sherlock-audit / 2024-08-cork-protocol-judging

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Issue H-1: Lack of slippage protection leads to loss of protocol funds


Found by

0x6a70, 0x73696d616f, 0xjoi, 0xnbvc, 4b, 4gontuk, Abhan1041, MohammedRizwan, Pheonix, alphacipher, boringslav, ivanonchain, sakshamguruji, vinica_boy


There is no slippage protection while removing liquidity and swap tokens from AMM.

Vulnerability Detail

There are 2 intances where slippage protection is missing which are as below:

  1. When LV token holder redeem before expiry vaultLib::redeemEarly function is called in which _liquidateLpPartial function and in that _redeemCtDsAndSellExcessCt is called. In _redeemCtDsAndSellExcessCt function CT tokens are swapped for RA tokens in AMM as below:
ra += ammRouter.swapExactTokensForTokens(ctSellAmount, 0, path, address(this), block.timestamp)[1];

As stated above, swapExactTokensForTokens function's 2nd parameter is 0 which shows that there is no slippage protection for this swap and also deadline is block.timestamp.

  1. In vaultLib::_liquidateLpPartial function __liquidateUnchecked is called in which liquidity is removed from AMM of RA-CT token pair by burning LP tokens of protocol as below:
(raReceived, ctReceived) =
            ammRouter.removeLiquidity(raAddress, ctAddress, lp, 0, 0, address(this), block.timestamp);

As stated above, removeLiquidity function's 4th & 5th parameter is 0 which shows that there is no slippage protection for this swap and also deadline is block.timestamp.

In such cases, an attacker can frontrun the transaction by seeing it in the mempool and manipulate the price such that protocol transaction have to bear heavy slippage which will leads to loss of protocol funds.

Also, there is block.timestamp as deadline so malicious node can prevent transaction to execute temporary and execute the transaction when there is high slippage which will also leads to loss of protocol funds.


Loss of protocol funds which will reduce the yield of users.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Protocol should implement slippage protection and set deadline while removing liquidity and also swap from AMM.



Yes this is a valid issue, we've already fixed this prior to our trading competition except for the deadline vulnerability.

Issue H-2: FlashSwapRouter::emptyReserve() and FlashSwapROuter::emptyReservePartial() functions return incorrect values


Found by

0x73696d616f, 0xNirix, KupiaSec, dimulski, nikhil840096, sakshamguruji, vinica_boy


The protocol deposits RA and CT tokens to an AMM pair, from fees or when users call the depositLv() function. The CT and DS tokens issued by the protocol have an expiration, after the first DS and CT tokens for a pair have been issued and expired, each next time the protocol tries to issue new DS and CT tokens for an existing pair of RA and PA tokens via calling the issueNewDs() function, the VaultLib::onNewIssuance() function will be called. The VaultLib::onNewIssuance() function will then call the VaultLib::_liquidatedLp() function, which internally calls the FlashSwapRouter::emptyReserve() function which will empty the whole reserve, and then return 0.

    function emptyReserve(ReserveState storage self, uint256 dsId, address to) internal returns (uint256 reserve) {
        reserve = emptyReservePartial(self, dsId, self.ds[dsId].reserve, to);

    function emptyReservePartial(ReserveState storage self, uint256 dsId, uint256 amount, address to)
        returns (uint256 reserve)
        self.ds[dsId].ds.transfer(to, amount);

        self.ds[dsId].reserve -= amount;
        reserve = self.ds[dsId].reserve;

When we go back to the VaultLib::_liquidatedLp() function

    function _liquidatedLp(
        State storage self,
        uint256 dsId,
        IUniswapV2Router02 ammRouter,
        IDsFlashSwapCore flashSwapRouter
    ) internal {
         // the following things should happen here(taken directly from the whitepaper) :
        // 1. The AMM LP is redeemed to receive CT + RA
        // 2. Any excess DS in the LV is paired with CT to redeem RA
        // 3. The excess CT is used to claim RA + PA in the PSM
        // 4. End state: Only RA + redeemed PA remains
        uint256 reservedDs = flashSwapRouter.emptyReserve(, dsId);

        uint256 redeemAmount = reservedDs >= ctAmm ? ctAmm : reservedDs;
        PsmLibrary.lvRedeemRaWithCtDs(self, redeemAmount, dsId);

        // if the reserved DS is more than the CT that's available from liquidating the AMM LP
        // then there's no CT we can use to effectively redeem RA + PA from the PSM
        uint256 ctAttributedToPa = reservedDs >= ctAmm ? 0 : ctAmm - reservedDs;

        uint256 psmPa;
        uint256 psmRa;

        if (ctAttributedToPa != 0) {
            (psmPa, psmRa) = PsmLibrary.lvRedeemRaPaWithCt(self, ctAttributedToPa, dsId);

        psmRa += redeemAmount;

        self.vault.pool.reserve(, raAmm + psmRa, psmPa);

As can be seen from the 2 comment in the function any excess CT and DS tokens should be paired and redeemed for RA, however since the FlashSwapRouter::emptyReserve() function will always return 0, so the PsmLib::lvRedeemRaWithCtDs() function will always redeem 0 RA tokens and not burn the CT and DS tokens. As we can see from the above code snippet we will go directly to PsmLib::lvRedeemRaPaWithCt() function, which will try to redeem RA + PA tokens, with all of the CT tokens that were returned from the UniV2 pair when the LP tokens of the protocol were liquidated.

The second case where a problem occurs is when a user tries to redeem his LV tokens by calling the redeemEarlyLv() function which internally calls the VaultLib::redeemEarly() function and after a couple of other internal calls the VaultLib::_redeemCtDsAndSellExcessCt() function is called where the FlashSwapRouter::emptyReservePartial() function is called:

    function _redeemCtDsAndSellExcessCt(
        State storage self,
        uint256 dsId,
        IUniswapV2Router02 ammRouter,
        IDsFlashSwapCore flashSwapRouter,
        uint256 ammCtBalance
    ) internal returns (uint256 ra) {
        uint256 reservedDs = flashSwapRouter.getLvReserve(, dsId);

        uint256 redeemAmount = reservedDs >= ammCtBalance ? ammCtBalance : reservedDs;

        reservedDs = flashSwapRouter.emptyReservePartial(, dsId, redeemAmount);

        ra += redeemAmount;
        PsmLibrary.lvRedeemRaWithCtDs(self, redeemAmount, dsId);

        uint256 ctSellAmount = reservedDs >= ammCtBalance ? 0 : ammCtBalance - reservedDs;

        DepegSwap storage ds = self.ds[dsId];
        address[] memory path = new address[](2);
        path[0] = ds.ct;
        path[1] =;

        ERC20(ds.ct).approve(address(ammRouter), ctSellAmount);

        if (ctSellAmount != 0) {
            // 100% tolerance, to ensure this not fail
            ra += ammRouter.swapExactTokensForTokens(ctSellAmount, 0, path, address(this), block.timestamp)[1];

When the last LV tokens are being redeemed the reservedDs will be equal or very close to ammCtBalance, and when the FlashSwapRouter::emptyReservePartial() function is called, it will return the DS reserve after the redeemAmount has been subtracted, which will be either 0, or much less than redeemAmount. For this example consider it is 0. When the ctSellAmount is calculated it will be much bigger than the actual reserves of CT token in the contract, and when the function tries to transfer the CT tokens to the AMM in order to swap them for RA tokens, the call will revert, and the user redeeming his LV token won't be able to redeem it and receive RA tokens back, thus locking funds in the contract.

Root Cause

The root cause is that the FlashSwapRouter::emptyReserve() and FlashSwapROuter::emptyReservePartial() functions returns the reserve that is left after the redeemAmount has been subtracted.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. Users mint LV tokens via the depositLv() function
  2. There are a couple of LV tokens that haven't been redeemed yet, and a user decides to redeem them by calling the VaultLib::redeemEarly() function

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


When it comes to FlashSwapRouter::emptyReserve(), instead of the excess DS in the LV being paired with CT to redeem RA, all of the CT returned from the liquidation of LP will be used to claim RA + PA in the PSM, this is contrary of what is expected from the function according to the docs, and the comments, and may result in VaultLib::_liquidatedLp() function claiming much more PA tokens than it should, and distributing them to LV holders. In the case of FlashSwapROuter::emptyReservePartial(), the last users to withdraw won't be able to do so. The last user that tries to redeem his LV tokens won't be able to do so, and he won't receive his RA tokens back, locking the RA tokens in the contract.



After following the steps in the above mentioned gist add the following test to the AuditorTests.t.sol contract:

    function test_IncorrectEmptyReserveReturnedValue() public {
        vm.startPrank(alice);, 10e18);
        WETH.approve(address(moduleCore), type(uint256).max);
        moduleCore.depositLv(id, 10e18);
        Asset(lvAddress).approve(address(moduleCore), type(uint256).max);
        vm.expectRevert(bytes("TransferHelper::transferFrom: transferFrom failed"));
        moduleCore.redeemEarlyLv(id, alice, 10e18);

To run the test use: forge test -vvv --mt test_IncorrectEmptyReserveReturnedValue


A lot of things have to be considered when fixing this problems, simply returning the amount that was redeemed may introduce other problems. Returning the amount that was redeemed seems to be okay when it comes to the FlashSwapRouter::emptyReserve() function.



this is a valid issue, it should return the how much amount is emptied, we did fix this prior to our trading competition and will provide links later

Issue H-3: Lack of Slippage Protection for Reserve during swaps


Found by



The swapRaforDs() function allows users to swap Redemption Asset (RA) for Depeg Swap (DS) tokens: swapRaforDs() -> _swapRaforDs():

    function _swapRaforDs(
        ReserveState storage self,
        AssetPair storage assetPair,
        Id reserveId,
        uint256 dsId,
        uint256 amount,
        uint256 amountOutMin
    ) internal returns (uint256 amountOut) {
        uint256 borrowedAmount;

        // calculate the amount of DS tokens attributed
        (amountOut, borrowedAmount,) = assetPair.getAmountOutBuyDS(amount);

        // calculate the amount of DS tokens that will be sold from LV reserve
        uint256 amountSellFromReserve =
            amountOut - MathHelper.calculatePrecentageFee(self.reserveSellPressurePrecentage, amountOut);
        // sell all tokens if the sell amount is higher than the available reserve
        amountSellFromReserve = assetPair.reserve < amountSellFromReserve ? assetPair.reserve : amountSellFromReserve;

        // sell the DS tokens from the reserve if there's any
        if (amountSellFromReserve != 0) {
            // decrement reserve
            assetPair.reserve -= amountSellFromReserve;

            // sell the DS tokens from the reserve and accrue value to LV holders
            uint256 vaultRa = __swapDsforRa(assetPair, reserveId, dsId, amountSellFromReserve, 0); //@audit - no slippage
            IVault(owner()).provideLiquidityWithFlashSwapFee(reserveId, vaultRa);

            // recalculate the amount of DS tokens attributed, since we sold some from the reserve
            (amountOut, borrowedAmount,) = assetPair.getAmountOutBuyDS(amount);

        if (amountOut < amountOutMin) {
            revert InsufficientOutputAmount();

        // trigger flash swaps and send the attributed DS tokens to the user

        __flashSwap(assetPair, assetPair.pair, borrowedAmount, 0, dsId, reserveId, true, amountOut);

If a user wants to have slippage protection, he can set it as a parameter, and at the end of the function, we have a check.

        if (amountOut < amountOutMin) {
            revert InsufficientOutputAmount();

However, when the protocol executes the swap for its reserve, there is no slippage protection in place, exposing the protocol to unfavorable market conditions. Specifically, the reserve sells DS tokens without ensuring a minimum acceptable amount of RA in return, potentially resulting in significant financial losses for the protocol.

uint256 vaultRa = __swapDsforRa(assetPair, reserveId, dsId, amountSellFromReserve, 0);

In this line, the reserve executes the swap without any slippage protection (the slippage is set to 0), meaning the reserve will accept any amount of RA in return for the DS tokens it sells. This makes the protocol vulnerable to market volatility or manipulation.

There are three variants here:

  1. A regular user sets a slippage for him, but in the swap protocol loses tokens because there is no slippage protection for the reserve.
  2. A regular user decides he doesn't need slippage protection and leaves it at 0. The protocol takes a huge loss because of this user decision.
  3. Self-sandwich Attack. I will explain in more detail in the Attack Path.

Root Cause

The lack of slippage protection when the reserve sells its DS tokens in the _swapRaforDs() function:

uint256 vaultRa = __swapDsforRa(assetPair, reserveId, dsId, amountSellFromReserve, 0);

Internal pre-conditions

Мalicious or normal users need to set amountOutMin to 0. In the Attack Path section, I have explained both variants.

External pre-conditions

No external pre-conditions

Attack Path

Normal Attack Path

In this scenario, the attacker uses two accounts (let's call them Account A and Account B) to manipulate the protocol’s lack of slippage protection for personal profit.


The protocol suffers losses when the reserve sells DS tokens without any slippage protection. In case of market volatility or manipulation, the protocol will receive less RA in return than the actual value of the DS tokens being sold.


No response


Introduce Slippage Protection for the Reserve. If a user decides they don't need slippage protection, then you can set a standard base percentage to protect the protocol.



The slippage protection for user is implemented(will provide the link later), and we need to fix the base slippage protection for the protocol(may also make sense to cancel the trade from the protocol if's below slippage protection)

Issue H-4: Incorrect redeemAmount Is Accounted Due To Not Accounting For The Exchange Rate


Found by

0x73696d616f, 0xNirix, Ace-30, KupiaSec, Pheonix, korok, oxelmiguel, sakshamguruji, vinica_boy


When Liquidating LP , DS and CT are paired , then that amount is used to redeem RA . But the accounting for RA has been done incorrectly since it does not account for exchange rate.

Vulnerability Detail

1.) Inside Liquidate LP we empty out the DS reserve and pair it up with the CT amount returned from the AMM ->

This is the amount of CtDs being redeemed.

2.) This same amount has been accounted for the increment in RA ->

But this is incorrect , this is because redeemAmount is an amount in Ct/Ds not in RA , to make it into RA we need to apply the exchange rate over it(exchange rate is how many Redemption Assets you need to deposit to receive 1 Cover Token + 1 Depeg Swap and how many Redemption Assets you receive when redeeming 1 Pegged Asset + 1 Depeg Swap , read more in the Dealing with non-rebasing Pegged Assets section ->

3.) Therefore incorrect RA amount has been accounted and incorrect amount of RA would be reserved ->

meaning , incorrect amount of RA attributed to be withdrawn/redeemed.

4.) This inconsistency is found at multiple places , and instead of making separate reports im listing them here ->


The amount here is in RA and we are issuing DS/CT with it.


dsAttributed is in DS and we are depositing RA.


redeemAmount is in Ct/Ds here


Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Account for the exchange rate correctly.



This is valid, will fix

Issue H-5: Incoming Redemption Assets not being tracked when repurchase is called


Found by

0x73696d616f, 0xNirix, Ace-30, KupiaSec, Pheonix, dimulski, sakshamguruji, steadyman, vinica_boy


repurchase() function take redemption asset and gives back depeg swap along with pegged. However, the incoming redemption asset is not being tracked via lockFrom but there's a direct transfer of ra via lockUnchecked() causing mismatch in ra accounting.

Vulnerability Detail

Users deposit redemption asset via deposit to get back Cover Token + DepegSwap which can be redeemed back using various combinations.

  1. Redeem with CoverToken + DepegSwap ( only before expiry of DS )
  2. Redeem with DepegSwap + Pegged Asset ( only before expiry of DS )
  3. Redeem with CoverToken ( only after expiry )

Is users use 2. as a means to redeem deposited RA, they can repurchase DepegSwap + Pegged Asset back using repurchase() The repurchase() function is designed for getting back a combination of DepegSwap + Pegged Asset by giving Redemption Asset.

Incoming and outgoing RA is tracked via PsmRedemptionAssetManager struct attached with State struct. Consider the system before expiry. Let's look at all the places where RA can come and go and how internal tracking is changing respectively.

