if newTopicWeight.Gte(params.MinTopicWeight) {
            err = ms.k.ActivateTopic(ctx, topicId)

PoC results

The PoC will output the following:

=== RUN   TestMsgServerTestSuite
=== RUN   TestMsgServerTestSuite/TestPocDoubleAccounting
POC - newTopicWeight =  304.2903097250922852538721015560012  but should be 215.1657414559676047321814110990222  and minTopicWeight = 100
--- PASS: TestMsgServerTestSuite (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestMsgServerTestSuite/TestPocDoubleAccounting (0.00s)
ok     0.030s

Tool used

Manual Review


FundTopic should call activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin with an amount of zero.

The following patch applies this recommendation.

diff --git a/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand.go b/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand.go
index 3de71dd..18fffe7 100644
--- a/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand.go
+++ b/allora-chain/x/emissions/keeper/msgserver/msg_server_demand.go
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package msgserver
 import (

+   ""
    appParams ""
    alloraMath ""
@@ -48,6 +49,6 @@ func (ms msgServer) FundTopic(ctx context.Context, msg *types.MsgFundTopic) (*ty

    // Activate topic if it exhibits minimum weight
-   err = activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin(ctx, ms, msg.TopicId, msg.Amount)
+   err = activateTopicIfWeightAtLeastGlobalMin(ctx, ms, msg.TopicId, math.NewInt(0))
    return &types.MsgFundTopicResponse{}, err
sherlock-admin3 commented 4 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xmystery commented:

Topic funding amount is incorrectly accounted for twice

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: