sherlock-audit / 2024-08-sentiment-v2-judging

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cawfree - Liquidators Are Incentivised To Create Imaginary Borrow Debt #80

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 1 month ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago



Liquidators Are Incentivised To Create Imaginary Borrow Debt


Liquidators have the freedom to control how many borrow shares are burned from a position during liquidation, regardless of the underlying capital that is taken.

This allows liquidators to liquidate positions but leave them in a state that they continue to grow unhealthy, even though all outstanding debts have been repaid.

Vulnerability Detail

When liquidating a risky position via liquidate, the liquidator has the freedom to specify the to be taken from the position (assetData) independently of the outstanding debt that is processed (debtData):

/// @notice Liquidate an unhealthy position
/// @param position Position address
/// @param debtData DebtData object for debts to be repaid
/// @param assetData AssetData object for assets to be seized
function liquidate(
    address position,
    DebtData[] calldata debtData, /// @audit debtData_and_assetData_are_independent_of_one_another
    AssetData[] calldata assetData
) external nonReentrant {
    riskEngine.validateLiquidation(position, debtData, assetData);

    // liquidate
    _transferAssetsToLiquidator(position, assetData);
    _repayPositionDebt(position, debtData);

    // position should be within risk thresholds after liquidation
    if (!riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(position)) revert PositionManager_HealthCheckFailed(position);
    emit Liquidation(position, msg.sender, ownerOf[position]);

Due to insufficient validation, there is a discontinuity between the number of assets that are taken from a position versus the underlying shares that are burned.

We can demonstrate that due to this inconsistency, a liquidator can liquidate a position and has the power to control whether to burn all the outstanding borrows (i.e. make the position healthy again) or liquidate the same amount of assets but leave outstanding borrows (i.e. make the position healthy again but allow it to continue to grow unhealthy post liquidation, even though all obligations have been fully repaid).

In both instances, although all of debt is repaid, the liquidator can control the amount of borrow shares remaining; thus they can fully liquidate a position but allow the position to grow more unhealthy as a means of value extraction.


To verify the following proof of concept, copy the testLiquidateUnfairly function to test/LiquidationTest.t.sol:

/// @notice The liquidator can leave outstanding debt obligations
/// @notice for fully-repaid loans.
function testLiquidateUnfairly() public {

    /// @notice The environment variable `SHOULD_LIQUIDATE_UNFAIRLY` can
    /// @notice can be used to toggle between the different cases:
    bool shouldLiquidateUnfairly = vm.envExists("SHOULD_LIQUIDATE_UNFAIRLY")
        && vm.envBool("SHOULD_LIQUIDATE_UNFAIRLY");

    /// @dev Prepare assets for the two users:, 200e18);, 200e18);

        asset2.approve(address(positionManager), type(uint256).max);

    /// @dev Create positions for both users.
    (address userPosition, Action memory userAction)
        = newPosition(user, bytes32(uint256(0x123456789)));

    /// @dev Let's also assume the pool has deep liquidity:
        asset1.approve(address(pool), type(uint256).max);
        pool.deposit(fixedRatePool, 100e18, lender);

    /// @dev Let's create a borrow positions for the `user`:
    Action[] memory actions = new Action[](4);
            actions[0] = userAction;
            actions[1] = deposit(address(asset2), 1e18);
            actions[2] = addToken(address(asset2));
            actions[3] = borrow(fixedRatePool, 0.5e18);
            positionManager.processBatch(userPosition, actions);

    /// @dev Created position is healthy:

    /// @dev Okay, let's assume due to market conditions,
    /// @dev asset2 deprecations and the position has become
    /// @dev liquidatable:
        riskEngine.setOracle(address(asset2), address(new FixedPriceOracle(0.99e18))); // 1 asset2 = 0.99 eth

    /// @dev Created position is unhealthy:

    (uint256 totalAssetValue, uint256 totalDebtValue, uint256 minReqAssetValue) = riskEngine.getRiskData(userPosition);

            ? "Liquidating unfairly..."
            : "Liquidating fairly..."

    uint256 positionShortfall = minReqAssetValue - totalAssetValue;
    assertEq(positionShortfall, 10000000000000000);

    /// @dev Liquidate the `userPosition`., 100 ether);
        asset1.approve(address(positionManager), type(uint256).max);

        /// @notice Initial Liquidator Balances:
        assertEq(asset1.balanceOf(liquidator), 100000000000000000000);
        assertEq(asset2.balanceOf(liquidator), 0);

        /// @notice Initial Position Balances:
        assertEq(asset1.balanceOf(userPosition), 500000000000000000);
        assertEq(asset2.balanceOf(userPosition), 1000000000000000000);
        assertEq(protocol.pool().getBorrowsOf(fixedRatePool, userPosition), 500000000000000000);

            // construct liquidator data
            DebtData[] memory debts = new DebtData[](1);
            debts[0] = DebtData({
                poolId: fixedRatePool,
                /// @notice In the fair case, the liquidator takes `500000000000000000`
                /// @notice borrow shares (`getBorrowsOf`). In the unfair case, the
                /// @notice liquidator need only take `10000000000000000`:
                amt: shouldLiquidateUnfairly ? 10000000000000000 : type(uint256).max
            AssetData[] memory assets = new AssetData[](1);
            assets[0] = AssetData({ asset: address(asset2), amt: positionShortfall });
            positionManager.liquidate(userPosition, debts, assets);

        assertTrue(riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(userPosition)) /* @notice Position is healthy immediately after. */;

        /// @notice First, notice the position's underlying assets are
        /// @notice liquidated identically for both the unfair liquidation
        /// @notice and the fair liquidation. This means in both instances,
        /// @notice all outstanding debt is repaid.
        assertEq(asset1.balanceOf(userPosition), 500000000000000000);
        assertEq(asset2.balanceOf(userPosition), 990000000000000000);

            protocol.pool().getBorrowsOf(fixedRatePool, userPosition),
            /// @notice However, the unfair liquidation left outstanding borrow
            /// @notice shares even though the underlying assets were liquidated
            /// @notice consistently:
            shouldLiquidateUnfairly ? 490000000000000000 : 0

        /// @notice When liquidating unfairly by leaving bad shares, the
        /// @notice liquidator spends less `asset1` in the process. This means
        /// @notice the protocol actually incentivises liquidators to act
        /// @notice maliciously:
                ? 99990000000000000000 /// @audit The liquidator is charged less for leaving outstanding borrow shares.
                : 99500000000000000000

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 24 hours);

        /// @notice If the liquidator operates maliciously, the position
        /// @notice is unfairly liable to more liquidations as time progresses:
        assertEq(riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(userPosition), !shouldLiquidateUnfairly);
                    "One day after liquidation, the position is ",
                    riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(userPosition) ? "healthy" : "unhealthy",


Then run using:

SHOULD_LIQUIDATE_UNFAIRLY=false forge test --match-test "testLiquidateUnfairly" -vv # Happy path
SHOULD_LIQUIDATE_UNFAIRLY=true forge test --match-test "testLiquidateUnfairly" -vv # Malicious path

This confirms that liquidators have the choice to leave outstanding borrow shares on liquidated positions, even though for the exact same liquidation of assets, the position could have been left with zero outstanding borrow shares.

Additionally, we show that the liquidator actually returns less asset1 to the pool, even though they are redeeming the same amount of underlying asset2 from the liquidated position.


Due to the monetary incentives, it is actually more rational for liquidators to liquidate positions unfairly.

This undermines the safety of all borrowers.

Additionally, imaginary borrow debt will prevent borrowers from being able to withdraw their own funds, even though all their debt was fairly repaid. Since the position's collateral cannot be withdrawn due to these imaginary outstanding borrow shares, this permits the malicious liquidator to repeatedly liquidate the position.

We can also anticipate that this debt would grow quite quickly, since the PoC demonstrates that after repaying all debt, the malicious liquidator can force the position into retaining 490000000000000000 / 500000000000000000 (98%) of the original borrow obligation.