  1. deposit() : ra increased
  2. redeem with DS + PA : ra decreased
  3. redeem with CT + DS : ra decreased Everytime there is incoming of ra, the contracts increases internal state variable ( locked) with that amount.

    struct PsmRedemptionAssetManager {
    address _address;
    uint256 locked;
    uint256 free;

    But this is not increased when ra comes with repurchase() . This can be problematic after time of expiry. After expiry, when users redeems with ct by calling redeemWithCt() it internally invokes _separateLiquidity().

    function _separateLiquidity(State storage self, uint256 prevIdx) internal {
        if (self.psm.liquiditySeparated.get(prevIdx)) {
        DepegSwap storage ds = self.ds[prevIdx];
        uint256 availableRa = self.psm.balances.ra.convertAllToFree();
        uint256 availablePa = self.psm.balances.paBalance;
        self.psm.poolArchive[prevIdx] = PsmPoolArchive(availableRa, availablePa, IERC20(ds.ct).totalSupply());
        // reset current balances
        self.psm.balances.paBalance = 0;

    In this function all the accumulated ra goes to pool archive. This is achieved by zeroing out the variable that was tracking incoming and outgoing ra ( by reset()) and storing it in PoolArchive.

But since repurchase does not change this internal variable, at the time of _separateLiquidity() , actual ra in the system will be much more than what is expected.


Since protocol's internal tracking assumes less ra in the system than the actual amount, the remaining amount will be stuck in the contract causing direct loss of funds.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Increase locked ra amount whenever repurchase is called by calling lockFrom instead of lockUnchecked()



this is valid, although we already fixed this for the trading competition. will provide links later

Issue H-6: Users will steal excess funds from the Vault due to VaultPoolLib::redeem() not always decreasing self.withdrawalPool.raBalance and self.withdrawalPool.paBalance


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by

0x73696d616f, sakshamguruji


Vault::redeemExpiredLv() calls VaultLib::redeemExpired(), which allows users to withdraw funds after expiry, even if they have not requested a redemption. This redemption happens in VaultPoolLib::redeem(), when userEligible < amount, it calls internally __redeemExcessFromAmmPool(), where only self.ammLiquidityPool.balance is reduced, but not self.withdrawalPool.raBalance and self.withdrawalPool.paBalance. As such, when calculing the withdrawal pool balance in the next issuance on VaultPoolLibrary::reserve(), it will double count all the already withdraw self.withdrawalPool.raBalance and self.withdrawalPool.paBalance, allowing users to withdraw the same funds twice.

Root Cause

In VaultPoolLib::__redeemExcessFromAmmPool(), self.withdrawalPool.raBalance and self.withdrawalPool.paBalance are not decreased, but ra and pa are also withdrawn from the withdrawal pool when the user has partially requested redemption.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. User requests redemption of an amount smaller than the total withdrawn in VaultLib::redeemExpired(), that is, userEligible < amount.

External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. User calls Vault::redeemExpiredLv(), withdrawing from the withdrawal pool, but self.withdrawalPool.raBalance and self.withdrawalPool.paBalance are not decreased.
  2. A new issuance starts, and in VaultPoolLib::reserve(), the funds are double counted as not all withdrawals were reduced.
  3. As such, self.withdrawalPool.raExchangeRate and self.withdrawalPool.paExchangeRate will be inflated by double the funds and users will redeem more funds than they should, leading to the insolvency of the Vault.


Users steal funds while unaware users will not be able to withdraw.


__tryRedeemExcessFromAmmPool() does not decrease the withdrawn self.withdrawalPool.raBalance and self.withdrawalPool.paBalance.

function __tryRedeemExcessFromAmmPool(VaultPool storage self, uint256 amountAttributed, uint256 excessAmount)
    returns (uint256 ra, uint256 pa, uint256 withdrawnFromAmm)
    (ra, pa) = __tryRedeemfromWithdrawalPool(self, amountAttributed);

    withdrawnFromAmm =
        MathHelper.calculateRedeemAmountWithExchangeRate(excessAmount, self.withdrawalPool.raExchangeRate); //@audit PA is ignored here

    ra += withdrawnFromAmm;


Replace __tryRedeemfromWithdrawalPool() with __redeemfromWithdrawalPool().

function __tryRedeemExcessFromAmmPool(VaultPool storage self, uint256 amountAttributed, uint256 excessAmount)
    returns (uint256 ra, uint256 pa, uint256 withdrawnFromAmm)
    (ra, pa) = __redeemfromWithdrawalPool(self, amountAttributed);

    withdrawnFromAmm =
        MathHelper.calculateRedeemAmountWithExchangeRate(excessAmount, self.withdrawalPool.raExchangeRate); //@audit PA is ignored here

    ra += withdrawnFromAmm;



This is a valid issue, though we removed the functionality of expiry redemption on the LV, so this would have no impact on the updated version of the protocol. still valid nonetheless

Issue H-7: Attackers will steal the reserve from the Vault by receiving ra in FlashSwapRouter::__swapDsforRa()


Found by

0x73696d616f, KupiaSec, Smacaud, oxelmiguel


FlashSwapRouter::__swapDsforRa() is called as part of FlashSwapRouter::_swapRaforDs() whenever the reserve is sold and the resulting Ra is used to provide liquidity to the Vault by calling Vault::provideLiquidityWithFlashSwapFee().

However, if we follow the code, FlashSwapRouter::__swapDsforRa() calls FlashSwapRouter::__flashSwap(), which calls UniswapV2Pair::swap(). Then, the Uniswap pair calls uniswapV2Call(), which calls FlashSwapRouter::__afterFlashswapSell() and sends the Ra to the caller.

Thus, the vault is providing a fee, but does not use the acquired funds to fund it, but the already existing Ra in the contract. The Ra meant for the liquidity fee is sent to the user calling FlashSwapRouter::_swapRaforDs().

Root Cause

In FlashSwapRouter.sol:124, FlashSwapRouter::__swapDsforRa() is called, which ultimately sends the Ra to the msg.sender.

Internal pre-conditions


External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. User calls swapRaforDs() and ends up receiving Ra which was intended for the Vault.


Users can steal all reserve from the Vault.


The following code snippets show how the Ra ends up in the caller, that is, the user that calls swapRaforDs().

function __flashSwap(...) internal {
    bytes memory data = abi.encode(reserveId, dsId, buyDs, msg.sender, extraData);

    univ2Pair.swap(amount0out, amount1out, address(this), data);

function uniswapV2Call(address sender, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, bytes calldata data) external {
    (Id reserveId, uint256 dsId, bool buyDs, address caller, uint256 extraData) =
        abi.decode(data, (Id, uint256, bool, address, uint256));
    if (buyDs) {
    } else {
        uint256 amount = amount0 == 0 ? amount1 : amount0;

        __afterFlashswapSell(self, amount, reserveId, dsId, caller, extraData);

function __afterFlashswapSell(...) internal {
    IERC20(ra).safeTransfer(caller, raAttributed);


The FlashSwapRouter::__flashSwap() has to be modified to accept a caller argument, where it accepts either the msg.sender or owner(). In the flow of selling the reserve, it should send the Ra to the owner, which is the Vault.



This is a valid issue, though already fixed this prior to our trading competition. will provide links later

Issue H-8: Users redeeming early will withdraw Ra without decreasing the amount locked, which will lead to stolen funds when withdrawing after expiry


Found by

0x73696d616f, 0xNirix, KupiaSec, Matrox, dimulski, hunter_w3b, nikhil840096, oxelmiguel, vinica_boy


VaultLib::redeemEarly() is called when users redeem early via Vault::redeemEarlyLv(), which allows users to redeem Lv for Ra and pay a fee.

In the process, the Vault burns Ct and Ds in VaultLib::_redeemCtDsAndSellExcessCt() for Ra, by calling PsmLib::PsmLibrary.lvRedeemRaWithCtDs(). However, it never calls RedemptionAssetManagerLib::decLocked() to decrease the tracked locked Ra, but the Ra leaves the Vault for the user redeeming.

This means that when a new Ds is issued in the PsmLib or users call PsmLib::redeemWithCt(), PsmLib::_separateLiquidity() will be called and it will calculated the exchange rate to withdraw Ra and Pa as if the Ra amount withdrawn earlier was still there. When it calls self.psm.balances.ra.convertAllToFree(), it converts the locked amount to free and assumes these funds are available, when in reality they have been withdrawn earlier. As such, the Ra and Pa checkpoint will be incorrect and users will redeem more Ra than they should, such that the last users will not be able to withdraw and the first ones will profit.

Root Cause

In PsmLib.sol:125, self.psm.balances.ra.decLocked(amount); is not called.

Internal pre-conditions


External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. User calls Vault::redeemEarlyLv() or ModuleCore::issueNewDs() is called by the admin.


Users withdraw more funds then they should via PsmLib::redeemWithCt() meaning the last users can not withdraw.


PsmLib::lvRedeemRaWithCtDs() does not reduce the amount of Ra locked.

function lvRedeemRaWithCtDs(State storage self, uint256 amount, uint256 dsId) internal {
    DepegSwap storage ds = self.ds[dsId];


PsmLib::lvRedeemRaWithCtDs() must reduce the amount of Ra locked.

function lvRedeemRaWithCtDs(State storage self, uint256 amount, uint256 dsId) internal {
    DepegSwap storage ds = self.ds[dsId];



dup of #44 and related #156 . will fix

Issue H-9: VaultPoolLib::reserve() will store the Pa not attributed to user withdrawals incorrectly and leave in untracked once it expires again


Found by

0x73696d616f, 0xNirix, dimulski, sakshamguruji


VaultPoolLib::reserve() stores the Pa attributed to withdrawals in self.withdrawalPool.stagnatedPaBalance instead of storing the amount attributedToAmm. Additionally, this amount of Pa, the one attributed to the Amm is never dealt with and leads to stuck PA.

The comment in the code mentions

    // FIXME : this is only temporary, for now
    // we trate PA the same as RA, thus we also separate PA
    // the difference is the PA here isn't being used as anything
    // and for now will just sit there until rationed again at next expiry.

But it is incorrect as it is never rationed again, just forgotten. The VaultPoolLib::rationedToAmm() function only uses the Ra balance, not the Pa, which is effectively left untracked.

Root Cause

In VaultPoolLib:170, the leftover non attributed Pa is not dealt with.

Internal pre-conditions


External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. VaultPoolLib::reserve() is called when liquidating the lp position of the Vault via VaultLib::_liquidatedLP(), triggered by users when redeeming expired liquidity vault shares or on the admin trigerring a new issuance.


The Pa in the Vault is stuck.


VaultPoolLib::rationedToAmm() does not deal with the Pa.

function rationedToAmm(VaultPool storage self, uint256 ratio) internal view returns (uint256 ra, uint256 ct) {
    uint256 amount = self.ammLiquidityPool.balance;

    (ra, ct) = MathHelper.calculateProvideLiquidityAmountBasedOnCtPrice(amount, ratio);


Distributed the Pa to users based on their LV shares or redeem the Pa for Ra and add liquidity to the new issued Ds or similar.



valid. will fix

Issue H-10: The VaultLib.__liquidateUnchecked() function unnecessarily reorders the already correctly ordered values of raReceived and ctReceived from UniswapV2Router


Found by



The __liquidateUnchecked() function removes liquidity and receives the corresponding RA and CT from UniswapV2, returning the amounts of RA and CT received. When removing liquidity, the removeLiquidity() function of the UniswapV2Router returns raReceived and ctReceived, which are the exact amounts of RA and CT corresponding to the removed liquidity, regardless of the order of tokens RA and CT in the Uniswap pool. However, in the __liquidateUnchecked() function, these values are reordered as if they represent the received amounts of token0 and token1, assuming that token0 = CT and token1 = RA.

Vulnerability Detail

As noted in line 282 of the __liquidateUnchecked() function, the ammRouter.removeLiquidity() function returns two values: raReceived and ctReceived. These values represent the exact amounts of RA and CT received from the Uniswap pool, even in the case where token0 = CT and token1 = RA (see UniswapV2Router02.sol). Therefore, there is no need to reorder these values. However, at line 284, the function reorders them, assuming token0 = CT and token1 = RA. As a result, when token0 = CT and token1 = RA, the values of raReceived and ctReceived will be interchanged. This leads to incorrect behavior in the _liquidatedLp() function, which processes expired states when issuing new DS. Consequently, an incorrect RA amount is reserved in the reserve pool, potentially leading to a loss of RA for users.


    function __liquidateUnchecked(
        State storage self,
        address raAddress,
        address ctAddress,
        IUniswapV2Router02 ammRouter,
        IUniswapV2Pair ammPair,
        uint256 lp
    ) internal returns (uint256 raReceived, uint256 ctReceived) {
        ammPair.approve(address(ammRouter), lp);

        // amountAMin & amountBMin = 0 for 100% tolerence
        (raReceived, ctReceived) =
282         ammRouter.removeLiquidity(raAddress, ctAddress, lp, 0, 0, address(this), block.timestamp);

284     (raReceived, ctReceived) = MinimalUniswapV2Library.reverseSortWithAmount224(
            ammPair.token0(), ammPair.token1(), raAddress, ctAddress, raReceived, ctReceived

        self.vault.config.lpBalance -= lp;



    function removeLiquidity(
        address tokenA,
        address tokenB,
        uint liquidity,
        uint amountAMin,
        uint amountBMin,
        address to,
        uint deadline
    ) public virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (uint amountA, uint amountB) {
        address pair = UniswapV2Library.pairFor(factory, tokenA, tokenB);
        IUniswapV2Pair(pair).transferFrom(msg.sender, pair, liquidity); // send liquidity to pair
        (uint amount0, uint amount1) = IUniswapV2Pair(pair).burn(to);
        (address token0,) = UniswapV2Library.sortTokens(tokenA, tokenB);
@>      (amountA, amountB) = tokenA == token0 ? (amount0, amount1) : (amount1, amount0);
        require(amountA >= amountAMin, 'UniswapV2Router: INSUFFICIENT_A_AMOUNT');
        require(amountB >= amountBMin, 'UniswapV2Router: INSUFFICIENT_B_AMOUNT');


Loss of RA for users.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Eliminate the reordering.

    function __liquidateUnchecked(
        State storage self,
        address raAddress,
        address ctAddress,
        IUniswapV2Router02 ammRouter,
        IUniswapV2Pair ammPair,
        uint256 lp
    ) internal returns (uint256 raReceived, uint256 ctReceived) {
        ammPair.approve(address(ammRouter), lp);

        // amountAMin & amountBMin = 0 for 100% tolerence
        (raReceived, ctReceived) =
            ammRouter.removeLiquidity(raAddress, ctAddress, lp, 0, 0, address(this), block.timestamp);

-       (raReceived, ctReceived) = MinimalUniswapV2Library.reverseSortWithAmount224(
-           ammPair.token0(), ammPair.token1(), raAddress, ctAddress, raReceived, ctReceived
-       );

        self.vault.config.lpBalance -= lp;



yes this is valid and have been fixed prior to our trading competition. will provide links later

Issue M-1: Premature LV Redemption Leading to Asset Loss For user


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by

0xNirix, dimulski, hunter_w3b, oxelmiguel


According to the Cork protocol's litepaper, Liquidity Vault tokenholders can submit a withdrawal request prior to expiry, which will be processed at expiry and can be claimed by burning the Liquidity Vault Token. However, the current implementation allows users to call VaultCore::redeemExpiredLv before expiry, resulting in the complete loss of user funds.

Root Cause

In VaultLibrary::redeemExpired, if a user calls the function before the expiry and their userEligible balance is greater than or equal to the requested amount, the transaction proceeds without invoking _liquidatedLp(self, dsId, ammRouter, flashSwapRouter).

            uint256 dsId = self.globalAssetIdx;
            DepegSwap storage ds = self.ds[dsId];

            uint256 userEligible = self.vault.pool.withdrawEligible[owner];

            if (userEligible == 0 && !ds.isExpired()) {
                revert Unauthorized(owner);

            // user can only redeem up to the amount they requested, when there's a DS active
            // if there's no DS active, then there's no cap on the amount of LV that can be redeemed
            if (!ds.isExpired() && userEligible < amount) {
                revert InsufficientBalance(owner, amount, userEligible);

            if (ds.isExpired() && !self.vault.lpLiquidated.get(dsId)) {
                _liquidatedLp(self, dsId, ammRouter, flashSwapRouter);
                assert(self.vault.balances.ra.locked == 0);

Since this function (_liquidatedLp) is responsible for setting the exchange rates (withdrawalPool.raExchangeRate and withdrawalPool.paExchangeRate), these rates remain uninitialized (set to 0).

As a result, when calculating the user's allocated Redemption Asset (RA) and Pegged Asset (PA), the allocation is zero.

The function burns Liquidity Vault (LV) tokens, decreases userEligible, but sends 0 RA and PA to the user, leading to a complete loss of funds.


Users who attempt to call redeemExpiredLv before the Depeg Swap (DS) expiry risk losing all their funds.


Run the poc in test/contracts/LvCore.ts

 describe("LossFund", function () {
    it("call redeemExpiredLv before expiry ", async function () {

      const { Id, dsId } = await issueNewSwapAssets(expiry);

      let paBalance = await
      let rabalance = await[

      console.log("Ra balance of user before deposit ",rabalance);

      await moduleCore.write.depositLv([Id, depositAmount]);
      await moduleCore.write.depositLv([Id, depositAmount], {
        account: secondSigner.account,

      const msgPermit = await helper.permit({
        amount: depositAmount,
        psmAddress: moduleCore.address,
        signer: secondSigner,

      await moduleCore.write.requestRedemption(
        [Id, depositAmount, msgPermit, deadline],
          account: secondSigner.account,

      let lvBalance = await
        [Id, secondSigner.account.address],
          account: secondSigner.account,

      console.log("LV locked for user before request redemption ",lvBalance);

      await moduleCore.write.redeemExpiredLv(
        [Id, secondSigner.account.address, depositAmount],
          account: secondSigner.account,

      paBalance = await
      rabalance = await[

      lvBalance = await
        [Id, secondSigner.account.address],
          account: secondSigner.account,

      console.log("LV locked for user after redemption ", lvBalance);

      console.log("PA balance of user after redemption ", paBalance);
      console.log("RA balance of user after redemption ", rabalance);


Screenshot from 2024-09-04 18-47-09


The redeemExpired function is intended to be called at DS expiry. To prevent misuse, a simple fix would be to add a check to ensure it reverts when called before expiry. The redeemEarlyLv function already handles LV redemption before expiry. However, if the current behavior is intended, the internal function logic should be refactored to properly calculate and set the exchange rates even before expiry to avoid zero allocations and loss of user funds.



This is a valid bug, but we decided to remove this functionality altogether in favor of redeemEarly being the default, implication of this is that user can remove their liquidity at any moment with no fee and this simplifies the LV withdrawals logic

Issue M-2: If all LV tokens are requested for redeem, issuing new CT and DS tokens will revert


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by



The Corc protocol creates a pair for RA:PA tokens, and then can issue CT and DS tokens for that pair, which can be used for different purposes such as hedging against PA tokens deepening from the RA token. The CT and DS tokens have an expiration. Once they have expired the protocol admins can issue new CT and DS tokens via the ModuleCore::issueNewDs() function. However in some cases that won't be possible. The ModuleCore::issueNewDs() function calls a lot of functions that have to do with deploying asset contracts and setting up parameters, but the problem arises in the VaultLib::onNewIssuance() function, which calls the VaultLib::__provideAmmLiquidityFromPool() function:

    function __provideAmmLiquidityFromPool(
        State storage self,
        IDsFlashSwapCore flashSwapRouter,
        address ctAddress,
        IUniswapV2Router02 ammRouter
    ) internal {
        uint256 dsId = self.globalAssetIdx;

        uint256 ctRatio = __getAmmCtPriceRatio(self, flashSwapRouter, dsId);

        (uint256 ra, uint256 ct) = self.vault.pool.rationedToAmm(ctRatio);

        __provideLiquidity(self, ra, ct, flashSwapRouter, ctAddress, ammRouter, dsId);


There are several overengineered calls that first separate the liquidity for the previously expired CT and DS tokens, based on how much LV tokens users minted, and how much of those LV tokens were requested for withdrawal. If all of the users that minted LV tokens request to withdraw them, the internal call to VaultPoolLib::rationedToAmm() function will return 0. And when the contract tries to deposit 0 RA and 0 CT tokens to a newly created UniV2 Pair, the contract will revert due to underflow.

    function mint(address to) external lock returns (uint liquidity) {
        uint _totalSupply = totalSupply; // gas savings, must be defined here since totalSupply can update in _mintFee
        if (_totalSupply == 0) {
            liquidity = Math.sqrt(amount0.mul(amount1)).sub(MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY);
            _mint(address(0), MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY); // permanently lock the first MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY tokens
        } else {
            liquidity = Math.min(amount0.mul(_totalSupply) / _reserve0, amount1.mul(_totalSupply) / _reserve1);

All users requesting to redeem their LV in the same time frame is fairly possible scenario. Keep in mind that there is one LV token for a RA:PA pair, and several CT and DS tokens can be issued for a pair of RA:PA tokens. So it just may happens that at the 3rd issuing of CT and DS tokens, all users have requested to redeem their LV tokens.

Root Cause

In the VaultLib::__provideAmmLiquidityFromPool() function there is no check whether there is liquidity that can be provided to the newly created UniV2 pair.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. All the LV tokens that were minted by the system are requested for redemption.

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


The ModuleCore::issueNewDs() function is most critical function for the protocol, without it new DS and CT tokens can't be issued and the protocol becomes obsolete, simply redeploying the protocol won't fix this issue, as there can be other pairs for RA:PA tokens, and there can be tokens that users are still to reclaim, keep in mind that once CT and DS tokens have expired RA tokens that were deposited by users can still be withdrawn from users by calling the Psm::redeemWithCT() function and depositing CT tokens, that have already expired. Thus the medium severity.



After following the steps in the above mentioned gist add the following test to the AuditorTests.t.sol file:

    function test_IssuingNewDsWillRevertWhenNoLiquidityCanBeProvided() public {
        vm.startPrank(alice);, 10e18);
        WETH.approve(address(moduleCore), type(uint256).max);
        moduleCore.depositLv(id, 10e18);
        Asset(lvAddress).approve(address(moduleCore), type(uint256).max);
        moduleCore.requestRedemption(id, 10e18);

        vm.startPrank(bob);, 10e18);
        WETH.approve(address(moduleCore), type(uint256).max);
        moduleCore.depositPsm(id, 10e18);

        vm.startPrank(tom);, 10e18);
        WETH.approve(address(moduleCore), type(uint256).max);
        moduleCore.depositLv(id, 10e18);
        Asset(lvAddress).approve(address(moduleCore), type(uint256).max);
        moduleCore.requestRedemption(id, 10e18);

        /// @notice skip 1100 seconds so that the CT and DS tokens are expired

        corkConfig.issueNewDs(id, block.timestamp + expiry, 1e18, 5e18);

To run the test use: forge test -vvv --mt test_IssuingNewDsWillRevertWhenNoLiquidityCanBeProvided


In the VaultLib::__provideAmmLiquidityFromPool() function first check whether there is liquidity that can be provided.



This is a valid issue, though there's an update in which we removed all the functionality related to the expiry redemption in the LV(all of withdrawal is done through redeemEarly). so won't fix

Issue M-3: Wrong accounting of locked RA when repurchasing DS+PA with RA


Found by

0x73696d616f, KupiaSec, dimulski, sakshamguruji, vinica_boy


Users have the option to repurchase DS + PA by providing RA to the PSM. A portion of the RA provided is taken as a fee, and this fee is used to mint CT + DS for providing liquidity to the AMM pair.

Vulnerability Detail

NOTE: Currently PsmLib.sol incorrectly uses lockUnchecked() for the amount of RA provided by the user. As discussed with sponsor it should be lockFrom() in order to account for the RA provided.

After initially locking the RA provided, part of this amount is used to provide liquidity to the AMM via VaultLibrary.provideLiquidityWithFee()

function repurchase(
        State storage self,
        address buyer,
        uint256 amount,
        IDsFlashSwapCore flashSwapRouter,
        IUniswapV2Router02 ammRouter
    ) internal returns (uint256 dsId, uint256 received, uint256 feePrecentage, uint256 fee, uint256 exchangeRates) {
        DepegSwap storage ds;

        (dsId, received, feePrecentage, fee, exchangeRates, ds) = previewRepurchase(self, amount);

        // decrease PSM balance
        // we also include the fee here to separate the accumulated fee from the repurchase
        self.psm.balances.paBalance -= (received);
        self.psm.balances.dsBalance -= (received);

        // transfer user RA to the PSM/LV
        // @audit-issue shouldnt it be lock checked, deposit -> redeemWithDs -> repurchase - locked would be 0
        self.psm.balances.ra.lockUnchecked(amount, buyer);

        // transfer user attrubuted DS + PA
        // PA
        (, address pa) =;
        IERC20(pa).safeTransfer(buyer, received);

        // DS
        IERC20(ds._address).transfer(buyer, received);

        // Provide liquidity
        VaultLibrary.provideLiquidityWithFee(self, fee, flashSwapRouter, ammRouter);

provideLiqudityWithFee internally uses __provideLiquidityWithRatio() which calculates the amount of RA that should be used to mint CT+DS in order to be able to provide liquidity.

function __provideLiquidityWithRatio(
        State storage self,
        uint256 amount,
        IDsFlashSwapCore flashSwapRouter,
        address ctAddress,
        IUniswapV2Router02 ammRouter
    ) internal returns (uint256 ra, uint256 ct) {
        uint256 dsId = self.globalAssetIdx;

        uint256 ctRatio = __getAmmCtPriceRatio(self, flashSwapRouter, dsId);

        (ra, ct) = MathHelper.calculateProvideLiquidityAmountBasedOnCtPrice(amount, ctRatio);

        __provideLiquidity(self, ra, ct, flashSwapRouter, ctAddress, ammRouter, dsId);

__provideLiquidity() uses PsmLibrary.unsafeIssueToLv() to account the RA locked.

function __provideLiquidity(
        State storage self,
        uint256 raAmount,
        uint256 ctAmount,
        IDsFlashSwapCore flashSwapRouter,
        address ctAddress,
        IUniswapV2Router02 ammRouter,
        uint256 dsId
    ) internal {
        // no need to provide liquidity if the amount is 0
        if (raAmount == 0 && ctAmount == 0) {

        PsmLibrary.unsafeIssueToLv(self, ctAmount);

        __addLiquidityToAmmUnchecked(self, raAmount, ctAmount,, ctAddress, ammRouter);

        _addFlashSwapReserve(self, flashSwapRouter, self.ds[dsId], ctAmount);

RA locked is incremented with the amount of CT tokens minted.

function unsafeIssueToLv(State storage self, uint256 amount) internal {
        uint256 dsId = self.globalAssetIdx;

        DepegSwap storage ds = self.ds[dsId];


        ds.issue(address(this), amount);

Consider the following scenario: For simplicity the minted values in the example may not be accurate, but the idea is to show the wrong accounting of locked RA.

  1. PSM has 1000 RA locked.
  2. Alice repurchase 100 DS+PA with providing 100 RA and we have fee=5% making the fee = 5
  3. PSM will have 1100 RA locked and ra.locked would be 1100 also.
  4. In __provideLiquidity() let say 3 of those 5 RA are used to mint CT+DS.
  5. PsmLibrary.unsafeIssueToLv() would add 3 RA to the locked amount, making the psm.balances.ra.locked = 1103 while the real balance would still be 1100.


Wrong accounting of locked RA would lead to over-distribution of rewards for users + after time last users to redeem might not be able to redeem as there wont be enough RA in the contract due to previous over-distribution. This breaks a core functionality of the protocol and the likelihood of this happening is very high, making the overall severity High.

Code Snippet


Tool used

Manual Review


Consider either not accounting for the fee used to mint CT+DS as it is already accounted or do not initially account for the fee when users provide RA.



This is a valid issue, will fix by not accounting the fee when users provide RA

Issue M-4: Admin new issuance or user calling Vault::redeemExpiredLv() after Psm::redeemWithCt() will lead to stuck funds when trying to withdraw


Found by



VaultLib::_liquidatedLp() calls PsmLib::lvRedeemRaWithCtDs(), which redeems ra with ct and ds. However, if PsmLib::_separateLiquidity() has already been called, this will lead to an incorrect tracking of funds as PsmLib::_separateLiquidity() checkpointed the total supply of ct, but the Vault will redeem some of it using PsmLib::lvRedeemRaWithCtDs(), leading to some pa that will never be withdrawn and the vault withdraws too many Ra, which means users will not be able to redeem their ct for ra and pa as ra has been withdrawn already and it reverts.

Root Cause

In VaultLib.sol:377, it calls PsmLib::lvRedeemRaWithCtDs() even if PsmLib::_separateLiquidity() has already been called. It should skip it in this case.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. PsmLib::_separateLiquidity() needs to be called before VaultLib::_liquidatedLp(), which may be done on a new issuance when the admin calls ModuleCore::issueNewDs() or by users calling Psm::redeemWithCT() before Vault::redeemExpiredLv().

External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. Admin calls ModuleCore::issueNewDs(). Or users call Psm::redeemWithCT() before Vault::redeemExpiredLv().


As the Vault withdraws Ra after the checkpoint and burns the corresponding Ct tokens, it will withdraw too many ra and not withdraw the pa it was entitled to.


ModuleCore::issueNewDs() calls PsmLib::onNewIssuance() before VaultLib::onNewIssuance() always triggering this bug.

function issueNewDs(Id id, uint256 expiry, uint256 exchangeRates, uint256 repurchaseFeePrecentage)
    PsmLibrary.onNewIssuance(state, ct, ds, ammPair, idx, prevIdx, repurchaseFeePrecentage);

    getRouterCore().onNewIssuance(id, idx, ds, ammPair, 0, ra, ct);

    VaultLibrary.onNewIssuance(state, prevIdx, getRouterCore(), getAmmRouter());

PsmLib::_separateLiquidity() checkpoints ra and pa based on ct supply:

function _separateLiquidity(State storage self, uint256 prevIdx) internal {
    self.psm.poolArchive[prevIdx] = PsmPoolArchive(availableRa, availablePa, IERC20(ds.ct).totalSupply());

VaultLib::_liquidatedLp() redeems ra with ct and ds when it should have skipped it has liquidity has already been checkpointed in PsmLib::_separateLiquidity().

function _liquidatedLp(
    State storage self,
    uint256 dsId,
    IUniswapV2Router02 ammRouter,
    IDsFlashSwapCore flashSwapRouter
) internal {
    PsmLibrary.lvRedeemRaWithCtDs(self, redeemAmount, dsId);

    // if the reserved DS is more than the CT that's available from liquidating the AMM LP
    // then there's no CT we can use to effectively redeem RA + PA from the PSM
    uint256 ctAttributedToPa = reservedDs >= ctAmm ? 0 : ctAmm - reservedDs;

    uint256 psmPa;
    uint256 psmRa;

    if (ctAttributedToPa != 0) {
        (psmPa, psmRa) = PsmLibrary.lvRedeemRaPaWithCt(self, ctAttributedToPa, dsId);

    psmRa += redeemAmount;

    self.vault.pool.reserve(, raAmm + psmRa, psmPa);


If the liquidity has been separated, skip redeeming ra for ct and ds.

function _liquidatedLp(
    State storage self,
    uint256 dsId,
    IUniswapV2Router02 ammRouter,
    IDsFlashSwapCore flashSwapRouter
) internal {
    if (!self.psm.liquiditySeparated.get(prevIdx)) {
        PsmLibrary.lvRedeemRaWithCtDs(self, redeemAmount, dsId);



related to #44, the function that's problematic here is PsmLibrary::lvRedeemRaWithCtDs. will fix

Issue M-5: Possibility of DoS when issuing new DS


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by

0x73696d616f, vinica_boy


Smart contracts can be created both by other contracts and by regular accounts. In both cases, the address for the new contract is computed the same way: as a function of the sender’s own address and a nonce. Every account has an associated nonce: for regular accounts it is increased on every transaction, while for contract accounts it is increased on every contract creation. Nonces cannot be reused, and they must be sequential. This means it is possible to predict the address where the next created contract will be deployed

When new DS is issued via ModuleCore.issueNewDs(), the DS and CT token contracts are deployed using the standard create opcode. The address of these new contracts are deterministically generated based on new_address = hash(sender, nonce). The CT contract address will be used to create a new AMM pair. If an attempt is made to create a pair for RA and CT that already exists, the transaction will revert, as a pair for these specific token addresses cannot be duplicated.

Vulnerability Detail

Since Ethereum mainnet has a public mempool, an attacker can monitor when the protocol admin is about to issue a new DS. By calculating the addresses of the newly created CT and DS tokens (which are deterministic based on the sender and nonce), the attacker can front-run the transaction and create the AMM pair for these tokens before the protocol does. This would cause the line address ammPair = getAmmFactory().createPair(ra, ct); to revert, as the pair already exists.

To counter this, the protocol would need to increment its nonce by calling ModuleCore.initialize(), which deploys a new Liquidity Vault to change the nonce. However, the attacker can repeat this process indefinitely, creating the pair before the protocol does each time. Since the cost of issuing a new vault and creating a DS is higher than the attacker’s gas cost to create a new pair, the attacker could exploit this repeatedly.

Another scenario involves the attacker preemptively deploying a large number of AMM pairs with potential future DS and CT addresses (based on predicted nonces). This would force the protocol to spend even more gas incrementing the nonce multiple times by initializing new vaults until it reaches a nonce that hasn't been used by the attacker. This significantly increases the gas costs and complexity for the protocol to issue new DS tokens.

issueNewDs() uses to AssetFactory's deploysSwapAssets()

function issueNewDs(Id id, uint256 expiry, uint256 exchangeRates, uint256 repurchaseFeePrecentage)
        if (repurchaseFeePrecentage > 5 ether) {
            revert InvalidFees();
        State storage state = states[id];

        address ra =;

        uint256 prevIdx = state.globalAssetIdx++;
        uint256 idx = state.globalAssetIdx;

        (address ct, address ds) = IAssetFactory(SWAP_ASSET_FACTORY).deploySwapAssets(
            ra,, address(this), expiry, exchangeRates

        // This would fail if there is already created pair for the RA and CT addresses
        address ammPair = getAmmFactory().createPair(ra, ct);

        PsmLibrary.onNewIssuance(state, ct, ds, ammPair, idx, prevIdx, repurchaseFeePrecentage);

        getRouterCore().onNewIssuance(id, idx, ds, ammPair, 0, ra, ct);

        VaultLibrary.onNewIssuance(state, prevIdx, getRouterCore(), getAmmRouter());

        emit Issued(id, idx, expiry, ds, ct, ammPair);
function deploySwapAssets(address ra, address pa, address owner, uint256 expiry, uint256 psmExchangeRate)
        returns (address ct, address ds)
        Pair memory asset = Pair(pa, ra);

        // prevent deploying a swap asset of a non existent pair, logically won't ever happen
        // just to be safe
        if (lvs[asset.toId()] == address(0)) {
            revert NotExist(ra, pa);

        string memory pairname = string(abi.encodePacked(Asset(ra).name(), "-", Asset(pa).name()));

        ct = address(new Asset(CT_PREFIX, pairname, owner, expiry, psmExchangeRate));
        ds = address(new Asset(DS_PREFIX, pairname, owner, expiry, psmExchangeRate));

        swapAssets[Pair(pa, ra).toId()].push(Pair(ct, ds));

        deployed[ct] = true;
        deployed[ds] = true;

        emit AssetDeployed(ra, ct, ds);


This can lead to complete DoS for the system and lock of funds for users who have decided to not redeem their rewards in the expired DS period. As there is no direct incentive for the attacker, the likelihood of this happening is Low, but the impact would be high because of the consequences described in the previous sentence, making the overall severity medium.

Code Snippet

ModuleCore.initialNewDS(): AssetFactory.deploySwapAssets() AssetFactory.deployLv():

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider this scenario that pair may have already been created and use try/catch when trying to deploy new pair.



As of now, we've updated the contracts and removed expiry redemption for LV. in this case, CT user can still withdraws their share of RA so no problem there. while this is valid and following our contract update, we won't fix this

Issue M-6: Admin will not be able to only pause deposits in the Vault due to incorrect check leading to DoSed withdrawals


Found by

0x73696d616f, 404Notfound, 4gontuk, Abhan1041, KupiaSec, Pro_King, Smacaud, Trooper, durov, hunter_w3b, korok, mladenov, octeezy, ravikiran.web3, tinnohofficial, tmotfl, ydlee, yovchev_yoan


The modifier LVDepositNotPaused in Vault::depositLv() checks states[id].vault.config.isWithdrawalPaused instead of states[id].vault.config.isDepositPaused, which means deposits will only be paused if withdrawals are paused, DoSing withdrawals.

Root Cause

In ModuleState:109, it checks states[id].vault.config.isWithdrawalPaused when it should check states[id].vault.config.isDepositPaused.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. Admin pauses deposits.

External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. Admin sets deposits paused, but deposits are not actually paused due to the incorrect modifier.
  2. Admin either leaves deposits unpaused or pauses both deposits and withdrawals, DoSing withdrawals.


Admin is not able to pause deposits alone which would lead to loss of funds as this is an emergency mechanism. If the admin wants to pause deposits, withdrawals would also have to be paused, DoSing withdrawals.


ModuleState::LVDepositNotPaused() is incorrect:

modifier LVDepositNotPaused(Id id) {
    if (states[id].vault.config.isWithdrawalPaused) { //@audit isDepositPaused
        revert LVDepositPaused();


ModuleState::LVDepositNotPaused() should be:

modifier LVDepositNotPaused(Id id) {
    if (states[id].vault.config.isDepositPaused) {
        revert LVDepositPaused();



will fix

Issue M-7: Admin will not be able to upgrade the smart contracts, breaking core functionality and rendering the upgradeable contracts useless


Found by

0x73696d616f, MadSisyphus, dimulski


The AssetFactory and FlashSwapRouter inherit the UUPSUpgradeable contract in order to be upgradeable. However, AssetFactory::initialize(), FlashSwapRouter::initialize(), AssetFactory::_authorizeUpgrade() and FlashSwapRouter::_authorizeUpgrade() have the notDelegated, which means they can not be called in the context of a proxy, hence they can not be upgradeable.

This renders the inherited UUPSUpgradeable useless and the 2 contracts will not be upgradeable. Additionally, the AssetFactory and FlashSwapRouter contracts are not deployed behind proxies, meaning that this problem would be noticed when trying to upgrade and failing.

Root Cause

In AssetFactory.sol:48, AssetFactory.sol:195, FlashSwapRouter.sol:32 and FlashSwapRouter.sol:41 the notDelegated modifiers are used.

Internal pre-conditions


External pre-conditions


Attack Path

Admin tries to upgrade the AssetFactory and FlashSwapRouter contracts but fails.


The UUPSUpgradeable contract is rendered useless, which means the AssetFactory and FlashSwapRouter contracts can not be upgraded. This leads to breaking major functionality as well as the possibility of stuck/lost funds.



contract RouterState is IDsFlashSwapUtility, IDsFlashSwapCore, OwnableUpgradeable, UUPSUpgradeable, IUniswapV2Callee {
    function initialize(address moduleCore, address _univ2Router) external initializer notDelegated {

        univ2Router = IUniswapV2Router02(_univ2Router);
    function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal override onlyOwner notDelegated {}


contract AssetFactory is IAssetFactory, OwnableUpgradeable, UUPSUpgradeable {
    function initialize(address moduleCore) external initializer notDelegated {
    function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal override onlyOwner notDelegated {}


Remove the notDelegated modifiers.



yes this is valid, we already removed this prior to our trading competition. will provide links later

Issue M-8: Withdrawing all lv before expiry will lead to lost funds in the Vault


Found by

0x73696d616f, NoOne, dimulski


VaultLib:redeemEarly() redeems users' liquidity vault positions, lv for Ra, before expiry. After expiry, it is not possible to deposit into the vault or redeem early.

Whenever all users redeem early, when it gets to the expiry date, VaultLib::_liquidatedLp() is called to remove the lp position from the AMM into Ra and Ct (redeem from the PSM into more Ra and Pa) and split among all lv holders.

However, as the total supply of lv is 0 due to users having redeemed all their positions via VaultLib::redeemEarly(), when it gets to VaultPoolLib::reserve(), it reverts due to a division by 0 error, never allowing the Vault::_liquidatedLp() call to go through.

As the Ds has expired, it is also not possible to deposit into it to increase the lv supply, so all funds are forever stuck.

Root Cause

In MathHelper:134, the ratePerLv reverts due to division by 0. It should calculate the rate after the return guard that checks if the totalLvIssued == 0.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. All users must redeem early.

External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. All users redeem early via Vault::redeemEarlyLv().
  2. The Ds expires and there is no lv tokens, making all funds stuck.


All funds are stuck.


The MathHelper separates liquidity by calculating first the ratePerLv, which will trigger a division by 0 revert.

function separateLiquidity(uint256 totalAmount, uint256 totalLvIssued, uint256 totalLvWithdrawn)
    returns (uint256 attributedWithdrawal, uint256 attributedAmm, uint256 ratePerLv)
    // with 1e18 precision
    ratePerLv = ((totalAmount * 1e18) / totalLvIssued);

    // attribute all to AMM if no lv issued or withdrawn
    if (totalLvIssued == 0 || totalLvWithdrawn == 0) {
        return (0, totalAmount, ratePerLv);


The MathHelper should place the return guard first:

function separateLiquidity(uint256 totalAmount, uint256 totalLvIssued, uint256 totalLvWithdrawn)
    returns (uint256 attributedWithdrawal, uint256 attributedAmm, uint256 ratePerLv)
    // attribute all to AMM if no lv issued or withdrawn
    if (totalLvIssued == 0 || totalLvWithdrawn == 0) {
        return (0, totalAmount, 0);
    // with 1e18 precision
    ratePerLv = ((totalAmount * 1e18) / totalLvIssued);



1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

tsvetanovv commented:

Borderline Low/Medium


This is valid. will fix

Issue M-9: Rebasing tokens are not supported contrary to the readme and will lead to loss of funds


The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by

0x73696d616f, Kirkeelee, dimulski, sakshamguruji


The readme states that rebasing tokens are supported

Rebasing tokens are supported with exchange rate mechanism

However, only non rebasing tokens such as the wrapped version wsteth are supposed. If stETH is used, it will accrue value in the Psm and Vault (technically they are the same contract) which will be left untracked as Ra and Pa deposits are tracked in state variables.

Root Cause

The code does not handle rebasing tokens even though the readme says it does. The exchange rate mechanism only supports non rebasing tokens such as wsteth.

Internal pre-conditions


External pre-conditions


Attack Path

Admin creates steth pairs using it as Ra or Pa, whose value will grow in the protocol but left untracked as the quantites are tracked with state variables.


Stuck yield accruel in the Vault/Psm contracts.


State.sol tracks the balances:

struct Balances {
    PsmRedemptionAssetManager ra;
    uint256 dsBalance;
    uint256 ctBalance;
    uint256 paBalance;


Don't set rebasing tokens are Ra or Pa or implement a way to sync the balances.



this is intended as there's no easy way to sync balance between psm and vault since when we sync we have to somehow calculate the virtual reserves of each PSM and Vault from the total shares that the contract holds. so won't fix

Issue M-10: Providing liquidity to the AMM does not check the return value of actually provided tokens leading to locked funds.


Found by

0x73696d616f, vinica_boy


When providing liquidity to an AMM pair, the protocol specifies both the desired amount of tokens to be provided and a minimum amount to be accepted. Any difference between the two—meaning the amount not used by the AMM—should be properly accounted for within the protocol, as it is not taken by the AMM.

Vulnerability Detail

The __addLiquidityToAmmUnchecked function is used to provide liquidity to the RA:CT AMM pair. In the current implementation, raTolerance and ctTolerance are calculated based on the reserves of the pair during the current transaction with 1% slippage tolerance. The amounts to be provided are determined by the current price ratio in the pair, which ensures that the amounts are almost always exactly what the AMM expects to maintain the X * Y = K constant product formula.

function __addLiquidityToAmmUnchecked(
        State storage self,
        uint256 raAmount,
        uint256 ctAmount,
        address raAddress,
        address ctAddress,
        IUniswapV2Router02 ammRouter
    ) internal {
        (uint256 raTolerance, uint256 ctTolerance) =
            MathHelper.calculateWithTolerance(raAmount, ctAmount, MathHelper.UNIV2_STATIC_TOLERANCE);

        ERC20(raAddress).approve(address(ammRouter), raAmount);
        ERC20(ctAddress).approve(address(ammRouter), ctAmount);

        (address token0, address token1, uint256 token0Amount, uint256 token1Amount) =
            MinimalUniswapV2Library.sortTokensUnsafeWithAmount(raAddress, ctAddress, raAmount, ctAmount);
        (,, uint256 token0Tolerance, uint256 token1Tolerance) =
            MinimalUniswapV2Library.sortTokensUnsafeWithAmount(raAddress, ctAddress, raTolerance, ctTolerance);

        (,, uint256 lp) = ammRouter.addLiquidity(
            token0, token1, token0Amount, token1Amount, token0Tolerance, token1Tolerance, address(this), block.timestamp

        self.vault.config.lpBalance += lp;

The current implementation does not check the actual amounts used by the AMM when providing liquidity. As a result, small differences (1-2 wei of the corresponding token) between the provided amount and the actual amount used by the AMM may remain locked in the contract. These differences arise from rounding in the RA:CT price ratio calculations and the corresponding amounts that should be provided. Over time, these small discrepancies could accumulate, leading to higher amount of locked tokens in the contract.


Adjust the __addLiquidityToAmmUnchecked() function to:

function __addLiquidityToAmmUnchecked(
        State storage self,
        uint256 raAmount,
        uint256 ctAmount,
        address raAddress,
        address ctAddress,
        IUniswapV2Router02 ammRouter
    ) internal {
        (uint256 raTolerance, uint256 ctTolerance) =
            MathHelper.calculateWithTolerance(raAmount, ctAmount, MathHelper.UNIV2_STATIC_TOLERANCE);

        ERC20(raAddress).approve(address(ammRouter), raAmount);
        ERC20(ctAddress).approve(address(ammRouter), ctAmount);

        (address token0, address token1, uint256 token0Amount, uint256 token1Amount) =
            MinimalUniswapV2Library.sortTokensUnsafeWithAmount(raAddress, ctAddress, raAmount, ctAmount);
        (,, uint256 token0Tolerance, uint256 token1Tolerance) =
            MinimalUniswapV2Library.sortTokensUnsafeWithAmount(raAddress, ctAddress, raTolerance, ctTolerance);

        uint256 lp;
        // add one more block to avoid stack too deep errors
            uint256 actual0;
            uint256 actual1;
            (actual0, actual1, lp) = ammRouter.addLiquidity(
                token0, token1, token0Amount, token1Amount, token0Tolerance, token1Tolerance, address(this), block.timestamp
            if(actual0 != token0Amount || actual1 != token1Amount){
        self.vault.config.lpBalance += lp;

Running the tests with the following function would result in some tests failing due to this difference in provided and used amounts.


The impact of these small amounts of locked funds is not significant on their own, but due to the compound effect over time and the high likelihood of this happening with each liquidity provision, the overall severity of the issue should be considered Medium.

Code Snippet


Tool used

Manual Review


To handle the small differences between the provided and actual amounts used by the AMM, the return values of the addLiquidity() function should be checked, as shown in the adjusted __addLiquidityToAmmUnchecked() function. This allows the protocol to detect any discrepancies and take appropriate action.

Depending on the protocol's decision, these leftover funds can either be:



yes this is valid and have been fixed, will provide the fix links later

Issue M-11: Malicious actor will frontrun user redeeming early permit call and DoS the user from withdrawing, being problematic whenever it's close to expiry


Found by



VaultLib::redeemEarly(), PsmLib::redeemRaWithCtDs() and PsmLib::redeemWithDs() allow users to redeem lv and Ra, respectively, before expiry. These functions implement permit functionality to allow users to redeem in 1 transaction. However, the permit may be frontrun by an attacker monitoring transactions who will call the permit function itself in the Asset contract, DoSing the redeem call.

Both these functions are time sensitive because they can only be performed before the expiry date of the Ds token. This means that if the attack occurs close to the expiry date, the user would not be able to redeem the assets in this way and would have to redeem with ct or VaultLib::redeemExpired(), taking losses.

Root Cause

In VaultLib:651 and PsmLib:376,207,208, the permit may be frontrun and DoSed right before expiry.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. User calls VaultLib::redeemEarly(), PsmLib::redeemRaWithCtDs() and PsmLib::redeemWithDs() a few blocks before expiry.

External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. User calls VaultLib::redeemEarly(), PsmLib::redeemRaWithCtDs() and PsmLib::redeemWithDs() a few blocks before expiry.
  2. Attacker frontruns and spends the permit, DoSing the functions.
  3. The user would not be able to redeem with these functions, taking losses.


User is DoSed from redeeming and takes losses.


Check the links to confirm the permit is always called, which may revert if the attacker frontruns it.


Implement a try catch in the permit such that if an attacker maliciously frontruns with a permit call, the transaction would still go through.



valid. will fix