logic bug in this IBC middleware code related to packet handling.
Vulnerability Detail
In the OnRecvPacket function, the code attempts to parse the packet's memo field into a custom Message structure. However, the logic for determining whether the middleware should process the packet or pass it to the next layer is flawed.
The Flawed Logic
The current code has two commented-out sections:
//if !strings.EqualFold(data.Sender, AxelarGMPAcc) {
// // Not a packet that should be handled by the GMP middleware
// return im.app.OnRecvPacket(ctx, packet, relayer)
This suggests an intention to filter packets based on the sender's address. However, even without this check, the code falls through to process the packet if the memo can be unmarshalled into a Message with a non-empty payload.
The Consequence
This means that the GMP middleware might unintentionally process packets that were not meant for it, potentially leading to unexpected behavior or errors further down the line.
The Solution
we should reintroduce the sender address check or different check before deciding to process the packet. example
// ... (other parts of the code remain the same)
// OnRecvPacket implements the IBCMiddleware interface
func (im IBCMiddleware) OnRecvPacket(
ctx sdk.Context,
packet channeltypes.Packet,
relayer sdk.AccAddress,
) ibcexported.Acknowledgement {
var data transfertypes.FungibleTokenPacketData
if err := transfertypes.ModuleCdc.UnmarshalJSON(packet.GetData(), &data); err != nil {
return channeltypes.NewErrorAcknowledgement(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal ICS-20 transfer packet data"))
var msg Message
var err error
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(data.GetMemo()), &msg)
if err != nil || len(msg.Payload) == 0 {
// Not a packet that should be handled by the GMP middleware
return im.app.OnRecvPacket(ctx, packet, relayer)
if !strings.EqualFold(data.Sender, AxelarGMPAcc) { // <-- Reintroduced check
// Not a packet that should be handled by the GMP middleware
return im.app.OnRecvPacket(ctx, packet, relayer)
// ... (rest of the packet processing logic) ...
// ... (other parts of the code remain the same)
Key Points:
By adding the check !strings.EqualFold(data.Sender, AxelarGMPAcc), the middleware will only process packets that have the expected sender address (AxelarGMPAcc).
If the sender address doesn't match or there's an issue with the memo, the packet is passed to the next layer via im.app.OnRecvPacket(ctx, packet, relayer).
This ensures that the GMP middleware operates on the intended packets only, preventing potential processing errors and maintaining the integrity of the IBC message flow.
package main
import (
transfertypes "github.com/cosmos/ibc-go/v8/modules/apps/transfer/types"
channeltypes "github.com/cosmos/ibc-go/v8/modules/core/04-channel/types"
ibcexported "github.com/cosmos/ibc-go/v8/modules/core/exported"
// Simulate the Message struct from your code
type Message struct {
Type int `json:"type"`
Payload string `json:"payload"`
SourceChain string `json:"srcChain"`
SourceAddress string `json:"srcAddress"`
// Simulate the IBCMiddleware struct
type IBCMiddleware struct{}
// Simulate the next layer's OnRecvPacket function
func (im IBCMiddleware) appOnRecvPacket(ctx types.Context, packet channeltypes.Packet, relayer types.AccAddress) ibcexported.Acknowledgement {
fmt.Println("Packet received and processed by the next layer:", packet)
return channeltypes.NewResultAcknowledgement([]byte("success"))
// OnRecvPacket function with the logical flaw
func (im IBCMiddleware) OnRecvPacket(
ctx types.Context,
packet channeltypes.Packet,
relayer types.AccAddress,
) ibcexported.Acknowledgement {
var data transfertypes.FungibleTokenPacketData
json.Unmarshal(packet.GetData(), &data)
var msg Message
json.Unmarshal([]byte(data.GetMemo()), &msg)
if len(msg.Payload) != 0 { // Flawed condition: only checks for non-empty payload
fmt.Println("GMP middleware processing packet:", packet)
// ... further processing ...
// Falls through to the next layer even if not intended for GMP
return im.appOnRecvPacket(ctx, packet, relayer)
func main() {
// Simulate a packet not intended for GMP (wrong sender)
packetData := transfertypes.FungibleTokenPacketData{
Sender: "cosmos1wrongsender",
Receiver: "cosmos1receiver",
Amount: "100",
Denom: "uatom",
Memo: `{"type":1, "payload":"some data"}`, // Valid memo
packetBytes, _ := json.Marshal(packetData)
packet := channeltypes.Packet{
Data: packetBytes,
middleware := IBCMiddleware{}
middleware.OnRecvPacket(types.Context{}, packet, types.AccAddress{})
We create simplified versions of Message, IBCMiddleware, and the next layer's OnRecvPacket.
OnRecvPacket: The function only checks if the msg.Payload is non-empty. Even though the sender is incorrect, the packet will be processed by the GMP middleware due to the valid memo.
We create a packet with a valid memo but an incorrect sender ("cosmos1wrongsender").
4 When the middleware receives this packet, it incorrectly assumes it's meant for GMP and proceeds with further processing.
we should see output similar to this:
GMP middleware processing packet: {"data":"eyJTZW5kZXIiOiJjb3Ntb3Mxcm9uZ3NlbmRlciIsIlJlY2VpdmVyIjoiY29zbW9zMXJlY2VpdmVyIiwiQW1vdW50IjoiMTAwIiwiRGVub20iOiJ1YXRvbSIsIk1lbW8iOnsieXR5cGUiOjEsInBheWxvYWQiOiJzb21lIGRhdGEifX0=","timeout_height":"0-0","timeout_timestamp":0}
Packet received and processed by the next layer: {"data":"eyJTZW5kZXIiOiJjb3Ntb3Mxcm9uZ3NlbmRlciIsIlJlY2VpdmVyIjoiY29zbW9zMXJlY2VpdmVyIiwiQW1vdW50IjoiMTAwIiwiRGVub20iOiJ1YXRvbSIsIk1lbW8iOnsieXR5cGUiOjEsInBheWxvYWQiOiJzb21lIGRhdGEifX0=","timeout_height":"0-0","timeout_timestamp":0}
Key Takeaways
This PoC clearly shows the GMP middleware processing a packet that shouldn't have been intended for it.
The fix, as mentioned in the previous response, is to reintroduce the sender address check to ensure the middleware operates on the correct set of packets.
logic bug in this IBC middleware code related to packet handling.
Vulnerability Detail
In the
function, the code attempts to parse the packet's memo field into a customMessage
structure. However, the logic for determining whether the middleware should process the packet or pass it to the next layer is flawed.The Flawed Logic
The current code has two commented-out sections:
This suggests an intention to filter packets based on the sender's address. However, even without this check, the code falls through to process the packet if the memo can be unmarshalled into a
with a non-empty payload.The Consequence
This means that the GMP middleware might unintentionally process packets that were not meant for it, potentially leading to unexpected behavior or errors further down the line.
The Solution
we should reintroduce the sender address check or different check before deciding to process the packet. example
Key Points:
!strings.EqualFold(data.Sender, AxelarGMPAcc)
, the middleware will only process packets that have the expected sender address (AxelarGMPAcc
).im.app.OnRecvPacket(ctx, packet, relayer)
, and the next layer'sOnRecvPacket
: The function only checks if themsg.Payload
is non-empty. Even though the sender is incorrect, the packet will be processed by the GMP middleware due to the valid memo."cosmos1wrongsender"
). 4 When the middleware receives this packet, it incorrectly assumes it's meant for GMP and proceeds with further processing.Output
we should see output similar to this:
Key Takeaways
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review