Code Snippet

/// @notice Liquidate an unhealthy position
/// @param position Position address
/// @param debtData DebtData object for debts to be repaid
/// @param assetData AssetData object for assets to be seized
function liquidate(
    address position,
    DebtData[] calldata debtData,
    AssetData[] calldata assetData
) external nonReentrant {
    riskEngine.validateLiquidation(position, debtData, assetData);

    // liquidate
    _transferAssetsToLiquidator(position, assetData);
    _repayPositionDebt(position, debtData);

    // position should be within risk thresholds after liquidation
    if (!riskEngine.isPositionHealthy(position)) revert PositionManager_HealthCheckFailed(position);
    emit Liquidation(position, msg.sender, ownerOf[position]);

Tool used

Manual Review


Do not permit liquidators the flexibility to control the number of borrow shares burned, instead, compute these as a function of the assets taken from the position.

cawfree commented 1 month ago


Deduplication from #122, #162 and #416 is requested as these are unrelated to the liquidator's ability to control the number of borrow shares that remain after liquidation; these instead deal with oracle price evaluation/arbitrage/sandwiching.

In this finding, we can assume the oracle's valuation of a position to be rational and not manipulated - the liquidator still has the capability to burn borrow share assets disproportionately to the capital that was taken.

sherlock-admin3 commented 1 month ago


Deduplication from #122, #162 and #416 is requested as these are unrelated to the liquidator's ability to control the number of borrow shares that remain after liquidation; these instead deal with oracle price evaluation/arbitrage/sandwiching.

In this finding, we can assume the oracle's valuation of a position to be rational and not manipulated - the liquidator still has the capability to burn borrow share assets disproportionately to the capital that was taken.

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NicolaMirchev commented 1 month ago


This is not an issue. In borrowing/lending systems the only requirement when liquidating is to return the position into healthy state. It is system design to decide whether it is mandatory to repay all the debt, half of it, or something else.

sherlock-admin3 commented 1 month ago


This is not an issue. In borrowing/lending systems the only requirement when liquidating is to return the position into healthy state. It is system design to decide whether it is mandatory to repay all the debt, half of it, or something else.

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10xhash commented 1 month ago


This is not an issue. In borrowing/lending systems the only requirement when liquidating is to return the position into healthy state. It is system design to decide whether it is mandatory to repay all the debt, half of it, or something else.

Additionally here the fair case being mentioned is the one in which liquidator is suffering losses himself ie. taking only 10000000000000000 but repaying the entire debt of the user which is valued around 50 times more (500000000000000000) and there is no unfair value extraction taking place

cawfree commented 1 month ago


Agreed, however the user's assets are completely liquidated in the provided example; the positions is left to grow unhealthy even though all outstanding borrows have been repaid.


Precisely, this allows liquidators to speculate on the value accrual from outstanding undue losses; this position is brought back to a healthy state (one that should result in zero outstanding borrows) but is instead allowed to continue to suffer losses.

It is incorrect that liquidators should have the ability to force a position into accruing further losses after already fully liquidating them.

The position can be forced into increasingly bad debt when there is no more debt remaining, which is obviously a valid issue.

0x3b33 commented 1 month ago

To add to cawfree first comment, yes X-12's 162 is not related to this one and needs to be taken in it's own. I didn't create an escalation because I forgot he already did and I didn't want to spam.

ruvaag commented 1 month ago

"position left to grow unhealthy" seems like a roundabout way to say "liquidate part of a position" which is what should occur in a partial liquidation

i don't think this issue should be valid if issues like #191 are valid (and imo 191 is valid and we intend to fix liquidations such that partial liquidations work as expected)

cvetanovv commented 1 month ago

I agree with the escalation that this is a design decision, and we have no issue.

Also, I agree that #162 differs from this issue but has the same root cause, the risk of high TVL(#102), which is the same one Watson wrote, so I won't duplicate it.

Planning to accept @NicolaMirchev escalation and invalidate the issue.

WangSecurity commented 1 month ago

Result: Invalid Has duplicates

sherlock-admin3 commented 1 month ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status: